Hooterville 2016 - Oct. 6-9

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RaYzerman a solid maybe most likely. Somebody's gotta babysit yamafitter...........
Please leave your rectum dilators at home. No one wants to hear the moaning coming from your room.


yamafitter posted: What this shindig needs is some poutine.
Haven't had poutine since I left Boston. PLEASE bring some. (Can you get real poutine in Ontario?)
Real poutine does not travel well. The fries will be too soggy. The only place in Ontario to get good poutine is in the Ottawa Valley which might as well be in Quebec but the Quebecers won't have them.

Make your hotel reservations. I only got a small block of half-a-dozen rooms so if I need to get more I need to know.

You can cancel up to the day of.

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Ok. Just reserved a double queen room. If anyone wants to share, let me know. If I can halve the room cost, that makes my life easier!!

Got a double queen room reserved also. If anyone wants to split it let me know.

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Zzzzip and I are going to be roomies again. That hasn't happened since EOM, 2009. I'm going to get there Wednesday evening so I can ride some on Thursday. Anyone else getting there on Wednesday? It's 827 miles from here, so not too bad for one day, but that will give me 3 days to ride the area and then bug out on Sunday.

I'm arriving Thursday with Griff, and mebbe a Georgia rider if he can manage to be gone during football season, taking 2 and 4 laners(where we have to) for the 770+/- miles to Harrison, AR.

I cannot get off work earlier, but mebbe Griff and the GA rider can.

wheatonFJR posted: <snipped> I'm arriving Thursday with Griff, and mebbe a Georgia rider if he can manage to be gone during football season ...
PM sent regarding the sanctity of Southern College Football.

That Saturday the Razorbacks are hosting the Crimson Tide. Since the stadium is only 75 miles away in Fayetville we should be able to here the cheering from the hotel in Harrison.

RJAMT posted: That Saturday the Razorbacks are hosting the Crimson Tide. Since the stadium is only 75 miles away in Fayetville we should be able to here the cheering from the hotel in Harrison.
Dear sir, I'm afraid you have assumed wrongly. In order to hear cheering at the Fayetteville stadium, one would assume the Arkies have scored. That's a low probability occurrence against Alabama. Possible? Yes. Probable? Ask Las Vegas.

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Since my first words were ROLL TIDE and spoken while wearing a Crimson diaper I was assuming the cheers were from Bama fans.

Zzzzip and I are going to be roomies again. That hasn't happened since EOM, 2009. I'm going to get there Wednesday evening so I can ride some on Thursday. Anyone else getting there on Wednesday? It's 827 miles from here, so not too bad for one day, but that will give me 3 days to ride the area and then bug out on Sunday.
Well, if we get rained out, I'll at least have somebody entertaining to watch.

Looking for a none snoring roomie for the "Hooterville 400" at the HIE...and have/offer a free stay for Wednesday night at the nearby Super 8.

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Looking for a none snoring roomie for the "Hooterville 400" at the HIE...and have a free stay for Wednesday night at the nearby Super 8.
I need a roomie! I plan to be there Thu-Sun
