Hooterville 400 spring fling!!!!

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I will block that weekend maybe some add'l riding before and after.

Sorry Smitty to hear you got "the word". Even though it was expected/suspected, it's not a good feeling when you actually hear it. :(

I personallly know how capable you are and your integrity speaks volumes...hopefully this will be a step to something BETTER as your future employer sees these same qualities.

Keep your head up there buddy and the rubber side down :)

Well I got the "BAD" news the other day :( . My job will end and go to Mexico on Feb 28, 2006. I would just like to thank the U.S. goverment :angry2: , and N.A.F.T.A. :angry2: for giving good American jobs to Mexico. (sorry for the rant)..
Hell Smitty, if noting has shaped up by then you and me and anyone else can just keep on going after the Hooterfest. Living off the land, begging for spare change for fuel and tires.

This is becoming a full time job.. determining all the rides, the dates, the pocket book.. So many rides, so little time/money. Please somebody will me all your great uncles fortune so I can become the skooter tramp I so desire to be..
This is becoming a full time job.. determining all the rides, the dates, the pocket book.. So many rides, so little time/money. Please somebody will me all your great uncles fortune so I can become the skooter tramp I so desire to be..
One way to achieve your Skooter Tramp status, Is to sell that over priced home in cali and buy in Hooterville!

You can live like a king here for 1/3 the cost and twice the house! ;) :p

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This is becoming a full time job.. determining all the rides, the dates, the pocket book.. So many rides, so little time/money. Please somebody will me all your great uncles fortune so I can become the skooter tramp I so desire to be..
One way to achieve your Skooter Tramp status, Is to sell that over priced home in cali and buy in Hooterville!

You can live like a king here for 1/3 the cost and twice the house! ;) :p
...PLUS all the food you can eat from the possum roadkill being scraped off uh dem dere roads...but only if you are quick enough to get to it first :)

This is becoming a full time job.. determining all the rides, the dates, the pocket book.. So many rides, so little time/money. Please somebody will me all your great uncles fortune so I can become the skooter tramp I so desire to be..
One way to achieve your Skooter Tramp status, Is to sell that over priced home in cali and buy in Hooterville!

You can live like a king here for 1/3 the cost and twice the house! ;) :p
...PLUS all the food you can eat from the possum roadkill being scraped off uh dem dere roads...but only if you are quick enough to get to it first :)
mmmmmmmmm, flat possum cooked on asphalt with hot tar gravy. :rolleyes:

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This is becoming a full time job.. determining all the rides, the dates, the pocket book.. So many rides, so little time/money. Please somebody will me all your great uncles fortune so I can become the skooter tramp I so desire to be..
One way to achieve your Skooter Tramp status, Is to sell that over priced home in cali and buy in Hooterville!

You can live like a king here for 1/3 the cost and twice the house! ;) :p
...PLUS all the food you can eat from the possum roadkill being scraped off uh dem dere roads...but only if you are quick enough to get to it first :)
I've never seen ONE dead possum down there. Unless you are talking about the armored kind. Especially through Hooterville and on south to Arkansas. Armadillo road kill was about as common as road striping. Thought for a while that someone was tossing them out onto the road like breadcrumbs. Started looking like a 'trail to follow... get it... 'trail.... as in entrails..... HAH!!!!!

Nice thing about eating Armadillo is that after you cook it, it comes on it's own serving plate.

"I've never seen ONE dead possum down there. "

That's only cause you dont' ride slow enuf to see them! <BG>

Went thru Texas, Ar, Ky, & Ohio last month... saw lots of dead raccons and a few possums..

But if you're going to keep on riding... there's LOTS of dead rabbits out west! <BG>

Of course for way better eatin... just run up to Ohio... LOTS of deer, and some coons, possums, whatevas... even some coyotes....<G>

and dont' furgit the stripey critters.... shunks! :dribble: :dribble:


So.......riddle me this

Exactly where are you guy's planning on riding goegraphically speaking? NE or NW AR?

Just curious...........that general area is about a 6+ hour ride from where I live. I can take the slab up to Memphis and cut across, or take I20 into north LA somewhere around Monroe and turn N

I will set a date for the Hooterville Spring fling on May 12 and 13. Also it will be here in Bonne Terre, Mo. 63628. The reason to have is here is simple. Not real sure what I will be doing job wise, and great roads. I can put several great route together in the 300 to 400 mile range. This way you can pic how much time you want to spend in the saddle. I will also like to have several groups, this way no one is riding faster than they really want to.
If possible I will have a work day on Friday the 11th. That all depends on new job ect. If a work day is not possible, I will work as long as it takes to help anyone out Friday evening/night with tire changing ..farkels..ect.

Here's the phone # for the local Super 8 motel. Looking forward to the spring and getting back together. If anyone has any ideas, or just want to talk about it my # is on the help list. Or send me a pm with your # and I will call you back.........Smitty

Super 8 Motel

8 northwood dr.

Bonne Terre, Mo. 63628

So.......riddle me this
Exactly where are you guy's planning on riding goegraphically speaking? NE or NW AR?

Just curious...........that general area is about a 6+ hour ride from where I live. I can take the slab up to Memphis and cut across, or take I20 into north LA somewhere around Monroe and turn N

I was informed the other day by my buddy Wheaton FJR May 12, and 13 is mothers day weekend. Please let me know if this is a bad weekend of everyone. We will ride on Saturday, and return home on Sunday. I know some will be traveling 300 miles or more. We can change to another weekend if needed. Post up and tell me what you think.. We will be riding out of Bonne Terre, Mo. And riding in southern Missouri.. Smitty :clapping:

It's gonna be a busy spring. Annual Moonshine ride April 14th weekend. In state SS1000 in May exact date to be determened. I'm going to make this ride if at all possible. Guess I'll just have go ahead and order two sets of tire. It's looking like a great riding season.

Just a thought..... My brother Darrell offered his home and large deck for a BB-Q on saturday evening. It would be simple meal, dogs, brats, burgers, mac salad, chips, cool beverages. We can sit around and have a beer, tell storys ect. If everyone would rather do that, we can. Or we can eat out, and come back to my house and hang out.... Just looking for a little input. Smitty

I did get the evil eye for saying I was going to be gone on mothers day weekend.....I may get certain privileges back if we was to pick a different weekend. She seems to think that trumped up Hallmark holiday is important.

I will have the shop open on Friday evening. If anyone would like a cruise installed or tires change let me know as soon as possible. I would make time for 1 cruise install, and 2 sets of new rubber. You can drop ship your new tires to my house if you like.. I will be at work on Friday, so all this would happen in the evening (after 5:30). Everyone is welcome to use any tools I have to do anything on there bike. It will be first come first served. Sorry about the mothersday weekend... But we will do all the riding on Saturday, you can always get up early and blast home. If your lucky, she will never know you have been gone.. :rolleyes:

I am also checking on some "Hooterville 400" T-shirts. When I find out the cost I will let everyone know..Smitty

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