how do y'all get so many....

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I'm from and work for the Guvmint, and I'm here to help ya.......... :D I've got 20 thou on Frank and live in the Great White North, so that ain't bad.
Rad is evidently geographically challenged....the great white north starts on the NORTH side of the border...but he's still really smart for a retired....I mean government guy.... :D

My excuse at 1100 posts? I'm just a 1/4 whore, but 4 times better at it.

Ahhhh, a legend in your own mind. :rolleyes:

Post this, quarter-boy! :****:
TWN is just suffering from a relapse of gerbilitis :D .....that's why that one finger always swells....

I keep three things open during the day at my government job:



-FJR Forum

Some see more attention than others :D

I've been an FJR owner for less than two months, $3000 in Farkles, 2000 miles.

Maybe the miles will start pulling away from the $$ soon ;)

My excuse at 1100 posts? I'm just a 1/4 whore, but 4 times better at it.

Ahhhh, a legend in your own mind. :rolleyes:

Post this, quarter-boy! :****:
No, it's true. Iggy lasts 1/4 the time of your average whore.
No my poor FJR :angry2: is in the shop so I have to ride the wingabago til its fixed but then I'm retired :yahoo: so got plenty of time to post but dont do so except when I'm bored :D . So dont no whats Rad 's problem TWN he's retired or has plenty of money so he dose'nt have to work :lol: .


IBA 21261 1K,50CC BBG 1500

Easy...this is almost like multiple guess tests...I pass them all the time. My answer? I'm a drunk. Own an 05...bought it in august or october...don't remember. Seven thousand miles and still very happy with my purchase. The thing is...I am not a fan of driving wasted when I am on two wheels. learned the hard way. This forum takes me back to the scoot with out having to throw my leg over it. Most of my posts are bullshit but, I hope you kids can see through that and understand that you want me on the computer...and not on two wheels.

Well, I've had my bike just over a year and have on 18,000 miles, an SS1K, a seven-week layoff due to tick repair (when I got in most of my posts), several farkles and group rides. It's easy. Just prioritize.

Ride fast, type faster.

13500 on the '05 in 7 months.

...and I was once labeled "Postwhorious Maximus".

Wow, scab...I am impressed. How's the ticking? Does it bug you yet?

It's easy, kids....drink and post. Riding and posting gets kind of dangerous......and drinking and riding and posting is even more tricky.....

it's an addiction. we need a program.

Try Firefox, its a pretty good program. :p
yes, i love me some firefox. unfortunately, it's only helped fuel the addiction. tabbed browsing...ohhhh!

now if i could just get the IT retards at the place i'm currently calling "work" to get on board!
Gotta love Firefox. (Which IT retards don't like it, though? They're usually pushing Firefox)

it's an addiction. we need a program.

Try Firefox, its a pretty good program. :p
yes, i love me some firefox. unfortunately, it's only helped fuel the addiction. tabbed browsing...ohhhh!

now if i could just get the IT retards at the place i'm currently calling "work" to get on board!
Gotta love Firefox. (Which IT retards don't like it, though? They're usually pushing Firefox)
I know right! That's what I don't get. I installed it, retard eventually saw it and told me to remove it cause they don't support it. said he'd read lots of bad reviews on it and how insecure it is. i about fell over. so i'm stuck using IE, yeah like that's safe. It's hard enough for me to have to work on PC instead of a mac, but this just makes it completely awful.

it's an addiction. we need a program.

Try Firefox, its a pretty good program. :p
yes, i love me some firefox. unfortunately, it's only helped fuel the addiction. tabbed browsing...ohhhh!

now if i could just get the IT retards at the place i'm currently calling "work" to get on board!
Gotta love Firefox. (Which IT retards don't like it, though? They're usually pushing Firefox)
Does this make firefox ambiguous (that's both male & female ) for those lacking higher edumacation.... :D


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