Going to the Dark Side

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I wish someone would start a discussion about how unsafe running a CT is and how real riders would never run a CT. Those are entertaining.

I wish someone would start a discussion about how unsafe running a CT is and how real riders would never run a CT. Those are entertaining.
Do a search, there is a thread just for that! it lasted about 13 posts, IIRC.
I think I killed it by agreeing with their comments and saying it wasn't for everyone...

Now where is the fun in that? Although, I must admit that now that I have about 3500 miles on my GMax I have been killed seven times.

Five days huh, just a stroll in the park.

Isn't it nice to still have lots of rubber back there after a leisurely ride like that ?

Eric, thank you for instigating this insanity !



April last year, at 24,000 miles, my CT stopped holding air for some reason. It would hold enough air for a day or two, and then it got to where I'd have to check it a couple of times a day. it had been plugged two or three times, but none of the plugs bubbled soapy water, I spritzed around the bead and found the leak.

No clue why, after 4 years, it would start leaking at the bead, but it did, so I removed it. Found a tear in the rubber at that point, again, no clue how it tore under the rim. Wear bars were getting close to the surface but not there yet. The tire had at least 5K left on it, maybe 6 or 7.

My brother had some discards in my shed, and I mounted one of those as i was in an "emergency" replacement need. I went un-Dark for a while. I was ran that one down to the steel last week. A whole year out of it, but not a lot of miles, as my bike was disassembled for half of the year as I gathered transmission parts, split the case and fixed that issue. That tire only got 3200 miles, but like I said, it was a used discard, and it went farther than I expected.

Looked on Tire Rack earlier this week, found the same Dunlop Direzza DZ101 that I used previously now on closeout for 77 bucks. Shut up and take my money! Had the tire two days after placing the order, and mounted it last night, with soapy water and a set of these. It went on much easier than I expected, and the hard part was getting the old tire off. I broke the bead by using furniture clamps to squish it as far as I could, then while so squished, I jacked up the front wheel of my car and set the wheel under it (supported with wood blocks) and let the car down on the sidewall of the squished tire. I took me about 2-1/2 hours from up on centerstand to rolling off.

Yes, a tire changer would be nice to have, but I don't have room for one, nor can I justify the cost of it, for a front tire every year or so.

So with hand tools and slippery liquid I have returned to the Dark Side!

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Understand not having room for a tire changer and/or not wanting to spend the money. I suggest you look for three or four buddies that will go in on buying one. No Mars will mount on a receiver on the back of a pick-up. Just make sure one of the guys has room to store it.

I've had a No Mar in my shop for over three years and have changed scores of tires, but it sits idle 95% of the time.

I'm back - at least for part of the season.

General Tire G-Max AS-03. Canadian Tire was discontinuing General Tire last winter and I picked this up for less than $70. Probably should have gotten two of them.

A few years ago, I ran an Exalto for 25,000 miles or so. I have all of 50 miles on the G-Max so far and it feels pretty good. Running 31 psi for now. It is a little hard for me to evaluate right now because at the same time, I took my Penske shock off for a refurb and installed the low-mileage original shock. Its been about 60,000 miles or more since the aftermarket shock was refreshed and it is WAY overdue. The OEM shock feels like sloppy oatmeal - the very tired Penske is still way better.

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My g-max went flat in the shop with zero miles on it. in looking for the leak I found it leaking at the bead right where they mold in the bar code. I broke it down and cleaned the surface and so far after three days it's holding air.

Wow, can you believe we have almost two hundred pages of useless junk on this thread? I wonder where this book is stored in the world? Think the guvment might be holding onto this info.

The Guvment is too busy keeping tabs on Ex Harley riding Oraganamos, who are the Real threat to Humanity.

But they are withholding this informantion.

Like How many Eskimo's live in Oregon?

Obviously they have singled you out, ( with good reason)

How much weight are people finding it takes to balance their car tires? The G-Max I just mounted took 1.5 ounces. I consider this to be pretty good given the overall mass of the tire. I have had MC tires that took quite a bit more.

My g-max also took 1.5 oz. I don't remember using more than 1 on a mc. I'm glad to see you post this because I had read a few pages back some one only needing a very small amount for their CT but I don't remember what tire that was.

These tyres are taking 1.5 ounces because the person mounting them isn't clocking them correctly. Mine didn't take any weight.....but, I did piss on the rim prior to removing it from the scoot for the ol' flatty flat flatty.
