Harley-Davidson is going to discontinue Buell M/C line

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The decision will result in a reduction over time of about 80 hourly production positions and about 100 salaried positions at Buell. Employment will end for a majority of Buell employees Dec. 18, 2009.
So they had 80 guys actually working and building the bikes and 100 people managing them.

Geeze, why was this a losing concern? :rolleyes:
You ever hear of these people called engineers, and advertising people, and sales people, and accountants, and payroll?

A few months ago Buell blew me away with an ad that talked about how it is impossible to ride a sport bike without a helmet. I thought that was a bit out of character for 'The Motor Company', I suppose this end was in play even then.

The decision will result in a reduction over time of about 80 hourly production positions and about 100 salaried positions at Buell. Employment will end for a majority of Buell employees Dec. 18, 2009.
So they had 80 guys actually working and building the bikes and 100 people managing them.

Geeze, why was this a losing concern? :rolleyes:
You ever hear of these people called engineers, and advertising people, and sales people, and accountants, and payroll?
Of course. I'm one of them! :rolleyes:

And they (we) are all overhead.

Having such a high ratio of overhead to worker bees isn't too healthy for a manufacturing bidness.

I'm guessing the real answer to the disparity is that they rolled some of their skilled hourly assembly people from the Buell assembly line over into the Harley lines. You can find people to do whatever you need in the last 4 professions you listed above just about anywhere. Finding a skilled assembler with 20 years of experience isn't quite so easy.

Erik Buell's comment
Sucks. They made the only Harley products I found interesting.
Erik Buell is a class act, what an amazing fellow and that heartfelt talk

was really something.

In just that bit over two minutes I found in him all the glory and humanity the ancient Greeks gave their heros.

Hephaestus, please save this company.
I thought he was gonna cry.. :bye:

Just look at the Q3 report. Way too many bad loans are defaulted on, and new buyers can't get credit. Buell should put in the #1 to be canned position the fool that did that dumbass squash the Blast campaign, so everyone can give them a kick as they leave. . A great way to imply that anyone that bought the Blast was a noob and a dummy. I wonder if Buffett will put in more cash or buy HD for pocket change?

The decision will result in a reduction over time of about 80 hourly production positions and about 100 salaried positions at Buell. Employment will end for a majority of Buell employees Dec. 18, 2009.
So they had 80 guys actually working and building the bikes and 100 people managing them.

Geeze, why was this a losing concern? :rolleyes:
You ever hear of these people called engineers, and advertising people, and sales people, and accountants, and payroll?
Of course. I'm one of them! :rolleyes:

And they (we) are all overhead.

Having such a high ratio of overhead to worker bees isn't too healthy for a manufacturing bidness.

I'm guessing the real answer to the disparity is that they rolled some of their skilled hourly assembly people from the Buell assembly line over into the Harley lines. You can find people to do whatever you need in the last 4 professions you listed above just about anywhere. Finding a skilled assembler with 20 years of experience isn't quite so easy.
Oh right damn, I'm one of them too!

How did this happen to me, I never brushed when I could get away with it and I drank plenty enough beer!

It hardly seems fair.

Erik Buell is a class act, what an amazing fellow and that heartfelt talkwas really something.

In just that bit over two minutes I found in him all the glory and humanity the ancient Greeks gave their heros.

Hephaestus, please save this company.

Quite possibly because he is such a class act and a visionary of sorts, maybe, just maybe, somebody out there will lend a hand..

I personally don't think his story is over yet.


Funny, just last night I was reading the editorial section of some print mag I get (cycle world, maybe) where a few people wrote letters pissed off about the ads where Buell Blasts were smashed into blocks. One letter (probably submitted a month or more ago) said something like: "Thanks for the slap-in-the face of those of us that actually bought and liked the Blast. Nice way to reward your prior customers. Good luck hanging onto your company that has only survived this long because of customer loyalty..."

As with the Cannondale MX bike, "new tech" + "American made" doesn't guarantee success....

It's sad to see anyone's dreams get flushed down the crapper the way Buell's just did by HD. It was painfully obvious that Eric had suffered greatly just before filming that video... the red, puffy eyes were a dead giveaway. I sympathize with him, but I'm finding it more difficult to feel sorry for him.

His recent ad which was mentioned just above was the worst conceived, most poorly executed faux pas I've ever seen in print! Talk about stepping on your own crank! The letters to the editor as mentioned in the most recent issue of Cycle World address that "ooopsie" rather succinctly!

I haven't followed the fortunes of Buell as a company, because frankly they didn't interest me. The fact that Harley Davidson had the power to unilaterally pull the pin on Buell the way they have tells me that they owned majority interest in the operation. That was a tremendous fuckup on the part of Eric Buell at some time in the past, and today's announcement is a direct result of his attempt to dance with the devil. He lost that company some time ago, and today is just the culmination.

I will admit to a little prejudice against Buell. I have not liked the "special considerations" given by DMG/AMA Pro racing for the development of the Buell 1125RR concerning (lack of) homologation rules which apply to all the other competitors trying to field bikes. The whole situation with the mistakes DMG has made this year, coupled with the favoritism shown Buell just sticks in the back of my throat...

I grant that Eric Buell has a good engineering mind, and has developed some worthwhile innovations in the design of motorcycles. I hope that he will find a way to learn from this disaster of his alliance with HD, and be able to attract funds to regain control of his former company. If he manages to get back in production, and his bikes can compete under the same rules applicable to everyone else, I even wish him success!



What in the world is Harley's board thinking. The only people you see who ride Harleys are a bunch old baby boomers like me (50 +). When HD bought Buell, then more recently MV I was encouraged. Maybe we'd finally see some innovation at Harley. Instead all we'll get is more retro styled paint shakers. Who is going to buy their antiquated product now? When was the last time you saw a twenty something on a Harley? Short sighted Harley...short sighted indeed.

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I haven't followed the fortunes of Buell as a company, because frankly they didn't interest me. The fact that Harley Davidson had the power to unilaterally pull the pin on Buell the way they have tells me that they owned majority interest in the operation. That was a tremendous fuckup on the part of Eric Buell at some time in the past, and today's announcement is a direct result of his attempt to dance with the devil. He lost that company some time ago, and today is just the culmination.

You hit the nail right on the head there.

Buell sold his soul to the devil a long time ago.

They just called in the loan...

Test rode a Buell Cyclone and Buell Lightening a few years back (actually about five years ago). Both were real fun bikes (for me). They were a little too sporty for me, so I passed and ended up with the FJR (no regrets as in everything just fitted me a lot better) but those two Buells sure did put a smile on my face. I'm sorry to see them go (is all I'm saying).

What's DMG going do now that they have pissed everybody else off and the limb they were out on has been sawed off under them by HD. A little beggin to the others that left?

What's DMG going do now that they have pissed everybody else off and the limb they were out on has been sawed off under them by HD. A little beggin to the others that left?
Interesting take on that subject on SuperbikePlanet.com

"Would anything more profoundly demonstrate DMG's efforts at running a series into the ground than to have the number one plate in the "Daytona" class be on a motorcycle made by a defunct manufacturer?"
