Grizzly Bear Hunt

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I need to go hug a tree!

Save a tree, wipe your ass with a Spotted Owl !!!!!!

I have no issue with long as you use what you kill. If that bear is just going to be a rug and all the meat goes to waste, then it should never have been killed. However, if they are "using" all of the bear than good on them.

People who don't ride motorcycles don't understand why we would ever want to do something so dangerous. But we do it because we enjoy it. And we don't all enjoy it for the same reasons or all bikers would be riding the same make and model.

Hunters hunt because that's what they enjoy, whether for meat, trophys, hides, or whatever.

Well, now. Let's see...

Nevermind. I would just this thread closed. I'll just go take a sip of my "Shut-the-f%$k-up juice." B)

Hunters hunt because that's what they enjoy, whether for meat, trophys, hides, or whatever.
Self preservation and self gratification are two completely different things. Hunting traditions were born of the need to survive, tempered by the need to perserve species for future generations. Try coupling that with the premise that we are part of natures plan, not it's administrator. True hunters understand this. The others are nothing more than wildlife killers.

Don't get me wrong; I'm no tree hugger. Far from it, but just because they enjoy (what they believe is) the time honored tradition of killing **** for the hell of it, doesn't make it right.

Well I hate to see this thread get closed but it looks like it is headed that way soon. I apologize to all who are offended. Where I am from, hunting is a way of life, so I just took the post for granted I guess.

W/respect to the meat and what was done with it, quite frankly I'm not sure, that subject did not come up. I assume it was prolly used up there for something, certainly could not bring it back into the states given customs and import laws, etc. Even if it was taken solely for the trophy value alone then that is perfectly ok w/me (in this particular case). So long as the population is properly managed and the resource is not abused. I'm not one to sit in judgment.

Nah, donaldb, it's not going to get closed as long as people like me keep sippin' our juice.

And I come from the same background as you. ;)

So long as the population is properly managed and the resource is not abused. I'm not one to sit in judgment.
I think we agree on this, other than our definition of abuse. My opinion is worth no more than anybody elses.

I’m with BrunDog and the bedwetters. I used to work at a wildlife center and got to know those animals pretty well - bears, tigers, mountain lions, even a few African lions. I could no more shoot a bear than I could shoot my dog.

Not offended Donaldb, just not for me. Now paper and clay pigeons - that’s another story. :assassin:

But seriously, if the game needs population control like deer and wild boars then it makes sense.

While you are down there slaying the dragon arrange a boar hunt with handguns - now that sounds exciting!

Probably too many bears now too, given habitat encroachment.

I shot a rabbit once, had to pull its head off and it screamed like a baby. No joy.

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Out of curiosity, how many of those that have a problem with hunting are vegetarians? I'm always interested in how consistant someone's argument is.

Ya know, it's wierd. Looking at the pic I felt kinda sorry for the bear. Sniff.

But I hunt deer each season and have no problem whatsoever with killing them. In fact I don't even care how big they are. Does and fawns have the best tasting meat anyway. Seems we all draw our lines in different places, as usual.

And I've eaten bear before. I found it rather tasty when properly prepared. Bummer for them if they had to leave the meat behind. They missed out on the best part.

And I've eaten bear before. I found it rather tasty when properly prepared. .......
It's all in the sauce ->

:trinibob: ----------------------------------------- :pooh_go: ----------------------------


Out of curiosity, how many of those that have a problem with hunting are vegetarians? I'm always interested in how consistant someone's argument is.
One thing is killing because you need to survive another is just for the "fun" (?) of it.

Besides there is an hudge difference of scale - not only size - between eating chiken, fish, etc. and killing a bear; there is also no problem with a Mac burger because, as you may know, that meat come not from any cow, just small worms and soya ;-)

I accept that some can get fun out of that but for me it's just disgusting.

I just thought the pic was pretty cool. If given the opportunity to do the same, I'd jump on it w/not so much as a second thought. While respecting those whose morals and ethics as such that they can't perform such an act of killing an animal.........I'm perfectly cool with that as long as those same people don't pass judgment on those of us who do enjoy the sport of hunting (PITA). Some on this board prolly have never tried to do such and have no appreciation for what's involved. Sporting a theory something to the effect ...what's so hard about picking up a gun and pointing it at an animal and pulling the trigger. There is no possible way to attempt to explain the complications involved and the years of experience required in successful responsible hunting. I have hunted since I was a child, my office is full of whitetail deer mounts.........kuz the wifey won't allow them in the house. When you step into my office your stepping into bubba's world.

In some regions of the northwest territory the bear and wolf populations are so high that they are killing in excess new born caribou, elk, moose and deer calves which the local human native populations rely upon. Wild animals of all kinds are simply another form of natural resource which needs proper managment and control, personally I don't give a fat rat's ass whether they are killed as trophy or killed for the meat it makes no difference. I kinda tend to believe if you were to ask those affected populations up there who rely on the caribou and moose for food they would'nt give a fat rat's ass either.

... Wild animals of all kinds are simply another form of natural resource which needs proper managment and control, ...
Up until that line, I completely agreed with you.

Who the hell died and declared you Mother Nature? Pretty sure the animals can take care of themselves just fine without us. Better off in fact.


Out of curiosity, how many of those that have a problem with hunting are vegetarians? I'm always interested in how consistant someone's argument is.
While I'm not a true vegetarian, I really try to stay away from eating commercially grown animal flesh. For personal reasons, I choose not to support the meat industry.
I'm not (currently) a hunter, but not to the extent that I've sold my bow. Sold my rifle years ago, to fund a fuel injection setup for my '71 Land Cruiser. I found rifle hunting was just too easy. In two years of doing it, I never saw a buck that lived to tell about it. My first bowhunt, I saw eight bucks, all of which eluded my pursuit. I just can't say that I know I won't go back someday. For now, I've BTDT, and it doesn't turn my crank enough to strap on the pack, hike in, set up camp, etc... Way too much gear to carry on the FJR.

I used to love it when people (mostly women) would take issue with my being a hunter, killing those harmless little deers. So I'd ask them, "Are you a vegetarian? Well then, STFU".

What's puzzling is why someone who has a problem with hunting would click on a topic titled ""Grizzly Bear hunt"? :dntknw:

Who the hell died and declared you Mother Nature? Pretty sure the animals can take care of themselves just fine without us. Better off in fact.
The key words there are "without us." But, since that is not the case and we do live in this world also, and since I don't see mass lines of humans trying to get out of the way of the natural course of animal existence, it is a necessity that wildlife be managed. Sorry if how that happens is offensive, but take an honest look at what happens to wildlife that is not managed and is left alone to cope with coexistence with mankind. You will find much more horror and hardship than the management plans that include hunting.

Ain't my abg either. probably was one of my Dad's biggest disappointments that I did not enjoy hunting.
