Highway 36 and down the coast!!!!!! May 10-11-12

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Are there others who will meet us at the Woodland Shell/ Jack in the Box on Road102 on Monday morning? It looks like Toecutter got an earlier start and will be in Reno. So It is Gfran and CelloII. Any others speak up!! Please! Otherwise we'll take off when we match up.

My present plans include meeting the others in Red Bluff by 8:00 to ride to the photo @ 8:10. Then a glorious romp to Alton, food, and a trip down throught the redwoods to Leggett where we have to run at least ten or fifteen miles of that glorious road. The group can decide to return to Leggett, forage ahead to Fort Bragg and take the crowded twisties up the hill on 20 to 101, or continue south toward SF. on 1. I'll probably want to take Stewart Point/ Skaggs Rd to Healdsberg, Calistoga, Berryessa, Winter, Davis and home. I estimate a 650 mile day. A good warm-up!!


Woodland meeting place is Jack in the box / Shell gas station, Monday at 6:00am.But, I think Madmike2 gets the credit for the confusion.
Hey...Hey...HEY! I was just tryin' tuh hep.

But that seems like a much easier and better place to meet, eat, fuel and return to the highway.

You guys have loads of fun, y'here.

Now that OM has confirmed he is going the opposite direction for the first half, I'm more than happy to join the Quincy group for lunch on Sunday. Then it's on to Red Bluff.

See you there.


Woodland meeting place is Jack in the box / Shell gas station, Monday at 6:00am.But, I think Madmike2 gets the credit for the confusion.
Hey...Hey...HEY! I was just tryin' tuh hep.

But that seems like a much easier and better place to meet, eat, fuel and return to the highway.
You're right Mike. A better place. But, still added confusion. Thanks for the help.

See you at CFR, if not earlier.

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Having ridden this exact route, only in the other directions (SF up PCH1, Legget, 36 to 89 down to Quincy and the Gold Rush country) and loved it! I'm looking forward to ride reports on y'alls ride. Be careful and have fun in Gods Country!

I will be leaving CC in 30 minutes heading to meet Brian in Portola, I will see the rest of you in Quincy or tonight in Red Bluff.


I will be leaving CC in 30 minutes heading to meet Brian in Portola, I will see the rest of you in Quincy or tonight in Red Bluff.
What a beautiful day it is here in northern California. I'm stuck here stressing over a deadline (2 actually) I have to make, so I'm working (when I'm not procrastinating). WISH I was meeting you guys for this ride in Quincy instead. Saw O.M. yesterday afternoon and the bastid cruelly pointed out that we had bikes parked out front and could leave in the early a.m. like he was planning. Pr1ck! I've been wishing I had that freedom all night. :(

Have a great ride you guys!

Tyler, did you say spurs? :p
In your dreams, sweet thang. :p
How did you know about his dream?

Anyway, looks like I'll be the last to commit. I've been trying to get up and see my daughter at Humboldt State, so this is perfect, at least for part of your ride. I'll ride the 36 part at least, have lunch with you all, then spend a night or two up there, take her to dinner and so on.

I'm meeting Gary--gfran--at 5:30 a.m. (God, I can't believe I'm saying that) at the Costco parking lot (the one in Sacramento--Riverside and Broadway just off the "Downtown/10th St." exit, and we'll ride out to Woodland to meet up with the rest of that bunch. If anybody else from Sac is coming to Woodland on Monday, you could meet us at our rendezvous and we'll ride that leg together. It's just a couple blocks from the freeway and we'll just jump on I-5. It'll be good to see you folks again. Sorry to be on the tail end, but hey, ya know?

let u sknow when you get home guys.....

I just landed in San Jose, I am at the DoubleTree by the airport....

just had dinner and a couple of drinks with brian now it is time to chill..

Ride report to follow when i get home.


Now that OM has confirmed he is going the opposite direction for the first half, I'm more than happy to join the Quincy group for lunch on Sunday. Then it's on to Red Bluff.
See you there.



I thought your name was Ralf................. :dribble: :rolleyes:


I'm home now.... took the gear off and put my butt in my easy chair.......... chillin time....

I will try and post up some stuff tomorrow ..... it was fun Richard.......



A memorable ride.


Get home safe Richard.

Thanks all.

What a fabulous ride!! I'm home. 672 miles. Met great guys. Bluestreak, WeekendRider and I took Avenue of the Giants, (perfect!), Leggett/Hwy 1 (WOW!), Mountainview Rd to near Ukiah( Just Wonderful), Hopland and 175 (WOW). Bluestreak went northeast and we headed southeast to Middleton, Butts Valley, Berryessa, and to our respective homes. I knew it was going to be a delightful ride, but had no idea it would be that great! Thanks to all.

