Hi Guys...newbie here...'07 FJR won't start after accident...HELP?!

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What parts are you looking for?
All front fairing pieces (my bike is dark red, but color is of no importance), the large metal frame/birdcage in the front that serves as a mounting point for several things, a windshield...basically everything decorative in the front and some underlying bits and pieces...no electrical and/or mechanical parts of which I'm aware. Oh...and a right-side fork tube.

Dark Red?.... :dribble: You are one fuked up fella :blink: That kinda terminology is reserved for guys that ride vespas an the likes..

Kinda like sayin'.. Me nutsack is mauve.. instead of "a halftone between my arsehole and me tool" ya know?

Fer shitsakes!!! Read up on these fat, hot ,tip over hunks of shit wouldja?

Dark Red?.... :dribble: You are one fuked up fella :blink: That kinda terminology is reserved for guys that ride vespas an the likes.. Kinda like sayin'.. Me nutsack is mauve.. instead of "a halftone between my arsehole and me tool" ya know?

Fer shitsakes!!! Read up on these fat, hot ,tip over hunks of shit wouldja?
Oh...sorry...it's VERY dark red. Regrettably (and apparently), I don't take this whole motorcycle thing quite as seriously as some.

Damn right ya don't .. Better get yer poop ina group bub..This ain't yer average kindergarten class fella :blink:

We got standards. :p


Damn right ya don't .. Better get yer poop ina group bub..This ain't yer average kindergarten class fella :blink:
We got standards. :p

...and excellent grammar/punctuation. Oops...did I say that out loud?

Go ta bed Mike. I got it covered.. I expect overtime pay from those that rule here..

Shit it's still in the Fifty's I should be dodging bambi right now, but no.. I gotta keep this place Honest..

Bastages! I demand at least an "honorary" admin status ya fuks..


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Go ta bed Mike. I got it covered.. I expect overtime pay from those that rule here..
Shit it's still in the Fifty's I should be dodging bambi right now, but no.. I gotta keep this place Honest..

Bastages! I demand at least an "honorary" admin status ya fuks..

Ain't you drunk yet? WTF ya waitin' for? All Hallow's Eve?

Go ta bed Mike. I got it covered.. I expect overtime pay from those that rule here..
Shit it's still in the Fifty's I should be dodging bambi right now, but no.. I gotta keep this place Honest..

Bastages! I demand at least an "honorary" admin status ya fuks..

Ain't you drunk yet? WTF ya waitin' for? All Hallow's Eve?
Shut the fuk up an give me fifty!! an make it fast dork boy!


Damn right ya don't .. Better get yer poop ina group bub..This ain't yer average kindergarten class fella :blink:
We got standards. :p

...and excellent grammar/punctuation. Oops...did I say that out loud?
Hardly .. Ya typed it dickface..


It's often called "an expression" or "literary latitude".
Why does my response appear twice when I selected "add reply" only once?

Damn right ya don't .. Better get yer poop ina group bub..This ain't yer average kindergarten class fella :blink:
We got standards. :p

...and excellent grammar/punctuation. Oops...did I say that out loud?
Hardly .. Ya typed it dickface..


It's often called "an expression" or "literary latitude".
Why does my response appear twice when I selected "add reply" only once?


Damn right ya don't .. Better get yer poop ina group bub..This ain't yer average kindergarten class fella :blink:
We got standards. :p

...and excellent grammar/punctuation. Oops...did I say that out loud?
Hardly .. Ya typed it dickface..


It's often called "an expression" or "literary latitude".
Why does my response appear twice when I selected "add reply" only once?

I don't drink alcohol, or smoke, or do drugs. Perhaps that is why we don't interact well? I'm just thinking out loud...oh wait...typing.

Damn right ya don't .. Better get yer poop ina group bub..This ain't yer average kindergarten class fella :blink:
We got standards. :p

...and excellent grammar/punctuation. Oops...did I say that out loud?
Hardly .. Ya typed it dickface..


It's often called "an expression" or "literary latitude".
Why does my response appear twice when I selected "add reply" only once?

I don't drink alcohol, or smoke, or do drugs. Perhaps that is why we don't interact well? I'm just thinking out loud...oh wait...typing.

Yer gonna be fine....... We accept all types of sinners here. :p


Attn Fred W! Notice the part above where I describe the relay as having physical damage. I didn't post it in the beginning because I didn't know it. As you are likely well-aware, bike repair is a process. Not all of the information is known in the beginning. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was? Perhaps you should have read through all that I'd written/added before giving me s&%t? Please don't get all BMW-forum member on my a$$ (and yes, I read the part where you say you were kidding).
Oh boy. Do you really think that was "giving you shit"? Since you didn't include any obligatory smilies it is hard to tell how serious you are being.

But I respond, nay, nay! T'was merely a slight tweak on the nose, all in good fun.

One thing that you will find if you stay around here long enough (and I hope that you do), is that we are all about bustin' each others chops on Fridays. One doesn't really need to have a good reason to do so. Just about anything will do. I see that Bustanut has indoctrinated you properly in the dogpile Friday tradition.

One thing that you were correct about though, this is "a forum where 2 outta' 3 members aren't total dickheads...". Most of us are only partial dickheads. ;)

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