Hooterville 400 spring fling!!!!

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I am going to keep my eye on the thread. A couple of buddies and I were talking of doing a ride this weekend, but if it falls through I would be more than happy to come ride with you all. The wife is working all weekend, and the kids will likely be with their mom for Mother's Day... so what is a guy to do?

I am going to keep my eye on the thread. A couple of buddies and I were talking of doing a ride this weekend, but if it falls through I would be more than happy to come ride with you all. The wife is working all weekend, and the kids will likely be with their mom for Mother's Day... so what is a guy to do?
What you should do is put on an MSF course in HOOTERVILLE. Then we can go get nutty...er.. ;)

Is the date moving or is it still Mother's Day weekend??

Host Hotel? Suggestions????

Which city??

May try to catch up to you guys from Arkansas.

Thanks for the info.

Is the date moving or is it still Mother's Day weekend??
Host Hotel? Suggestions????

Which city??

May try to catch up to you guys from Arkansas.

Thanks for the info.
There's a decent Super 8 a few blocks from Smitty's there in Bonne Terre. There's lots of other places to stay all up and down the highway there. Far as I know it's still Mothers Day weekend. Smitty should be back from Daytona/Atlanta/DealsGap, so perhaps he can refresh us. He starts a new job next week, so perhaps we should give him a bit of time to get settled in before all this is "etched in stone". Although as far as I know it's all a GO as planned.

Is the date moving or is it still Mother's Day weekend??
Host Hotel? Suggestions????

Which city??

May try to catch up to you guys from Arkansas.

Thanks for the info.
Post #18 has the info...
Thank you. Sometimes I get in too much of a hurry reading these posts.

I'm going to try and work this in, but may not be able to because of Mother's Day.

Smitty and fellow riders:

I've been mulling this for a while and, Mother's Day or not, I want to ride with you guys. I live close enough that I should be able to dash back to St. Louis on Sunday morning. If I plan on taking my mom and wife to one of our finer eating establishments for dinner, I should survive.

Of course, tremors at home may tumble my plans. I put the odds at 50-50 I'll make a clean getaway.

Any ideas on how to announce my plan without ending up in the doghouse would be appreciated.


I might not be able to make this after all... :(

I will have to see how things are financially as the time gets closer... :glare:

Smitty and fellow riders:
I've been mulling this for a while and, Mother's Day or not, I want to ride with you guys. I live close enough that I should be able to dash back to St. Louis on Sunday morning. If I plan on taking my mom and wife to one of our finer eating establishments for dinner, I should survive.

Of course, tremors at home may tumble my plans. I put the odds at 50-50 I'll make a clean getaway.

Any ideas on how to announce my plan without ending up in the doghouse would be appreciated.

I'm taking my wife out to dinner the weekend before for her official appreciation day. The kids will do their thing for their mom on the "Hallmark sanctioned card selling day".

I might not be able to make this after all... :(
I will have to see how things are financially as the time gets closer... :glare:

What's the big deal? They sticking you with the whole hundred grand bill for cracking your chest? Quintuple OUCH!

I'll let you camp on Smitty's couch if that helps any. Heck, we could line up a bunch of cots out in his garage for that matter. Ah, screw that. I'll stay at the Super 8. My back hurts just thinking about a cot. Or a couch. Or the floor. Man, am I a wus or what?!? :rolleyes:

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I might not be able to make this after all... :(
I will have to see how things are financially as the time gets closer... :glare:

Adam, a room for Saturday night at the Super 8 is on me. If you don't want to ride you can drive up Saturday afternoon, and eat dinner, enjoy the fellowship at my brothers saturday evening. He is going to do a cook out, and we can pick up some "lite" beer for you... Also going to have a bon-fire sit around and lie to each other. I hope the weather is good. Also if everyone wants to have a few we can leave the bikes there and I can shuttle everyone to the motel... Smitty

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I might not be able to make this after all... :(
I will have to see how things are financially as the time gets closer... :glare:

What's the big deal? They sticking you with the whole hundred grand bill for cracking your chest? Quintuple OUCH!

I am unsure of that...

The paramedics that saved me belonged to St. Johns Hospital, So there i went... United Heathcare is saying i might owe 80k since it was "out of network" :angry2:

I am going to fight them on this, But you know how Insurance Companies are... :angry:

I might not be able to make this after all... :(
I will have to see how things are financially as the time gets closer... :glare:

Adam, a room for Saturday night at the Super 8 is on me. If you don't want to ride you can drive up Saturday afternoon, and eat dinner, enjoy the fellowship at my brothers saturday evening. He is going to do a cook out, and we can pick up some "lite" beer for you... Also going to have a bon-fire sit around and lie to each other. I hope the weather is good. Also if everyone wants to have a few we can leave the bikes there and I can shuttle everyone to the motel... Smitty
Might take you up on that! If i cant ride, I could be SAG (Supply And Gear) down there! :rolleyes: :lol:

I might not be able to make this after all... :(
I will have to see how things are financially as the time gets closer... :glare:

Adam, a room for Saturday night at the Super 8 is on me. If you don't want to ride you can drive up Saturday afternoon, and eat dinner, enjoy the fellowship at my brothers saturday evening. He is going to do a cook out, and we can pick up some "lite" beer for you... Also going to have a bon-fire sit around and lie to each other. I hope the weather is good. Also if everyone wants to have a few we can leave the bikes there and I can shuttle everyone to the motel... Smitty

And if you get there on Friday the room is on me. It will be worth it just to have you there so we can laugh at and with you. :clapping: Things got a little too close buddy.


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You guys are soooo P***y whipped.... B)
Ohhh. beat me, whip me, make me like it. :)

Im putt'n in for the day off, so I can make the ride on Saturday. Smitty, what do you need for the cook out? I have a grill, ice coolers, etc, I could drop off before that weekend if you need such. Otherwise, how about a list of food items we could help with?

I want to participate, so I am getting the wife a second job to finance the trip.

Hope to see you there.

Hope she doesn't bitch slap me into place. If I don't make it, you'll know why.


I want to participate, so I am getting the wife a second job to finance the trip.
Hope to see you there.

Hope she doesn't bitch slap me into place. If I don't make it, you'll know why.

Some guys are soooo P***y whipped.... :lol:

................ j/k there occifer. :)

Hey Smitty,

This thing is coming up soon...about how many have indicated to you that they are attending? Do you have a running list? Or should I just go back and look at responses to your invite?

Hi guys, the Hooterville 400 ride will be here before you know it. Could everyone that is planning to attend please send me a pm or post here. Need to know how many to plan on for the BB-Q on Saturday evening. I will be pre-riding the route over the next few week for fuel and places for lunch. Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting some new ones.... Thanks Smitty
