Going to the Dark Side

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Wheelie? Uhhh, what's that? You sure yer on the right forum?

Seriously though, if you'd actually read this dark side thread, you'd have come across this entry...


... that I made about three years ago.

You said conservative? NOT. I ride an FJR: so much for conservative. As far as I know, it's the fastest bike on the planet that sports a driveshaft, a serious fairing, ABS, and solid reliability. If those 5 areas didn't matter, I'd be riding a Wing-a-bego (touring) or a VMAX (horsepower), a Connie (missing the reliability) or a Gixxer (missing 3 outa 5)

Bottom line? As I've said before, now I don't have to worry every time I think about twisting the throttle... that I'm chewing precious rubber off my rear tire. At the moment, I've got 32k on my Exalto, and it's still going strong. Wheelies? Yeah, we've all done a few. I can't speak for everybody, but for me, it's always an accident. The front end comes up just about every time I grab too much throttle in first. But I don't always know for sure when it comes up, because when I even think it's coming up, I back off the throttle a bit. Like I said, it's not intentional. The FJR's long wheel base makes it difficult to bring the front end up, which is fine with me. That's the last thing I want, with police sitting on every corner around here. But when it does "come up," it's a long, slow, predictable thing... and very easy to regulate with the throttle, FWIW.


darksider #44

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More like tried not to.. The added traction had me trying to sit on the tank, without sucess I might add, trying to keep the front tire planted.

Hey All,I KNOW nobody who has installed a CT would ever dream of trying to do a wheelie, it goes against all the conservative, logical reasons for putting it on in the first place, BUT has anyone tried?
So what prompts you to ask the question?

The CT does not affect the ability to wheelie. Kinda sounds like someone asked you about it or made some comment.

I'm not a fan of one wheel travel on a motorcycle. Serves no purpose, IMHO.

In theory, a lot more rubber on the road, less slippage. But who cares........ Smoother accel from stopped = less rear tire wear. Wheelies are for hot dogs and those who think they can add an inch to their penis.

My future plans involve putting about 25k miles on the FJR in about 8 month later next year so I am doing my research now. Will be slabbing it a couple times a month from Oklahoma to Mobile and back on the weekend. Not wanting to go thru 3-8 back tires that quick

Yip, been following this thread for several years. I have never been a naysayer , just following and gathering data. I have already manufactured my brake arm, have a good idea of what to expect from all the others that have gone before me. My olny hesitation this far is that I teach Motorcycle safety courses and use my FJR as the demo bike, Just dont want to answer a bunch of questions about the tire. I have lookd for a forst gen abs rear wheel to mount a tire and swap out, but havent came across a good enough deal yet. Will just use my other coaches R1 for future classes next year whil I am commuting 1500 miles on the weekends a couple times a month.

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Candyman, good plan... you don't need to be answering all those questions in a class environment, most won't get it. However, one-up run 30 psi rear. Up the front to 42 minimum to keep the heat build-up down and you'll squeeze another 1000 out of it, maybe a bit more. Or find an old steel wheel off one of them old John Deere's and cover it with conveyor belting........ back off the preload and damping on the front end...... OK never mind................

Nothing on these pages in over a month? What's the deal with that? Didn't Santa bring anybody a REAL tire for Christmas? Anyway, I'm just about ready to change out my near bald PR 3 on the front tire for a new PR 2. Not really happy with my journey to the "3" side. I'm sure my particular tire was a factory lemon, but it shook the handlebars from the first day I put it on. Had it rebalanced only to find that there was no improvement. It only got worse as the miles piled on. I know this isn't normal for this tire, but I'm feeling a little gun shy about the PR 3. I'm going back to the PR 2 on the front. They were cheaper anyway: it's hard to argue with 118 bucks. But here's the really good news: My REAR tire has outlasted both of them. I put it on when the bike only had 6k miles on it, same time as my original PR 2. When that wore out, it was replaced with a PR 3. Now that it's worn out as well, it's time for another new front tire. I got 32k miles out of those two tires, which is actually quite good. But the Michelin Pilot Exalto is still going strong. As dad used to say, "How 'bout them apples?"


darkdsider #44

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Ya'll are going to die riding them dere Tyres! https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/****.gif

Hugs n' Kisses
Maybe, but It'll be a few months before I get a chance to.

I just got back from the PNW. 12 days without a motorcycle ride and I'm ready! (That's about the limit of my PMS.)

Tomorrow I'll go out and try to wear a little more tread off the rear PR2. Maybe I can mount the Yoko before spring....

30k on my Exalto currently. I expect to hit the wear bars before too long. Not that I will change it out right away....

So I expect to hit at least 35k. Not too shabby.

I may try RadioHowie's Michelin Pilot Sport for the next go around.

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30k on my Exalto currently. I expect to hit the wear bars before too long. Not that I will change it out right away....
So I expect to hit at least 35k. Not too shabby.

I may try RadioHowie's Michelin Pilot Sport for the next go around.

30k on my Exalto currently. I expect to hit the wear bars before too long. Not that I will change it out right away....

So I expect to hit at least 35k. Not too shabby.

I may try RadioHowie's Michelin Pilot Sport for the next go around.
Skoot, you're stuttering.

Thinking about the upcoming riding season and the things I need to do to the bike before the riding begins. On that list is my rear tire and whether or not to remount my Mich PS or just buy a new one. The CT I currently have has about 32K on it and looks like it'll last another 10K or so. The problem is is due to certain circumstances I have had to remove and remount that tire 3 times, and each time I put it on it gets easier. So, is it possible the bead is stretching so much that it would become unsafe to put it on again? Or is there nothing to worry about?

The problem is is due to certain circumstances I have had to remove and remount that tire 3 times, and each time I put it on it gets easier. So, is it possible the bead is stretching so much that it would become unsafe to put it on again? Or is there nothing to worry about?
I don't have any data on that aspect. I never mounted the tire more than once. Off hand, I wouldn't really think it should be a problem. CTs are mounted and unmounted many times on car wheels, depending on the life issues of the tire. I've never heard of an issue with that. The beads are steel reinforced, so shouldn't really break down. If you see obvious damage, well, that would sure make a difference!

Inspect the inside of the tire for any indications that it's breaking down or cracking before you put it back on.

BTW, what circumstances have you removing and re-mounting the CT? Perhaps you are a candidate for a second rear wheel, if you can find one at a reasonable price.

BTW, what circumstances have you removing and re-mounting the CT? Perhaps you are a candidate for a second rear wheel, if you can find one at a reasonable price.
First time was when I was having an insurance adjuster coming to look at the bike after I had lowsided. I just didn't feel like trying to convince to him that the CT had nothing to do with me going down (it was the gremlins). Immediately remounted the tire after spending the winter putting the bike together.

Second time came soon after remounting when I found out that I probably wouldn't be allowed to run the CT at a Lee Parks course (thanks Scooter). Would have been a little frustrating to have spent the money and time to go out there only to be told I couldn't participate. Re-mounted the tire once again shortly after the course. As I said, each time it gets easier.

Finally I took it off the third time just before the last CFO gathering. Since my get-off I had a tough time regaining my confidence in the twisties, last summer, and so decided to hedge my bets and ride with a BT in Wisc.

I should spend more time looking for a 2nd wheel, but what I have come across so far is just out of my price range. Either way, I'll need to get a CT back on Old Yeller for the start of the season what with a couple of rallies on the docket and all.
