Hi Guys...newbie here...'07 FJR won't start after accident...HELP?!

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Attn Fred W! Notice the part above where I describe the relay as having physical damage. I didn't post it in the beginning because I didn't know it. As you are likely well-aware, bike repair is a process. Not all of the information is known in the beginning. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was? Perhaps you should have read through all that I'd written/added before giving me s&%t? Please don't get all BMW-forum member on my a$$ (and yes, I read the part where you say you were kidding).
Oh boy. Do you really think that was "giving you shit"? Since you didn't include any obligatory smilies it is hard to tell how serious you are being.

But I respond, nay, nay! T'was merely a slight tweak on the nose, all in good fun.

One thing that you will find if you stay around here long enough (and I hope that you do), is that we are all about bustin' each others chops on Fridays. One doesn't really need to have a good reason to do so. Just about anything will do. I see that Bustanut has indoctrinated you properly in the dogpile Friday tradition.

One thing that you were correct about though, this is "a forum where 2 outta' 3 members aren't total dickheads...". Most of us are only partial dickheads. ;)
I'll have to be sure to stay away on Fridays, then...all other days should, I hope, be OK.

Don't sweat him too much Fred. He was born without the humor gene.. ;)
No...I was born without the bad humor gene. The good humor gene, on the other hand, is present and accounted for...that is why I haven't yet laughed.

Don't sweat him too much Fred. He was born without the humor gene.. ;)
No...I was born without the bad humor gene. The good humor gene, on the other hand, is present and accounted for...that is why I haven't yet laughed.
I was just... :lol: I suppose that means you were born with the "GOOD humor" gene.


One learns to forgive Barry. He wouldn't remember what he typed except some of us use the reply icon and quote him so he can't erase it once he revives from the previous evening's hangover (or recovering from his most recent Ovine entertainment).

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Why is always aboot me escapades with the livestock? :blink: Ugly Sheep need love too ya know..

Remind me to call PETA an file a complaint about you Mike..


And to think...this thread was once about the difficulty I was having with my FJR. It was about well-mannered people providing genuinely useful/helpful information/pointers/advice directly relating to said difficulty. Now...it's about misspelling nearly everything, post(?)-drunken-stupor not-so-witty reparte, using vernacular to which I'm wholly unaccustomed and having sex with barnyard animals. How uplifting! Damn...there goes that lack of a humor gene again...at least the sarcasm gene hasn't failed me in a time of need.

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Attn Fred W! Notice the part above where I describe the relay as having physical damage. I didn't post it in the beginning because I didn't know it. As you are likely well-aware, bike repair is a process. Not all of the information is known in the beginning. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was? Perhaps you should have read through all that I'd written/added before giving me s&%t? Please don't get all BMW-forum member on my a$$ (and yes, I read the part where you say you were kidding).
Oh boy. Do you really think that was "giving you shit"? Since you didn't include any obligatory smilies it is hard to tell how serious you are being.

But I respond, nay, nay! T'was merely a slight tweak on the nose, all in good fun.

One thing that you will find if you stay around here long enough (and I hope that you do), is that we are all about bustin' each others chops on Fridays. One doesn't really need to have a good reason to do so. Just about anything will do. I see that Bustanut has indoctrinated you properly in the dogpile Friday tradition.

One thing that you were correct about though, this is "a forum where 2 outta' 3 members aren't total dickheads...". Most of us are only partial dickheads. ;)
I'll have to be sure to stay away on Fridays, then...all other days should, I hope, be OK.

Mostly that will depend on you. :rolleyes:

FWIW - now that your problem has been found, and everyone here is genuinely glad you found it, the thread then becomes fodder for this kind of frivolous nonsense. I mean, what else are we going to do? Keep talking about your busted relay?

Hopefully you can find it in yourself to lighten up a bit and enjoy the camaraderie here. If not I predict a short stay.

It's happened before. Guess what, if you leave in a big huff because some of us PWI (Post While Intoxicated), and joke around about things that you don't happen find humorous, most of us won't even notice.

Your choice. But before you do, I suggest that you read a lot of the posts first. There is some human relations type stuff, sharing and caring, blah blah blah that happens here on this forum that just doesn't happen anywhere else in cyberspace that I am aware of. This is one extremely large, somewhat dysfunctional, but pretty incredible nonetheless, family.

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Attn Fred W! Notice the part above where I describe the relay as having physical damage. I didn't post it in the beginning because I didn't know it. As you are likely well-aware, bike repair is a process. Not all of the information is known in the beginning. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was? Perhaps you should have read through all that I'd written/added before giving me s&%t? Please don't get all BMW-forum member on my a$$ (and yes, I read the part where you say you were kidding).
Oh boy. Do you really think that was "giving you shit"? Since you didn't include any obligatory smilies it is hard to tell how serious you are being.

But I respond, nay, nay! T'was merely a slight tweak on the nose, all in good fun.

One thing that you will find if you stay around here long enough (and I hope that you do), is that we are all about bustin' each others chops on Fridays. One doesn't really need to have a good reason to do so. Just about anything will do. I see that Bustanut has indoctrinated you properly in the dogpile Friday tradition.

One thing that you were correct about though, this is "a forum where 2 outta' 3 members aren't total dickheads...". Most of us are only partial dickheads. ;)
I'll have to be sure to stay away on Fridays, then...all other days should, I hope, be OK.

Mostly that will depend on you. :rolleyes:

FWIW - now that your problem has been found, and everyone here is genuinely glad you found it, the thread then becomes fodder for this kind of frivolous nonsense. I mean, what else are we going to do? Keep talking about your busted relay?

Hopefully you can find it in yourself to lighten up a bit and enjoy the camaraderie here. If not I predict a short stay.

It's happened before. Guess what, if you leave in a big huff because some of us PWI (Post While Intoxicated), and joke around about things that you don't happen find humorous, most of us won't even notice.

Your choice. But before you do, I suggest that you read a lot of the posts first. There is some human relations type stuff, sharing and caring, blah blah blah that happens here on this forum that just doesn't happen anywhere else in cyberspace that I am aware of. This is one extremely large, somewhat dysfunctional, but pretty incredible nonetheless, family.
How about either talking about nothing else on this thread (since the bike is running and the relay, as you mentioned above, is fixed) OR recommending places to go for wholesale Yamaha parts (since I'd asked for assistance with that as well)? I don't have to share a similar sense of humor in order to frequent this site, nor do I have to keep quiet when a thread I'd originated gets horribly off-topic (at my expense, to a certain extent). I won't go away because of it, as you'd predicted I might. I will lurk and I will gleen. I will seek information here and point out those times when I fail to see the humor in something or when I am bothered by the goings-on...such is my right, isn't it (much as it is the right of others, no matter how inappropriate, to change the topic of a thread completely and turn it into something reminiscent of extremely rural Alabama)? I'll give you this...it is an incredible site. The word "incredible", incidentally, has multiple definitions and connotations. I would, so far and instead, describe it as "informative".

Good on ya Fred! I tried being nice, and this guy just don't understand how we "play" here..

Fuk dood? How many times do you have to have a question answered?

The relay is toast and needs to be shitcanned and replaced. This is a forum comprised of guys (and gals) who do shit and share the results.. If ya want to dig any further ask yer dealer or personal wrench..

We're a weird group here, who, for the most part understand and support each other in ways most in society don't either understand or comprehend.

I'm going out on a limb here an suggesting a thicker skin is in order..

Oh an good for you as far as not allowing chemicals to influence your life.. Some of us are actually responsible folk with that stuff an enjoy relaxing with a toast or two..

Plus! (I know it's hard to believe)We have enjoyable lives without it also!

Relax and take this place for what it is.. A frenetic diversion...


Fair enough, then. I, for one, am done replying to this thread UNLESS it is in response to something related to it's original topic(s). Thanks to all who had something helpful to say when I was having an issue with my bike...I genuinely appreciate it.

Fair enough, then. I, for one, am done replying to this thread UNLESS it is in response to something related to it's original topic(s). Thanks to all who had something helpful to say when I was having an issue with my bike...I genuinely appreciate it.
Cleverly hidden in Post # 58 of this thread was a link to wholesale parts site information:

<major snippage/deletion> I've found many parts thus far, but still have several to go. Can anyone recommend a good source for new wholesale??? Thanks for all the great input/information, guys! Finally...a forum where 2 outta' 3 members aren't total dickheads...ACHOO...BMW!...excuse me ;) .
For various parts sources you might want to check the FAQ section, particularly this thread!

Unfortunately our best source has been released from his employment so your next best thing is to compare prices from the sites listed.
*No winkies or smilies*

[SIZE=14pt]Now....Die thread....die![/SIZE]

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Fair enough, then. I, for one, am done replying to this thread UNLESS it is in response to something related to it's original topic(s). Thanks to all who had something helpful to say when I was having an issue with my bike...I genuinely appreciate it.
Cleverly hidden in Post # 58 of this thread was a link to wholesale parts site information:

<major snippage/deletion> I've found many parts thus far, but still have several to go. Can anyone recommend a good source for new wholesale??? Thanks for all the great input/information, guys! Finally...a forum where 2 outta' 3 members aren't total dickheads...ACHOO...BMW!...excuse me ;) .
For various parts sources you might want to check the FAQ section, particularly this thread!

Unfortunately our best source has been released from his employment so your next best thing is to compare prices from the sites listed.
*No winkies or smilies*

[SIZE=14pt]Now....Die thread....die![/SIZE]
I can reply to this response as it has something (barely, as it is clearly meant to be more insulting than anything) to do with one of my original requests for assistance. I am well-aware of that earlier reply regarding wholesale parts sources...I clicked and entered days ago. Does the fact that an individual responded with such a link mean there are no other places to go that are worthwhile, or does it mean that I can continue to ask for suggestions of others? Me thinks the latter. You guys (you know who you are) are just relentless (and apparently very, very bored), aren't you?

recommending places to go for wholesale Yamaha parts



A couple of places you can try
Thank you for the very helpful information and for not jumping on the "needless, pointless, good-humorless sh!t-giving" bandwagon.

Fair enough, then. I, for one, am done replying to this thread UNLESS it is in response to something related to it's original topic(s). Thanks to all who had something helpful to say when I was having an issue with my bike...I genuinely appreciate it.
Cleverly hidden in Post # 58 of this thread was a link to wholesale parts site information:

<major snippage/deletion> I've found many parts thus far, but still have several to go. Can anyone recommend a good source for new wholesale??? Thanks for all the great input/information, guys! Finally...a forum where 2 outta' 3 members aren't total dickheads...ACHOO...BMW!...excuse me ;) .
For various parts sources you might want to check the FAQ section, particularly this thread!

Unfortunately our best source has been released from his employment so your next best thing is to compare prices from the sites listed.
*No winkies or smilies*

[SIZE=14pt]Now....Die thread....die![/SIZE]
I can reply to this response as it has something (barely, as it is clearly meant to be more insulting than anything) to do with one of my original requests for assistance. I am well-aware of that earlier reply regarding wholesale parts sources...I clicked and entered days ago. Does the fact that an individual responded with such a link mean there are no other places to go that are worthwhile, or does it mean that I can continue to ask for suggestions of others? Me thinks the latter. You guys (you know who you are) are just relentless (and apparently very, very bored), aren't you?
You need to realize that nobody is picking on you personally. If you hang around long enough, you'll see that you're not being singled out. Anybody who posts a question that's been seen 147 million times gets the same treatment. The question implies that the poster is completely unaware of the vast resources pointed out to him during the registration process, or just can't be bothered to check it out. That's why we keep referring those individuals (not just you) to the same already available information.

As for your most recent response, there was nothing insulting about his post, he was pointing out that he himself posted an answer to your question, and was thinking maybe you missed it. His answer wasn't intended to be THIS IS THE ANSWER, all-inclusive and no other possibilities exist, but it was a link to a large reference that already exists on the forum. We do that a lot, because it keeps the wheel in its original form, rather than being redeveloped from scratch everytime time someone asks what oil, where to get parts, how does it work, etc. With the FJR entring its 8th model year (10th worldwide) there aren't that many new questions, so we (as a body) point to existing information to answer those questions.

Your original problem, why won't it start, was a new question, with unique circumstances, and was well addressed by forum members, myself included. Where do I get stuff? was not a new question, and was treated accordingly.

So, keep in mind that nobody's trying to be nasty to you personally, we're having some fun (yes, at your expense) but it's nothing new, especially on Fridays.


Even though the OP appears to have a healthily running FJR again
, I thought I'd post a diagram that shows what the connections are around that relay. (Well, what else do I do when I've just given blood
and SWMBO says I can't ride with an empty arm

It's based on the (USA) wiring diagram of a YCC-S equipped bike, so there are one or two extra bits over the conventional, but this shouldn't get in the way of understanding what's going on.

(Click on image for larger view)

It's not complete by any means, but does explain many of the interactions between the various switches and relays. Hope it's of interest to someone.

If anyone finds any errors, or requires clarification, please let me know.

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... I will lurk and I will gleen....
Did you mean glean?

(What have I become?)

And you're making me wish you'd do more lurking.

Welcome to the forum. ;)
Unfortunately, I can't/won't respond to a portion of your message for two reasons. #1) it has nothing to do with my requests for assistance, and #2) because I'd like to stay true to my primary goal of gleAning relevant information. As the admittedly heavily-influenced son of a journalist/editor (most unfortunate, I know), I will say that I was aware of my misspelling immediately after I'd typed the word. I neglected to go back and edit it, though, as I was in a bit of a rush. Lastly, thank you for welcoming me to the forum. Somehow, though, I don't feel particularly welcome(d). Poor me, right? World's smallest violin, et al...

Even though the OP appears to have a healthily running FJR again :clapping: , I thought I'd post a diagram that shows what the connections are around that relay. (Well, what else do I do when I've just given blood :vampire: and SWMBO says I can't ride with an empty arm :nono: ?)
It's based on the (USA) wiring diagram of a YCC-S equipped bike, so there are one or two extra bits over the conventional, but this shouldn't get in the way of understanding what's going on.

[SIZE=8pt](Click on image for larger view)[/SIZE]

It's not complete by any means, but does explain many of the interactions between the various switches and relays. Hope it's of interest to someone.

If anyone finds any errors, or requires clarification, please let me know.
Thank you for posting this diagram. As it turns out, I already have it, but it should certainly come in handy for others who will visit this royally f'ed up thread.

Fair enough, then. I, for one, am done replying to this thread UNLESS it is in response to something related to it's original topic(s). Thanks to all who had something helpful to say when I was having an issue with my bike...I genuinely appreciate it.
Cleverly hidden in Post # 58 of this thread was a link to wholesale parts site information:

<major snippage/deletion> I've found many parts thus far, but still have several to go. Can anyone recommend a good source for new wholesale??? Thanks for all the great input/information, guys! Finally...a forum where 2 outta' 3 members aren't total dickheads...ACHOO...BMW!...excuse me ;) .
For various parts sources you might want to check the FAQ section, particularly this thread!

Unfortunately our best source has been released from his employment so your next best thing is to compare prices from the sites listed.
*No winkies or smilies*

[SIZE=14pt]Now....Die thread....die![/SIZE]
I can reply to this response as it has something (barely, as it is clearly meant to be more insulting than anything) to do with one of my original requests for assistance. I am well-aware of that earlier reply regarding wholesale parts sources...I clicked and entered days ago. Does the fact that an individual responded with such a link mean there are no other places to go that are worthwhile, or does it mean that I can continue to ask for suggestions of others? Me thinks the latter. You guys (you know who you are) are just relentless (and apparently very, very bored), aren't you?
You need to realize that nobody is picking on you personally. If you hang around long enough, you'll see that you're not being singled out. Anybody who posts a question that's been seen 147 million times gets the same treatment. The question implies that the poster is completely unaware of the vast resources pointed out to him during the registration process, or just can't be bothered to check it out. That's why we keep referring those individuals (not just you) to the same already available information.

As for your most recent response, there was nothing insulting about his post, he was pointing out that he himself posted an answer to your question, and was thinking maybe you missed it. His answer wasn't intended to be THIS IS THE ANSWER, all-inclusive and no other possibilities exist, but it was a link to a large reference that already exists on the forum. We do that a lot, because it keeps the wheel in its original form, rather than being redeveloped from scratch everytime time someone asks what oil, where to get parts, how does it work, etc. With the FJR entring its 8th model year (10th worldwide) there aren't that many new questions, so we (as a body) point to existing information to answer those questions.

Your original problem, why won't it start, was a new question, with unique circumstances, and was well addressed by forum members, myself included. Where do I get stuff? was not a new question, and was treated accordingly.

So, keep in mind that nobody's trying to be nasty to you personally, we're having some fun (yes, at your expense) but it's nothing new, especially on Fridays.

As much as I'd like to (and trust me...I re-heee-heeeeeaaaaaalllllllyyyy (cheap Jim Carrey ripoff) would) dissect, and respond to, this post bit-by-bit, I won't. Must...stay...focused...
