Going to the Dark Side

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Wish you had taken mine for a spin at White Stag...

Hopefully next time you will :clapping:
That would be a sight to see. SkooterG has had several opportunities to demo ride a Darkside FJR, and hasn't had the stones to do it. He just likes to talk trash from the side lines. ;) Not that a short ride will acclimate you to it, but at least he'd have an idea of how it really feels.


(Really this thread has been diamonds all along, but...)

ETA: Ah, yes, bbcodes.

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WTFO, how the hell could something that flat EVER tip over? :p
Don't laugh Don,

I am practicing coming to a complete feet up, all forward motion stop...

...then going on my merry way at stop signs.

Perhaps we Darksiders need to do some maneuvers at the next WFO.

OK, but can ya park it without using the kickstand?

Motorcycle tires are built for specific reasons. You know that m/c tires have evolved the way they have for a REASON! I'M NOT GOING TO YOUR FUNERAL. YOU ARE THE REASON WHY INSURANCE PRICES ARE SO HIGH. please listen to reason put m/c tires back on your MOTORCYCLE! At least try to prolong your stay on earth. Good luck...god bless you.

The are made to make the mc tire makers a lot of money by wearing out too soon
Spook, after reading the elegant simplicity of this post, I am declaring you to be a certified genius.


darksider #44
Do you have more to add or do you think I am wrong???

Motorcycle tires are built for specific reasons. You know that m/c tires have evolved the way they have for a REASON! I'M NOT GOING TO YOUR FUNERAL. YOU ARE THE REASON WHY INSURANCE PRICES ARE SO HIGH. please listen to reason put m/c tires back on your MOTORCYCLE! At least try to prolong your stay on earth. Good luck...god bless you.

The are made to make the mc tire makers a lot of money by wearing out too soon
Spook, after reading the elegant simplicity of this post, I am declaring you to be a certified genius.


darksider #44
Do you have more to add or do you think I am wrong???
You Are right!!

How elegant and simple is that?

(They wouldn't be much of a business if they weren't in it to make money)

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WTFO, how the hell could something that flat EVER tip over? :p
Don't laugh Don,

I am practicing coming to a complete feet up, all forward motion stop...

...then going on my merry way at stop signs.

Perhaps we Darksiders need to do some maneuvers at the next WFO.

OK, but can ya park it without using the kickstand?

Yea, that's easy. It usually isn't still standing when we come back to it.

OK, just came upon this thread as a newbie. Being a post Yamaha RSWarrior owner I've read the pros vs cons on this "darkside" BS on RSWarrior.com. All I can say is, "What a bunch of cheap bastards!" that would actually put a car tire on a sport bike. If you can't afford the real FJR/motorcycle tire, then don't buy the bike. I just hope no one finds themselves waking up in a ditch after you spun your rear tire through a corner. :angry2:
Take a chill pill dude and post again when you have something worth while to say. Please tell us prey tell just how the ct in the rear will spin the rear tire through the corner.

OK, just came upon this thread as a newbie. Being a post Yamaha RSWarrior owner I've read the pros vs cons on this "darkside" BS on RSWarrior.com. All I can say is, "What a bunch of cheap bastards!" that would actually put a car tire on a sport bike. If you can't afford the real FJR/motorcycle tire, then don't buy the bike. I just hope no one finds themselves waking up in a ditch after you spun your rear tire through a corner. :angry2:
Take a chill pill dude and post again when you have something worth while to say. Please tell us prey tell just how the ct in the rear will spin the rear tire through the corner.
He's assuming the CT will provide less traction because of its shape/profile. Either he hasn't read the thread or he hasn't absorbed what he's read. Or he's trolling. Or any combination of these.

Since darksiders are too cheap to buy/replace MT tires, it only makes sense that we could save some extra money on slider replacement as well. Instead of sliders, I was thinking about mounting skate wheels. Should make darkside cornering a lot more interesting. I can't wait to try 'em out.

On a more serious note, In the month before I went to the darkside, I was experimenting with the cornering traction of my factory Metzler. Several times when making a left on to the highway I twisted the throttle pretty good getting up to about 40. In the process, I pushed it to the point where the rear end was stepping out with the combination of cornering and acceleration. However, once I put the Exalto on, I've noticed that the rear end doesn't step out NEARLY as easily. Could it be possible that the Exalto has better cornering traction than the factory Metzler? One possibility: the Metzler was 6 years old and maybe didn't have the best traction... I bought my 05 with 3800 miles in Aug of 2010. Another possibility: the bike doesn't accelerate quite as hard with the extra 10 pounds of rubber on the rear wheel. Or - maybe it's just me. The only opinion I can offer is mine. Could it be possible that the Exalto has better cornering grip under acceleration than a MT??? Anybody else notice this?


darksider #44

I would say that it does have more grip than the Metzler. If your rubber was that old, it's going to have hardened.

(He said "hardened" and "rubber" in the same sentence. Heh. heh.)

I was riding up in the mountains on US421 near Boone NC with three of my riding friends. It was October and raining. Not a good day for riding but we were heading back to FL during a week on the BRP. I was following a Darkside Goldwing and my wife on her VFR and a friend on his BMW were behind me. At the time I had a Yokohama Advan plus 4 mounted on my FJR. We actually had to slow down so the VFR and BMW could keep up. My front wheel slipped out twice but my rear Yoke never did. After the ride we had to go to a car wash because the entire rear of my FJR, tag, top case, and bags and the Goldwing were both covered with 1/4" pieces of leaf mulch. The CT just chewed up the leaves on the road. No slippage at all. Needless to say that after that ride my confidance in a CT is 100%. Which is also why I am on my second CT with a total of 32,000+ miles Darksiding. My only regret is that I did not do it sooner.

What I have noticed is better traction with the CT in any kind of marginal conditions. Debris on the road, water, sand, full on gravel/dirt roads, etc. I've not pushed so hard on dry, clean pavement that I got either a CT or MT to start sliding out. Not my style and not a place I'd prefer to go. Just me on that. My suspicion is that the MT, in optimal conditions and at high lean angles is superior to the CT. Simply one of the reasons I try and suggest that those that love the twisties may not be candidates for the CT. The other primary one being quicker, smoother, effortless transitions with the MT.

The CT isn't bad, and for my riding I'm totally happy with it, but I'm never going to tell people that you don't lose that wonderful, thought controlled like, transitions when on new MTs. The CT just takes a tad more effort. Discussed many times in this thread, of course. :lol:

Heck, between the CT, a fuel cell with all that extremely explosive gasoline in it, GPS units to distract me, and aux lighting that is sure to short circuit something, it is amazing I haven't blown up, crashed, and fried myself.

Did my firs spring ride last week end wit a CT. lots of sand and such stil on the road especially in curves so had to be careful but it felt to me the the CT is more stable in these conditions.
