Grizzly Bear Hunt

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What is "so good" about shooting at animals with a high powered rifle from afar??
Depends. If the animal is a human, you've got to be pretty good. Otherwise, you just wing 'em. Then those sumbitches shoot back.
Unless you're in Canada where most of us don't have guns. Come to think of it, that was a Canadian bear, which means it probably didn't have a gun, which explains why that hunter was able to kill it with his gun.

My personal view is that the only people who need such high powered firearms are the military and police. A shotgun will suffice for farmers to protect their herd animals. As for hunting, at least make it a contest, try using a bow. If they want a real contest, take on that grizzly with a knife, or even better, with their teeth and nails, the same as the grizzly.

Here's a question: If animals of all types need management just like any other resource, instead of letting Mother Nature do it, then shouldn't it be legal to hunt humans? Especially in cities? I mean, many feel that the human population is out of control and causing tremendous stress on the global environment.

Then again, looking at places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Darfur, maybe there is a legalized human hunt. Or is that just Mother Nature having us cull ourselves in a way that is natural for humans? Just a thought...

I'm a total hypocrite. I enjoy steak, chicken, fish and I wear leather shoes. I'm sure I'd draw the line at wearing a tigerskin coat but I don't have a good rationale for that. Guess I need to work on my convictions.

Donaldb - I like your style. You say what's on your mind and you do it with respect for what others believe. We need more of that in this world. It's good to sit on the "other side of the aisle" and talk about things as you do. I'm kind of glad you posted the pic.

Ride safe.

Donaldb - I like your style. You say what's on your mind and you do it with respect for what others believe. We need more of that in this world. It's good to sit on the "other side of the aisle" and talk about things as you do. I'm kind of glad you posted the pic.
Ride safe.

+1 - Donald, you present your views with clarity and tact. Thank you.

It's unlikely that the meat from the bear would have been salvaged for eating. Canadian Griz are (due to their diet), often infected with numerous parasites and nasty, bacterial **** that no amount of cooking will make safe.

As a hunter, I personally prefer to hunt for the table - and would have no qualms about taking a black bear (which is good eating).

I do understand (but don't share) the thrill of some of my buddies who get terribly excited about the prospect of taking a grizzly bear..... mind you, some of those guys still roll their eyes in utter disbelief that I might want to ride a bike that's capable of moving well in excess of 250 km p h.

sometimes you can't use logic to analyse elements of our experience that aren't particularly rational.... just my 2c.

ride safe - Bull :D


If your going to go hunting, at the very LEAST, don't shoot animals that eat deer and elk. I need all the help I can get. ;)

Funny you should say that............the bear was on a recent caribou kill when he was "harvested".

Sorry Brundog.........didn't mean to disturb anyone......... IMHO wild animals need to be managed like any other natural resource and done so as humanely as possible. Hunting this type wild animal takes some real nads..........notice no trees to climb or shoot from.........better make that first shot might not get another.

I can think of a few other species that logic should apply toward.......homo sabiean politicus.

i am not into hunting but i have walked with hunters hunting just to see what its all about . lots of walking lots of eating and lots of drinking

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