Going across the USA on my motorcycle

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I've been enjoying your thread. Looks like your weekend should have beautiful weather in this part of the country. You might consider a jog over to Gettysburg and then some Skyline Drive/Blue Ridge Parkway, or the other way toward the ocean.


Great watching you guys in your travels. Better have that cholesterol checked when you get back! :yahoo:

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Great posts. You guys look like you're having a ball. Well, except at the laundramat. ;)

But... what's this? It looks like you'll be bypassing the most scenic states in the whole country ('specially this time of year) and will not even enter into New England!! You were oh, so close.

Blasphemy, I say.

Whatever you do, don't listen to those Upstate wanna-bees. New York (even the pretty Adirondacs) is not part of New England. :glare:

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Some pics from the last couple days and today:

Before we left Philly, we stopped for gas and I saw this really cool car. They were working on it and when they started it, it was LOUD as f*ck. Sounded mean though :)



We were hungry so we had lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant in Philly. I had beef noodle soup (Pho), and it was pretty damn good:


We hit Delaware in no time:


Then my buddy had a minor issues with his bike. We had to stop somewhere in Delaware and buy a switch for his bike. Here he is fixing it:


We cruised thru DE and made it to Maryland:


Then into Virginia:


I took this pic while in a tunnel and thought it looked kinda cool, even though it's blurry:


Then we hung out in Virginia Beach, VA:



Today we left VA beach and started heading down to North Carolina. On our way, I spotted this bar/diner with a whole buncha bikes parked out front. We decided to stop for lunch and a couple of brews:


I met this really cool dude named Everett who rode a bitchin' pearl white Harley FatBoy:


Riding thru Virginia was quite relaxing. We took a secondary road and for the most part, we were surrounded by trees:


Then we made it to North Carolina:


We made it all the way down to Charlotte but it was pretty late when we got here. We were kinda hungry and while riding around we saw this placed called "Bojangles" and since both of us has never been there, we had some greasy fried chikkin:


Tomorrow morning we're headed to Deals Gap, NC for the Tail of the Dragon. We're gonna get started pretty early so we're just chillin at the motel for tonight.

More updates to come :)


Coast to Coast!!

I am Soooooooo Jealous!

You guys are my NEW HEROS!

You will have these memories and bore the crap out your grand children with them.

I'm with you guys. Rock On!!!

Coast to Coast!!
I am Soooooooo Jealous!

You guys are my NEW HEROS!

You will have these memories and bore the crap out your grand children with them.

I'm with you guys. Rock On!!!
Yeah, it was my first time seeing the Atlantic Ocean. I think I like the Pacific better ;)


Awesome - keep it coming! I am trying to find a buddy to go with me on a trip too. All my buddies make are making excuses right now.
One day......
Just a FYI Johnny,I've made so many trips back and forth across,and up and down America,I can't even remember the count(over a dozen).One time I took 10 months to get from Va. to Colo.(carrying my parachute gear from one drop-zone to the other).The point is you can ride solo and never think about it,when you make stops talk to people,you'll find friends everywhere it's really a nice experience.Just get a good tow plan.

This is a great thread.Keep the shots coming.Glad to hear you are finally getting into a mountain run,enjoy...

Coast to Coast!!
I am Soooooooo Jealous!

You guys are my NEW HEROS!

You will have these memories and bore the crap out your grand children with them.

I'm with you guys. Rock On!!!
Yeah, it was my first time seeing the Atlantic Ocean. I think I like the Pacific better ;)


I've traveled all over the world in my career in Aviation and 8 years in the U.S. Navy.

I've lived on the Atlantic Coast my whole life. But, I agree, I like the Pacific Coast better too!!

There is something about the West Coast life style that I like alot! But, my roots are deep here.

Good thing is, 5 hours on American Airlines and I am dipping my toes in the water at Venis Beach anytime I want!

Good Bless this Country!!!!!!

Man you made it to Charlotte quick. It would have taken me a week to get from Virgina Beach to the Deals Gap area. Heck, I wouldn't even go near Charlotte, NC. Much better to come across on 19E or something. Maybe 64 into Tn? Lots of great riding in NC, HWY 181, 221, 80..... and so much more. If you hit Snow Bird Lane in Robinsville check out the Overnighter Inn, I stay there when I come through. They only have two rooms though, its a great base of operations when riding in the area. I've spent a week in Robbinsville before, lots of riding adventures in the area. Marion works for a stop over, then you can run up 80 to the Blue Ridge and head west through Magie Valley etc....

So, are you finally off of the beaten path?

Do yourself a service & ride down the Blue Ridge Parkway to the southern end if you are headed to the Gap. The Parkway is more lovely than usual this time of the year.

Also, while down there try looking into riding the Cherohala Skyway. Now, that is my kind of road! :)

Rte 28 is the kitty's titties.

Edited to add: your picture of the inside of the tunnel. Is that the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel by chance? Is so, you were lucky & apparently didn't hit the traffic that usually accompanies it.

You guys have fun & be safe, Heidi

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Some new pics:

We left Charlotte and headed towards Deal's Gap, NC.

We hit S. Carolina for a bit:


While going thru there, I saw a gigantic peach:


After going thru some backroads, we finally found it!



We proceeded to tame the Dragon with all our gear still strapped on the bikes (thats me on the right):


That was one of the best roads for motorcycling EVAR

We crossed into Tennesee during the 11-mile stretch:


Saw some really cool scenery too:


We got back to the lodge and I saw the infamous "Tree of Shame"


We stayed at the lodge for the night and there was nothing but motorcycle dudes staying there, it was kinda cool:


The next morning, we decided to ride the other famous road, the Cherohala Skyway aka "Mile High Legend". The ride was great, and I saw some cool stuff there too:





After that, we headed west. We ended up in some small town called Jackson, TN.

I had a good time here :)


This sign was great btw. Wish we had 'em in SoCal


More updates to come


Glad you guys hit the Cherohala Skyway. While the Dragon is fun and a beautiful riding going and leaving it; I think the Cherohala Skyway is the kind of road the FJR was built for. There is also the Natchez Trace as you head west again.

jackson is only about an hour and a half from me. the drive from jackson to memphis is one of the most boring rides you will have
