Here's the issue.
The bike feels like it wants' to dive/fall into right hand bends. Lefts are perfect and the bike feels rock solid but when I approach a right hander, whether it's a slow or a fast bend the bike just feels like it's not happy being there.
Now this could be down to one of 2 things. Either something wrong with me ( I'm imagining it ) or summit up with the bike
To illustrate what I mean. When we go into a bend we, albeit it very slightly, apply a little pull on the handle bars on the opposite side, i.e. pull on right bar for a left bend and left bar for a right hander. Some people do the opposite and push the same side of the bar as the direction of the bend.
When I'm taking a right hand bend I get the feeling that I need to make a much more deliberate manouver to get the bike to behave and go where I want it to.
It's been this way for a while now but I guess I just got used to it. With having been off the bike over the winter I seem to notice it a lot more again.
Bike is an '05 with just under 9,000 on the clock.
Things I've checked so far.
1 - Tyre pressure F36 & R42, pretty much standard
2 - Tyres seated in properly. They have done approx 4,000 miles but are in good condition I can't see any signs of unever wear.
3 - Suspension - left & right sides are matched exactly and set just above the default settings, being a little harder. Rear is set on factory default. Forks are in exactly the same positions in the upper bracket in the steering head.
4 - All the nuts & bolts are tight.
I've got a Yamaha topbox fitted but it's mainly empty so shouldn't affect the centre of gravity. Only other addition is a CeBailley large screen. Due to the fact the symptoms manifest themselves both at low and high speed I don't think this is causing the problem.
I'm a bit stumped what to try next, anyone got any suggestions ??
The bike feels like it wants' to dive/fall into right hand bends. Lefts are perfect and the bike feels rock solid but when I approach a right hander, whether it's a slow or a fast bend the bike just feels like it's not happy being there.
Now this could be down to one of 2 things. Either something wrong with me ( I'm imagining it ) or summit up with the bike
To illustrate what I mean. When we go into a bend we, albeit it very slightly, apply a little pull on the handle bars on the opposite side, i.e. pull on right bar for a left bend and left bar for a right hander. Some people do the opposite and push the same side of the bar as the direction of the bend.
When I'm taking a right hand bend I get the feeling that I need to make a much more deliberate manouver to get the bike to behave and go where I want it to.
It's been this way for a while now but I guess I just got used to it. With having been off the bike over the winter I seem to notice it a lot more again.
Bike is an '05 with just under 9,000 on the clock.
Things I've checked so far.
1 - Tyre pressure F36 & R42, pretty much standard
2 - Tyres seated in properly. They have done approx 4,000 miles but are in good condition I can't see any signs of unever wear.
3 - Suspension - left & right sides are matched exactly and set just above the default settings, being a little harder. Rear is set on factory default. Forks are in exactly the same positions in the upper bracket in the steering head.
4 - All the nuts & bolts are tight.
I've got a Yamaha topbox fitted but it's mainly empty so shouldn't affect the centre of gravity. Only other addition is a CeBailley large screen. Due to the fact the symptoms manifest themselves both at low and high speed I don't think this is causing the problem.
I'm a bit stumped what to try next, anyone got any suggestions ??