Help me ride into the World Record books!

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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[interesting Dale, that scenerio never showed up on my radar when thinking what could *possibly* be causing the problem. Of course, it now makes sense. While it cost a lot of time, grief and anxiety, leat you were able to idenfity the problem, and the fix was easily addressable.
True, and I am thankful it wasn't something serious, yet...... I am truly and royally pissed off that such a trivial issue resulting in so much Badness..... which went far beyond just not being able to participate in this year's Utah 1088.... :angry:


Sorry to hear about the setback. I don't get over to often and just heard of this.

I sent you some Paypal bling. Use it for the attempt when you get better, or use it for website shit, whatever. B)

Don't forget us little people when you make the record books. :p

Much respect.

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June 26 update:I am sad to report a rather major setback has occurred.


Pretty sweet, huh? :(
Bummer Dale,

I hope you heal up fast and that major surgery is *not* required. Positive karmic energy headed north for sure.

I am sure the BBG record will not be broken anytime before you can make your nucking futz attempt. :rolleyes:


Sorry to hear about your arm. I still did a donation with paypal - hoping for the best. Your advice & help on the forum has been great - thanks & good luck.


2006 FJR1300
