half face helmet ran over

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Ave U !!!!
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Mooresville, NC
Was on a 2 lane road and was passing 5 cars got her up to about 95 woosh , I feel wind in my hair lost my helmet .Pull over turn around about 1/4 mile back there is a guy in a accord waiting for me he says i ran over your helmet hope the helmet did not do any damage to the underside of my car (CAN YOU BELIVE THIS GUY ) And he starts looking under his car . Who knows how far the helmet was moving down the road before it got ran over. It was intact with some major scrapes but it was good to go . My thoughts were after it flew off my head no helmet to ride home with because it would be in 15 pieces . And who said half helmets suck . It was d.o.t snell .Dont break my balls about my penmenship .

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Not about penmanship but what is with the brain bucket? Guess I like the way I look too much to wear one of those things.

Anyways, good to know you got your bucket back. If it were me, i would buy a new one. Just to be on the safe side. SHOEI and ARAI will evaluate their helmets for free,except for shipping.

OH as for the dude in the Honda. IF you helmet hit the street before hitting his car he would have no case on you. It is the drivers responsibility to avoid what is now a ROAD hazard. Stuff falls off trucks all the time out here.

Maybe this is a stupid question. Was the chin strap secured?

Anyway, I always keep a second hemet in one of my bags as a just in case. If you're wearing a skid lid, you should have LOTS of room for a spare.

Mr. Accord was probably startled off his cell phone. <_<

Was on a 2 lane road and was passing 5 cars got her up to about 95 woosh , I feel wind in my hair lost my helmet .Pull over turn around about 1/4 mile back there is a guy in a accord waiting for me he says i hope the helmet did not do any damage to the underside of my car (CAN YOU BELIVE THIS GUY ) And he starts looking under his car . Who knows how far the helmet was moving down the road before it got ran over. It was intact with some major scrapes but it was good to go . My thoughts were after it flew off my head no helmet to ride home with because it would be in 15 pieces . And who said half helmets suck . It was d.o.t snell .Dont break my balls about my penmenship .

Sorry but if you're incapable of keeping a helmet on your head, you might want to reconsider riding. As for the guy in the car, if your helmet bounced into my car, I would be pretty pissed to. Just my two cents.


OMG it hurts.......

Let him have it. First he was passing 5 cars at once, and not only is it dumb it's illegal. Then he was "proud" enough to admit to all of this. I say let the lesson begin!

OH as for the dude in the Honda. IF you helmet hit the street before hitting his car he would have no case on you. It is the drivers responsibility to avoid what is now a ROAD hazard. Stuff falls off trucks all the time out here.
I used to do auto insurance claims. About once a month we would have one of our customers hit something lying in the road that fell off of a truck. Often it was a ladder. Most ladders used in construction have the contractor's name stenciled on it to lessen the likely hood of being stolen by other contractors on the job. If there was a name on the ladder, that was all we needed to get the contractor to pay for the damage and have the Highway Patrol cite the company for not securing the load.

Occasionally, it was our customer whose ladder or shovel or whatever fell out of their truck. We had to paid every time.

If the helmet caused damage Zorkler would be responsible no matter how long that helmet sat in the road.

With all due respect a helmet is to be properly secured in order to be able to protect the most valuable and high tech computer on earth, your BRAIN!

We do so much to protect our computers etc from viruses, ESD issues, but we treat the most powerful computers (our brains) with contempt. I don't get it.

Helmets are meant to do something important to your brain. Decelerate it slowly as to not have it separate from the inner walls and create a void that fills with fluid, that will kill you. The padding, foam (one of the more important components) and the fiber glass or Kevlar all do a specific job to help decelerate and protect your brain without that sudden stop.

I do NOT believe in the Gov'ment telling me to wear a helmet or anything else. That being said I would NEVER ride without a helmet. I'm a firm believer in helmet safety and I'm living proof they work. One notable time that my head contacted the ground when I went down, the side of my head was thrusted into the pavement with great force, I thought the force would get worse and it seemed it never ended. The woman that saw me go down thought I broke my neck, I can only imagine the shape I was in hitting the ground. If it wasn't for my full face helmet, I would have lost my jaw. The helmet was spent and worth every penny, thank you Shoei! I also know a few riders that died not wearing helmets, I miss them.

I can't believe a helmet would fly off your head. If your not going to use it properly why wear it? If you think your brain is worth nothing, wear nothing. If you think your brain is worth $50, buy a $50 helmet. Get it?

As a kid back in the 1970's I remember a guy wiped out on an old 70's Honda 750Four. He was a mess, no helmet. On the scene was a car marked with the letters USC. I asked questions and found out it was the University of Southern California and other helmet safety organizations doing a study on helmet safety and effectiveness. Years later (1980's) I was fortunate to find that one of the guys that worked in the study, also worked at where I worked and he shared the results of the findings, it was on video. This was an excellent study with over 10,000 motorcycle accidents and how helmets played a roll and how they've improved. I was even more a believer after that, I learned a great deal about helmets.

I'm off my soap box now. :clapping:

Was on a 2 lane road and was passing 5 cars got her up to about 95 woosh , I feel wind in my hair lost my helmet .Pull over turn around about 1/4 mile back there is a guy in a accord waiting for me he says i hope the helmet did not do any damage to the underside of my car (CAN YOU BELIVE THIS GUY ) And he starts looking under his car . Who knows how far the helmet was moving down the road before it got ran over. It was intact with some major scrapes but it was good to go . My thoughts were after it flew off my head no helmet to ride home with because it would be in 15 pieces . And who said half helmets suck . It was d.o.t snell .Dont break my balls about my penmenship .
First, I've got to give you credit where credit is due: you've got some grande cajones to put up a post like this on this forum. In case you hadn't noticed, this is - generally speaking, a group that takes safety and ATGATT (and the proper use thereof) quite seriously. So with that major pair you're obviously sporting, I'm sure that you won't take offense when folks on this forum call you a ****-wit. If you're looking for sympathy, you're not going to find it here... :glare:

The vicar is giving a talk to the womens institute. The talk is about birth control, but the horny old girls have some fun and ask constant questions about sex.

The vicar gets home and his wife says "how did it go, what did you talk about?" Nervously he answers "err sailing"

"What do you know about sailing?" she asks.

"Oh I read a book once" he answers.

The next day his wife bumps into one of the women from the meeting. "Your husband was very good, he certainly knows his stuff" she sniggers.

"Thats strange" answers his wife, "He's only tried it twice, the first time he was sick and the second time his hat blew off"

You're not a vicar by any chance are you Zorkler? :D

Buy a new hat at the first shop you find....and fasten the strap you numpty!

I'd be seriously pissed had that been my car and that helmet caused any damage, regardless of who's fault it was.

BTW, I had never heard of it being the drivers fault once it hits the road. If some dumbass decides to drop some 16' length cedar fence across the road b/c they didnt have it secured correctly, I fail to see how I am resposnible for hitting it should it be lying across the road on a curve and I am doing the speed limit. I say this b/c it happend to me in KY and in my case they were able to trace it to the truck that had dropped the load (invoices attached to lumber from the yard). Needless to say my insurance company was more than eager to talk to their insurance company.

Sorry, but we have a saying around here that goes:

Half helmets are for folks with half a brain.

3/4 helmets for those with only 3/4 of a brain.

And full face helmets are worn by folks with a full brain.

Not fastening the chin strap on any of these gives you zero brains.

But really I'm trying to get the picture in my mind of someone wearing a half-helmet on an FJR to go away....it's making me laugh uncontrollably and I have stuff to do.......................


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I too would be looking for damage on my vehicle and fully expect the owner of the lost helmet to pay for any repairs needed and if it was the other way around (although my properly attached full face would not be flying down the road unless I am sliding with it). I would expect to pay for any damages that occured to any vehicle that hit my lost property.


OMG it hurts.......

Let him have it. First he was passing 5 cars at once, and not only is it dumb it's illegal. Then he was "proud" enough to admit to all of this. I say let the lesson begin!
OK, but I get first dibs on the "penmenship"! :D

Half helmet on an FJR? On a Cruiser ok, but ya must look like a dork in that getup :dribble:

I don't believe any further explanation is needed.

