Hi Chuck, Robin Patrick here, Claim number 2117737, on my 30 day old claim

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what about the payments? was that factored in?

Yes, I did not make the payments.. My CU was cool as I was in constant contact with them..

I am out exactly 500 bucks.. The amount of my deductible. It must have made a difference because he called me back and told me to please understand that they sent off a proposal on Friday and to please not freak out and ignore it as they are OVER-NIGHTING the check to my credit union. I happened to be at my credit union when he called the second time. I just handed my cell over the the loan officer dude.. He thought it was funny too

So many things can be fixed with a good old fashioned Pencil Whipping...good job...


I must say. This was a fight.. I had the time and the inclination to take them on. I can also see how many gave in have just. I had three people call me.. Each trying to act like I just needed it explained to me and I would be reasonable. They tried very hard and were very persistent for sure. Where they blew it with me is they pissed me off... Never piss of a guy who has free time and anger issues.. :assassin:

Score one for the good guys!!

They gave in
They are paying the bike off less my 500 dollar deductible. They think i am an unreasonable pain in the ass but it is cheaper to make me happy i the long run.. I agree partially.. It is cheaper to make ma happy. Now to stop the Viral Campaign that started a couple of hours ago

To those who have sent letters to them on my behalf.. and there were a few

It worked..


Kool!! :yahoo: :yahoo:


Glad you won and screw the ins. people.

The only thing the Ins. co. have over us is time and the most imporamt thing needed is " MONEY" .

Remember money talks and bull **** walks or the little guy looses
