half face helmet ran over

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In Massachusetts you wear at least a half helmet – ‘cause if’n ya don’t they gives ya a ticket and pull you off your bike. Then you move to NH where we ‘LIVE FREE OR DIE’ (state motto). You can freely die without a helmet in our state, rending the loose chin strap moot.

Furthermore, it just sucks that the driver didn’t even try to dodge the helmet and drove right over it. I think Zorks got the right to be upset with the driver. I guess there is no point in seeking restitution from the driver because the helmet is still intact and wearable.

Furthermore, it just sucks that the driver didn’t even try to dodge the helmet and drove right over it. I think Zorks got the right to be upset with the driver.

Really? If you read his inital post the helmet flew off of him while he was passing 5 cars at once on a two lane road. I'd bet the guy in the car didn't have time to react to the helmet flying at him.

Really? If you read his inital post the helmet flew off of him while he was passing 5 cars at once on a two lane road. I'd bet the guy in the car didn't have time to react to the helmet flying at him
I think Zorks got the right to be upset with the driver. I guess there is no point in seeking restitution from the driver because the helmet is still intact and wearable ;)

[SIZE=12pt]There, I fixed it to show my intent. [/SIZE]

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:blink: I may be missing something here, but when I started riding in the sixties, I don't remember full face helmets being available, back then about the only helmet you could buy was a Bell and that was a 3/4 helmet.

I wore those helmets through the first half of college and then switched over to full face helmets in the early seventies when they came into their own. Either way I have been in triple digits with both kind of helmets and have never had any fly off as my chin strap was snuggly cinched up....did I miss something?, did Zorkler have the helmet strap cinched up properly?

Any time you drop a helmet, you may have compromised the interior EPS foam that absorbs impact forces and saves the gray matter from getting rattled about, getting run over by a car definitely counts as a massive drop in my book and you should definitely get a new helmet, you life and well being are worth the expenditure.

I"ve left the driveway and found out that I did not do the strap. I've only done it a couple of times adn never got far before I stopped and secured it correctly. It happens. But is shouldn't happen often.

I would really be suspicious of the helmet. Once they have had a hard hit, they could be damaged where you can't see. Both in side and the plastic shell. And it has been trained now to roll under cars - don't let it do it again.

Zork, you should have told the driver to pay for a new helmet since he ran it over! Take that money and get a new full face shoei. Your ten year old arai is probably past its prime as the foam gets bad with age. I replace helmets every 3-5 years.

:blink: I may be missing something here, but when I started riding in the sixties, I don't remember full face helmets being available, back then about the only helmet you could buy was a Bell and that was a 3/4 helmet.
I wore those helmets through the first half of college and then switched over to full face helmets in the early seventies when they came into their own. Either way I have been in triple digits with both kind of helmets and have never had any fly off as my chin strap was snuggly cinched up....did I miss something?, did Zorkler have the helmet strap cinched up properly?

Any time you drop a helmet, you may have compromised the interior EPS foam that absorbs impact forces and saves the gray matter from getting rattled about, getting run over by a car definitely counts as a massive drop in my book and you should definitely get a new helmet, you life and well being are worth the expenditure.

Gunny on all the above!

Thats nothing, I was passing a 60 car funeral presession the other day. When I hit 130mph, WOOOOOOSH, my fez
was gone.............WHAT? :yahoo:

In Massachusetts you wear at least a half helmet – ‘cause if’n ya don’t they gives ya a ticket and pull you off your bike.
Here in the great state of Assachusetts, the police won't pull you over for novelty helmets. Don't ask how I know :rolleyes:

In fact, most of the Harley types wear them. They will, however, cite you for it if they pull you over for any other reason.

I actually saw a guy come up from CT into Mass (Sturbridge) without a helmet on. He passed a couple black&whites and they didn't pull him over. :blink:

coulda been worse I suppose, like the clown I saw yesterday on a huge metric cruiser, with the black stormtrooper helmet and a huge shiny spike coming out of it. Whaddya think happens on impact with that setup, hmm?

Only problem i have with the half helmet, (other than experience as a kid on a minibike-you fall off backwards with a half shell and it rotates over and cracks your nose) is bugs. Hit a bumblebee and the non impact rated sunglasses the half shell guys *always* have disintegrate and down goes the blinded rider. I'd hate to have to explain that one to the insurance company, or St. Peter. Or one rock flipped up by a car in front of you. I've had my head rocked back by a couple good ones over the years, one nice sized one rolling off a hill on a mountain road. My riding buddy has a permanent divot where good leather combat boots kept a rock from imbedding itself in his shin.

It's all risk management in the end. The harder you ride, the better you'd better gear up. farting around on a big cruiser and never going over the speed limit except on straightaways, you can get away with less. Start lanesplitting or passing traffic at higher speeds and you'd better gear up appropriately. Start passing triple digits and other illegal performance tricks and you'd better be ATGATT or forget about sympathy or anything other than heated responses as your accident costs everyone else's insurance policy a hell of a lot more.

Imagine how fun it will be with "universal" mandated, involuntary health care? If you thought helmet laws were bad *now*...

Mad Mike, I have 2, 450 helmets just hanging in the garage as we speak. I like to keep reminders around. It keeps me on my toes as I leave the garage on my bike.


Same here. I've a whole shelf of old "veteran" helmets. My favorite is the Shoei I was wearing when the crazy lady ran the stop light in Portland going 45 miles an hour and t-boned me. The broken leg and arm was bad, but my helmet, well without it, it was a fatal event.

I gave up open face helmets in the 70's when a large rock split my lip, loosened two teeth, and damn near took me off my bike on the freeway. That said, I'm more in the camp of not being one who appreciates the government telling me I have to do anything. Helmets included. But given my experiences, I just can't get comfortable when I'm on the bike wearing anything less than complete coverage. But that's just me. YMMV.

Sorry about the loss of the helmet, Zork, but hopefully you'll replace it with something more protective. Don't know about NC law, but in CA you're responsible for any damage done by something which fell off your vehicle.
