Going across the USA on my motorcycle

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Man...I wish I woulda known you were here last night. The Balloon Fiesta is in full swing, and it really is a sight to see. There is plenty to drink and see. Coulda boosted up that kiss count.

Some pics from today:

Today we went to a Yamaha dealer in Albuquerque. I needed a new front tire badly. See for yourself:


That's the stock Metzeler tire that came with the bike too. Not bad, considering I racked up 12,830 miles on that tire before I had to replace it.

After that, we saw a Garcia's Kitchen next door:


Where I had a really really good chicharron burrito with green chile sauce. OMG so good!


We headed west and saw some cool rock formations:



We stopped for gas somewhere in Arizona and we saw this T-Rex in the middle of nowhere, and thought it was kinda neat:


Saw some more cool rocks:



And a nice sunset to end the day:


The ride from NM into AZ was super windy. There were strong sustained winds coming from the south and even stronger gusts. That's the first time I've ridden in windy weather and it was kinda tiring.

We rolled into Flagstaff and we're staying here the night. About to grab a beer or two, or three in a bit.

We're off to Las Vegas, NV tomorrow morning.

Stay tuned...


Some pics from today:

We left Flagstaff, AZ today and headed for Nevada.

Saw some cool rock formations along the way;



We reached Hoover Dam at the border of AZ and NV. It was a pretty amazing sight:




We then worked our way down the dam:



Saw a new bridge they're working on:


Then we hit the Nevada side:


Lake Mead:


We rode for 20 more miles then hit fabulous Las Vegas, NV. We're spending the night here before the ride home tomorrow.

Wish me luck. Imma hit the blackjack tables later :)

To be continued...


Sitting here this morning drinking my coffee and I realize your trip will be over soon. I think I speak for everyone when I say it's been a fun for us too. Really enjoyed reading your daily log and pictures. There are others here that have made trips like yours. Probably not one of us who wouldn't like to pack up throw a leg over the FJR and head out on a trip coast to coast again. Thanks for the great read. Maybe we can return the favor some day. ;)



Nobody will ever be able to forget how much fun your adventure has been. For you (obviously) and for those of us that followed along from home. Man, you have escalated yourself to FJRForum legendary status in a matter of days!!

Make sure you get a pic of your photographer riding buddy and thank him for documenting your smiling face across the USA and back.

Man...I wish I woulda known you were here last night. The Balloon Fiesta is in full swing, and it really is a sight to see. There is plenty to drink and see. Coulda boosted up that kiss count.

Hey Hotrod!

On my 2 weeks in Albuquerque I saw a bunch of balloons while sitting on the front porch (the smoking area) of the Holiday Inn at the Airport.

What a site! Got great pics. Too bad about those people in the one that caught fire the other day. At least they were doing something that they loved.

IB you are the envy of many of us for having made your ride across the country and back. As someone else mentioned you and your partner will be a legend of this forum for sometime to come. Being an Okie I cannot believe you rode as far as you did before finding the winds we think are so common. We ride in winds a lot here as they do in Texas. That is why we are building all those wind generators in western OK.

We will all be sorry when you get home as it has been a great trip. I must admit if I had eaten like you guys I would have to go on a serious diet when I got home as I am sure I would have gained 10 lbs. Thanks again for the great ride.

How about some stats and recap on the trip.

Number of states?

Number of miles?

Number of beers drunk?

Number of girls kissed?

Number of chicken wings devoured?

Number of LBS gained on trip?

Number of Rolaids taken?

Number of rolls of toliet paper used?

Any other stat you want to include.....etc

How about some stats and recap on the trip.
Number of states?

Number of miles?

Number of beers drunk?

Number of girls kissed?

Number of chicken wings devoured?

Number of LBS gained on trip?

Number of Rolaids taken?

Number of rolls of toliet paper used?

Any other stat you want to include.....etc

Number of tires?

How about some stats and recap on the trip.
Number of states?

Number of miles?

Number of beers drunk?

Number of girls kissed?

Number of chicken wings devoured?

Number of LBS gained on trip?

Number of Rolaids taken?

Number of rolls of toliet paper used?

Any other stat you want to include.....etc

Number of Callouses on your butts?

Number of underwear you had to toss?

Number of 99 bottles of beer on the wall sung?

Number of "ARE WE THERE YET"?

Oops! Got carried away! Sorry?!?! :dribble:

How about some stats and recap on the trip.
Number of states?

Number of miles?

Number of beers drunk?

Number of girls kissed?

Number of chicken wings devoured?

Number of LBS gained on trip?

Number of Rolaids taken?

Number of rolls of toliet paper used?

Any other stat you want to include.....etc

Number of Callouses on your butts?

Number of underwear you had to toss?

Number of 99 bottles of beer on the wall sung?

Number of "ARE WE THERE YET"?

Oops! Got carried away! Sorry?!?! :dribble:
Best two-laner travelled?

Some pics from today:
Today we went to a Yamaha dealer in Albuquerque. I needed a new front tire badly. See for yourself:


That's the stock Metzeler tire that came with the bike too. Not bad, considering I racked up 12,830 miles on that tire before I had to replace it.

After that, we saw a Garcia's Kitchen next door:


Where I had a really really good chicharron burrito with green chile sauce. OMG so good!


We headed west and saw some cool rock formations:



We stopped for gas somewhere in Arizona and we saw this T-Rex in the middle of nowhere, and thought it was kinda neat:


Saw some more cool rocks:



And a nice sunset to end the day:


The ride from NM into AZ was super windy. There were strong sustained winds coming from the south and even stronger gusts. That's the first time I've ridden in windy weather and it was kinda tiring.

We rolled into Flagstaff and we're staying here the night. About to grab a beer or two, or three in a bit.

We're off to Las Vegas, NV tomorrow morning.

Stay tuned...



Is this the end of the tale? I'm so bummed if it is. Your reports were so entertaining to so many of us.

Is there more beyond Vegas?

I've been off the grid for about a week so maybe I just need to be directed to a new area.



Sorry for the late update, but here is the last set of pics:

We made it to Las Vegas:


That night we ate at this awesome Italian restaurant called Battista's. I was in the mood for spaghetti, of all things:


The next day, we packed and loaded the bikes for the last time and headed back to Cali:


But before we went home, we had to get a last meal in there. We stopped at this restaurant in Barstow, CA called Idle Spurs that some friends of ours recommended:


Great food :)


We were in SoCal before we knew it :(

Awesome end to an awesome trip:



Some stats and recap on the trip:

Number of states: 18 states, not including CA of course. And 1 other country... Canada LOL

Number of miles? 7565 miles total

Total cost of trip? I spent roughly $3500 for the entire trip. That's gas, lodging, food, pocket money, and misc. expenses. The cost means nothing to me. The experience and the memories are priceless :D

Number of tires? Had to get 1 front tire on the way back.

Number of beers drunk? 100+

Number of girls kissed? 20-ish

Number of chicken wings devoured? 25-30

Number of LBS gained on trip? I think 10lbs

Number of Rolaids taken? None.

Number of rolls of toliet paper used? Lost count, LOL

Number of callouses on your butts? None, the Bill Mayer seat helped a lot. That and regular breaks.

Number of underwear you had to toss? None. We did laundry in Buffalo, NY so we had clean ones the rest of the way.

Number of 99 bottles of beer on the wall sung? Too busy listening to my iPod

Number of "ARE WE THERE YET"? None. Too busy admiring the scenery.

Best two-laner travelled? US 129 aka Tail of the Dragon.


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