hornet deer horn

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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Oregon City, OR
Has anyone mounted one of the Hornet deer horns on their bike? I want to mount one, but I don't want to drill a hole in the plastic. Had a couple of close calls this year, and the season isn't over yet.


If the thing actually works, I'd drill a hole anywhere and not think twice about it.

Any real proof out there that this thing does work?

They have a version of these in Australia that are used to 'protect' against kangaroos.

"ShuRoo creates a high frequency "Safety Sound Zone" 400 metres ahead and 50 metres either side of your vehicle which alerts kangaroos and other wildlife of your approaching vehicle—day, night, rain or shine.

ShuRoo's unique signal cannot he heard hy humans, but to wildlife It Is as loud as a police siren. By taking advantage of their high frequency danger alert system in this way, ShuRoo warns animals of your approach and helps prevent a collision that could potentially harm you, your passengers and your vehicle. Not only does ShuRoo help protect you and your family, It also protects our wildlife."

The general concensus is that they are Snake oil that's supported solely by the punters' 'testmonials', in

the complete absence of any relevant scientific evidence whatsoever.


So, you are alerting the animal to jump in front of you???
I have one as well to mount, I have been waiting for this thread and to see where they are mounted. I am thinking under the headlight assembly somehow. My brother who is in NY, has one on his HD and swears by it. My dad mounted one on his GW Trike. I think they work, and I will have it mounted soon as the deer are moving here in KY.

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I mounted a set down on the reflectors on the front wheels...I figured it couldn't make them any uglier than they already were :rolleyes:


Has anyone mounted one of the Hornet deer horns on their bike? I want to mount one, but I don't want to drill a hole in the plastic. Had a couple of close calls this year, and the season isn't over yet.Thanks
Killed Bambi at 70+ in a sweeper up in BC while riding my Connie in 1992. Got deer whistles, Bambi would look up from roadside grazing, then go back to lunch. Also those things collect bugs and get plugged very easily. I would not spend my $$ on those things, and if you are hustling along you may get there about the time they respond(if they do).

When I put Cobra cans with no baffles on my FJ1200, I noticed that bambi was running away long before I got there. Pissed everyone else off too. Before that I had a pair of whistles on there and I could have stuck then on my arse for all the good they did.

The Hornet electronic whistle are far, FAR more irritating to humans than they are to deer.

We had a guy mount one on his GS Adventure many years ago. When he would come to a checkpoint at one of our Endurance rallies, everyone around him would shout at him to turn the damn thing off.

He still hit a deer with it anyway later on that year.

Save your money.

When I put Cobra cans with no baffles on my FJ1200, I noticed that bambi was running away long before I got there. Pissed everyone else off too. Before that I had a pair of whistles on there and I could have stuck then on my arse for all the good they did.
Lots of anecdotal accounts (and maybe some research) that they don't have any effect. I would agree. In upstate NY the rats are everywhere, even in the middle of towns, so I don't see noise frightening them away. Best defense is a sharp eye, ready hands and little riding during dark (although I've seen them all over at any time). Maybe my 2 Brothers with no decible reducers helps also, who knows?

Has anyone mounted one of the Hornet deer horns on their bike?

Deer don't have horns, they have antlers.

Bulls have horns.

I think if you have a "Bullhorn" bolted to the front of your bike it will work better. Get the kind with the remote microphone...that way you can say "shoo you deer, get out of my way!" Or better yet yelp like a timber wolf, that seems to get them moving....

Every test I have seen on the pletora of "deer whistles" on the market have shown that the one thing they can do is seperate you from your hard earned money.



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