Going to the Dark Side

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Well, I'm in.

I finally got impatient waiting to hit the wear bars on the old PR2, so today I yanked the rear wheel off and and took it and the Yoko (that's been sitting in my garage for months) down to the local motorcycle shop for mounting.

Sure looks good on there, and I think the Hondapotamus is jealous. The CT on the Wing is a 195/55 and the FJR is a 205/50.

Now girls... Don't argue.

I'll post up a photo in a bit and a ride report after I scrub it in.

Number, please.

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@bgross - Welcome to the Darkside, (bout time), you have been entered in the FAQ as Darksider #73. You may or may not be notified when the next initiation event is held. A lot depends on the size of the graduating class of the Jenny McCarthy School of Chrome Removal.

@bgross - Welcome to the Darkside, (bout time), you have been entered in the FAQ as Darksider #73. You may or may not be notified when the next initiation event is held. A lot depends on the size of the graduating class of the Jenny McCarthy School of Chrome Removal.
Thanks, Eric. I'll try not to embarrass the group with any Imaginary Flat Tire stories!

Whale poop.

The day they taught reading in school, the Short Bus ran out of gas and Otto took us to the zoo.

Somehow I missed any discussion of the Kickstand clearance issues with the 205/50.

I popped Lucille off the center stand and rolled her back into the driveway in preparation for a test ride.

As I was admiring yesterday's work, I noticed that the kick stand's left foot was clearing the tire's sidewall by about 1/8" and on the right the foot was actually touching a bit.

After beating in the inner flanges for an hour and bending them up & away, I'm off to the hardware store to buy a grinding wheel - and maybe a bigger hammer!

If that doesn't work I'll try cursing in 3 languages and then ask for suggestions.



Hard to believe that it's been nearly 10 months since the day we stood in front of your house and you were asking me what I thought about the CT on my FJR. Man, I was a LONG way from home that day. Anyway, congratulations, and welcome to the darkside... again. Once ya get enough miles under your belt to test it out, let us know what cha think?

You were talking about clearance issues with your center stand. I remember checking that out when I first installed mine. The Exalto was close, but it cleared. I had an issue with a couple spots on edges of the plastic fender. It was rubbing when I had a passenger on board. Not for long though. I discovered that I had a couple of plastic rivets missing here and there, and once I installed some new ones, everything was fine. Good luck to ya Brett.


darksider #44

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Whale poop. The day they taught reading in school, the Short Bus ran out of gas and Otto took us to the zoo. Somehow I missed any discussion of the Kickstand clearance issues with the 205/50. I popped Lucille off the center stand and rolled her back into the driveway in preparation for a test ride. As I was admiring yesterday's work, I noticed that the kick stand's left foot was clearing the tire's sidewall by about 1/8" and on the right the foot was actually touching a bit. After beating in the inner flanges for an hour and bending them up & away, I'm off to the hardware store to buy a grinding wheel - and maybe a bigger hammer! If that doesn't work I'll try cursing in 3 languages and then ask for suggestions. Grrrr.
Sorry to hear about the need to clearance the center stand feet. This is not always an issue, and I didn't need to do it on mine, but it does come up now and then.

Some folks just use a hand file, others a dremel tool with a cutting wheel. Just depends on what you have access to. I'd probably use a right angle grinder with a carborundum blade. 'Cause I'm lazy and have that and the other two tools handy. What ever you do, hit it with a little black paint from the spray can so it doesn't rust!

Thanks for the suggestions, Eric.

I bought a package of cutting wheels and used my corded drill to remove the foot back to the tube. That gives about 1/4 - 3/8 clearance on each side. Then I filed all the edges smooth.

Tomorrow I'll hit it with the paint and go for a ride!

Road Test Report:

First, for those who haven't heard my confession:

I'm not a complete noob to the Darkside - my Hondapotamus is on it's second Short Bus Tire.

That Barge is so heavy ("how heavy is she?") that her best friend's name is Gravity! When you want to fall into a turn, the ghost of Sir Isaac Newton yells "timber!" And everybody runs for cover.

Slap a car tire on the Wingabago and it just takes a bit more counter steering pressure than usual to tip her.

Lucille is a dancer. Not a dancer like Melissa McCarthy, a dancer like Joey Heatherton. Compared to Her Immenseness, she's so light on her feet that you acquire a light touch in guiding her. You can trim her sails with your feet; finesse a lane change with your thighs.

Okay? So I backed down the driveway for the Maiden Darkside Voyage, duck walked her past the apron & gutter pan and prepared to lean her left and turn down the street.

I was not sufficiently prepared.

My usual 'hint' at a left lean fell upon deaf ears.

Lucille, baby, I know that you were disappointed that I took Rose to New Mexico last week. But we're here... now. Let's PLAY!

I tried moving from a 'hint' to a 'nudge'. Nothing.

I am so used to just a bit of counter steer and some throttle... boy am I glad that I waited on the throttle!

Finally I actually TURNED THE WHEEL and we turned - with as much lean angle as a tricycle.

What do you mean you have a headache? Not in the mood?! You feel bloated?

So we headed for the freeway. Did a few lane changes, which required considerably more handlebar input that I've become accustomed to on the FJR.

Got off and found a frontage road with no vehicles, and proceeded to play slalom with the little Braille thingies.

After about a mile of that, we got back on the freeway, headed for 'long way home' over the hill and through some curves.

By the time we turned into the driveway, we'd come to an understanding: it I'm going to take away her tap-dancing shoes and make her wear combat boots, we are not going to be ready for Dancing With The Stars without a WHOLE LOT more practice.

Maybe hit Ortega Highway tomorrow morning while everyone is in church?

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You should repo your bike Don. I can't believe all he did was pay for her and suddenly he thinks he can do whatever he wants to her. I call ******** and say we rescue her from his hateful shenanigans.

You should repo your bike Don. I can't believe all he did was pay for her and suddenly he thinks he can do whatever he wants to her. I call ******** and say we rescue her from his hateful shenanigans.

Yo AJ get here as quick as you can, we'll jump in my Jeep and head to The Land of Fruits and Nuts to liberate my Miss Lucy Liu! Damned Darksider Weirdos!

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You should repo your bike Don. I can't believe all he did was pay for her and suddenly he thinks he can do whatever he wants to her. I call ******** and say we rescue her from his hateful shenanigans.

Yo AJ get here as quick as you can, we'll jump in my Jeep and head to The Land of Fruits and Nuts to liberate my Miss Lucy Liu! Damned Darksider Weirdos!
Oh, this is too easy:


You should repo your bike Don. I can't believe all he did was pay for her and suddenly he thinks he can do whatever he wants to her. I call ******** and say we rescue her from his hateful shenanigans.
Yo AJ get here as quick as you can, we'll jump in my Jeep and head to The Land of Fruits and Nuts to liberate my Miss Lucy Liu! Damned Darksider Weirdos!
Oh, this is too easy:

μολὼν λαβέ jes' sayin' and nuff said!

Latin and Greek, respectively: "Come and take"
Not to put to fine a point on it, but both Greek.

First in UPPER CASE ( aka "Internet shouting") and then in lower case.

I'm no Spartan, and I wouldn't accuse a proud Irishman of being Persian - or anything else!
