Have the terms and rules changed with regards to vulgarity?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I do love it here. I am almost ashamed to say that I stay here more for the entertainment than the information. I take the good with the bad. I had to realize early on that as much as I might not like some of what is posted, someone else may hate the things that I post. Somewhere along the way, either my morals slipped, or my skin got thicker or I finally realized my ex wasn't lying to me about my small penis.... Members that I originally took to be just aggravating idiots turned into folks I wanted to meet and go ride with. I started looking forward to reading posts from these folks that I started off hating. I don't think they changed, so it must have been me. With a group this large and this diverse, things can get way out into left field sometimes. Sometimes I wonder where the line is that we cannot cross. I do take comfort in the fact that the admins are here watching and quietly nudging us in the proper direction.
This forum has provided me with the tools I needed to perfect an already very good motorcycle. It is to the point now that Dad has forbid me to do anything else to his bike. In fact, he is not as generous with access to his keys anymore. None of this would have happened if I had not joined here. This forum remains the best resource for FJR information, bar none. If I have to see sheep porn as the price for that info, so be it.
Sorry about yer willy fish... but did ya have to highlight it?

Oh the shame!

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I do love it here. If I have to see sheep porn as the price for that info, so be it.
Yes Redfish! You have stepped into the Dark Side. You are now one of us. The world is a better place for it! You're Welcome!! :))
I am with Red on this one. I love it here too. It is fun. At first I wondered what the heck but then I let go and went with the flow. The upside of letting go and not walking away is I have made new friends.

Thanks to the forum I attended two tech days last year, a social event and a rally last year and will be at multiple forum events this year. What fun.

I am still learning what is acceptable out here. Sometimes I think I helping out, not one swear word or ill thought, but later find out I messed up. I take it in stride, admit I messed and strive to not do that again.

Tolerance is a wonderful thing.

I am glad you raised this question.To me and my values, somethings are over the top, so I just ignor them. My only reservation is recommending the Forum to my great grand kids that are interested in motorcycle riding.

I'm probably old fashioned, but that's me.

Longrider, odds are very high that they hear waaaay more stuff than what's on this Forum every day of their lives. The era of Leave it to Beaver and Donna Reed has long past us by. Just Sayin' :)
LMAO Vic... You know some actually believe DI's can't cuss out recruits anymore?? I'm feking serious!

Mothers of America rejoice!!!

There are also times when I need to know something and know I will find it here. The knowledge here is beyond compare. Some members here seem to know more about the mechanical aspects of this bike than the guys that designed and built them.

Very True......... and therein often lies the problem. We seem to have a self appointed Dick Up Posse that is on patrol 24/7 looking for any thread that has useful information so that they can pollute it with their useless garbage and make it almost impossible for anyone to find anything worth reading let alone an answer to a question. Sometimes its hard to believe that the members of the Posse actually ride a FJR, have jobs, families, or any social life outside of their Posse responsibilities because of how quickly they can identify and dick up otherwise very useful threads. Fortunately, we have the IGNORE option that I started using about a month ago and its made this Forum a good source of information again.

I like it here! Thanks for letting me play.
Best regards

See? Surly "gets it" No arguing, no tryin to talk his way outa it, no screaming for the playground mistress..

He hands over his lunch money with me having to slap him around.

What's so dang hard about that?

Wow! Four pages already? Must have touched a nerve or two here.

I wonder if it has to do with the average age of the participants here is that when one is supposed to play the role of a sensible, mature adult. Since most of us don't feel anywhere near that age (despite the lie on the driver's license), there needs to be a place where kids can be kids. Better done verbally, or rather in writing, than while riding an obscenely powerful rocket ship aka FJR.

As I was on my way to work tonight I started to feel bad for Flagstaff and **** pile he stirred up. Then I remembered the the great Redd Foxx and his response when asked why he was so vulgar and his fondness for the words "**** and ****". Now I paraphrase, but i think it went something like this; cause people **** and ****, and if you dont ****............****, if you dont ****..........fuuuck.

Wow! Four pages already? Must have touched a nerve or two here. I wonder if it has to do with the average age of the participants here is that when one is supposed to play the role of a sensible, mature adult. Since most of us don't feel anywhere near that age (despite the lie on the driver's license), there needs to be a place where kids can be kids. Better done verbally, or rather in writing, than while riding an obscenely powerful rocket ship aka FJR.

I must be bi, I like to read and ride.

Best regards


Anyone else notice that the rules addressing vulgarity contain vulgarity??

When I read those when I signed up, I knew I was in the right place. So, that being said, if I was a pussified politically correct ********, I should have been able to use the same powers of reasoning to realize I was in the WRONG place.

I guess its stupid to think this can be figured out by certain types if people.

Anyone else notice that the rules addressing vulgarity contain vulgarity??
When I read those when I signed up, I knew I was in the right place. So, that being said, if I was a pussified politically correct ********, I should have been able to use the same powers of reasoning to realize I was in the WRONG place.

I guess its stupid to think this can be figured out by certain types if people.
What do you mean?

Best regards


Anyone else notice that the rules addressing vulgarity contain vulgarity??When I read those when I signed up, I knew I was in the right place. So, that being said, if I was a pussified politically correct ********, I should have been able to use the same powers of reasoning to realize I was in the WRONG place.

I guess its stupid to think this can be figured out by certain types if people.
The same thing happened to me Zilla. I read Ignacio's words and I said: This looks like my kind of place and I was right. Back then it was the Mighty Duo of Bust and Odot. I could not believe the **** coming out their mouths. I laughed my ass off. That's when I decided to jump in and run with the Big Dogs. It's been true love ever since!!
And Yes Ladies and Gentlemen! The entertainment committee here can make you laugh! We can fix your bike by just typing words! And we can hold professional jobs and everything!! You're Welcome!! :))

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There are also times when I need to know something and know I will find it here. The knowledge here is beyond compare. Some members here seem to know more about the mechanical aspects of this bike than the guys that designed and built them.

Very True......... and therein often lies the problem. We seem to have a self appointed Dick Up Posse that is on patrol 24/7 looking for any thread that has useful information so that they can pollute it with their useless garbage and make it almost impossible for anyone to find anything worth reading let alone an answer to a question. Sometimes its hard to believe that the members of the Posse actually ride a FJR, have jobs, families, or any social life outside of their Posse responsibilities because of how quickly they can identify and dick up otherwise very useful threads. Fortunately, we have the IGNORE option that I started using about a month ago and its made this Forum a good source of information again.
This is precisely what I found annoying and what prompted the original post.

I brought up vulgarity because it seems to be associated with almost every thread that is "dicked up". BTW, I do not consider the use of the regular "cuss" words vulgar. Vulgar to me implies crude and tasteless.

In any case, as has been clearly pointed out, the information and knowledge here is second to none, and the vast majority (and maybe all) of the posters seem to be nice people,

Now that I have been made aware of the ignore feature I'm able to get to that information more easily, and for that I am happy.

I do love it here. I am almost ashamed to say that I stay here more to see what Bust is gonna say next than the information. I take the good with the bad. I had to realize early on that I would never be the man that Bust is. Somewhere along the way, either my morals slipped, or my skin got thicker or I finally realized my ex wasn't lying to me about my small penis.... Members that I originally took to be just aggravating idiots turned into folks I wanted to meet and go ride with. I started looking forward to reading posts from these folks that I started off hating.
This forum has provided me with the chance to learn how real men talk to one another. This forum remains the best resource for FJR information, bar none. If I have to see sheep porn as the price for that info, so be it.
Sorry about yer willy fish... but did ya have to highlight it?

Oh the shame!
You know, that is NOT how I originally typed it but this might actually make more sense.

How's that Bust? Friends now?

I do love it here. I am almost ashamed to say that I stay here more to see what Bust is gonna say next than the information. I take the good with the bad. I had to realize early on that I would never be the man that Bust is. Somewhere along the way, either my morals slipped, or my skin got thicker or I finally realized my ex wasn't lying to me about my small penis.... Members that I originally took to be just aggravating idiots turned into folks I wanted to meet and go ride with. I started looking forward to reading posts from these folks that I started off hating.
This forum has provided me with the chance to learn how real men talk to one another. This forum remains the best resource for FJR information, bar none. If I have to see sheep porn as the price for that info, so be it.
Sorry about yer willy fish... but did ya have to highlight it?

Oh the shame!
You know, that is NOT how I originally typed it but this might actually make more sense.

How's that Bust? Friends now?
Sure Just do as I told Surly and we will get along splendidly.


Enjoying this thread immensely. And so little of it is even vaguely motorcycle related. :)
That's half the fun of being here isn't it? The FJR Gurus here can and do fix you're problem almost immediately. After the problem is solved, the wise ***** (like Moi and others) can lighten things up it bit. It's the way the world works! Look at any of the 6 o'clock news reports. There's a half hour of depressing crap uhhhh I mean news that you need to know. In the last few minutes of the broadcast they tack on something humorous and light hearted to bring your spirits back to normal. They do that for a Reason People!!!! Think about it for a minute!...... :)
really endeared me to the ppI joined this forum when I bought my '06. For years I both kidded around, ran a group buy, did some research for folks when they had questions back when I understood the original forum software, did a couple "how to" threads with photos, went to rallies, and generally tried to be a productive member. I also enjoyed hearing about bust's nuts being in a box due to Mrs. Bust being annoyed, Howie having a manatee crush (which I learned in the thread detailing his engine swap facilitated by forum members), and other interesting tidbits. I even discovered goats -- hubba hubba.

Growing up Roman Catholic never really endeared me to a politically correct view of how life and how it somehow "should" be. Who decides that anyway? Hell I disagree with members all the time, and they disagree with me. But two major bonds I have seen work to smooth things over are humor (even attempted humor from the seriously dull) and the cmmonality of motorcycling. One without the other is less in my opinion. Using IGNORE is lessening the whole experience, and if you want to do that -- go ahead. Laissez faire -- which is my point.

I don't visit as often in part because I personally have seen the mods as ever more heavy handed over the years at times (PURELY my perception and opinion and not to be a troll). And also, My '06 FJR is pretty much set up the way I want it, with ignition relay harness from a forum member installed, Garauld bits installed, etc. So not much new for me and my FJR.

One reason I do come back is for the camaraderie of the old timers and some of the new timer's insights. I enjoy Old Michael's ride reports and Mad Mike II's common sense. Sometimes I still try to look up old informative threads or FAQ sections. And I enjoy dull threads spiced by humor, even vulgar humor.

Personally I enjoy seeing old men in thongs.

I'm laughing because this is one of the least vulgar forums that I'm on. However, I tend to have an "old fashioned" streak in me and find many things said on here to be vulgar...not stuff I would ever utter. BUT, the variety of people, language, opinions, etc. add color to this place. I like color. I don't allow myself to be so offended that I actually need to use an "ignore" feature. Over the last couple of years, I've seen some of the folks on here I initially thought were the most vulgar, offer some of the best advice or be the most generous or show the most concern for someone in need. It's difficult sometimes, but I do my best to give everyone lots of chances to prove their worth, so to speak. I'm almost never disappointed.

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