Hi Guys...newbie here...'07 FJR won't start after accident...HELP?!

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Funny...being a newbie and, yet, authoring what would turn out to be such an active thread. Regardless of its content and detours, that is rather satisfying.

for somebody who committed to lurk, 4 in a row...well :rolleyes:
pause, checking, yes, the earth still revolves around the sun... :yahoo:
I said I may lurk...not that I will or would. Further...I said I didn't want to respond to things having nothing to do with the origin of the thread. I've held pretty true to that intention overall (with, I admit, a couple of setbacks). At any rate...now that I've received some great help from select individuals, and now that my bike is running and I know of several places to go for wholesale OEM parts, I've no need/desire to post to/read the thread after this, my final submission. My most sincere gratitude goes out to those who had useful and, might I add, relevant things to write (I know who you are, and I believe I've thanked you all individually...if I haven't well, then, I am now). To the others...keep on being the impermeable membranes that you are. I learned long ago not to try too hard to make certain individuals believe, or see, anything other than what they're going to. To do so is an exercise in futility. Auf wiedersehen! Bis spater! Feel free to criticize me to your hearts' content...I won't see/read a word of it. But...don't let that stop you!!!

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Dammit youse guys....you chase ANOTHER one away!!!

How are we ever gonna hit 20,000 members with this kind of nonsense going on?

Lets see.. :dribble:

Yer a fukin dochebag csb..Give it up already!!!...

That outghta shut this shitbag thread down ..

Oh.. try an pm the puke..


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Funny...being a newbie and, yet, authoring what would turn out to be such an active thread. Regardless of its content and detours, that is rather satisfying.

