how do y'all get so many....

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Ok boys and girls. Today's lesson? Quote function abuse.
Skooter, how does one quote the proper way? If you select "quote' it quotes the complete message, only way around that is to edit and delete what you don't want. Is there another way? :blink:

Skooter, how does one quote the proper way? If you select "quote' it quotes the complete message, only way around that is to edit and delete what you don't want. Is there another way? :blink:
Nope. Only way to do it is the way you mentioned. I know, kind of a PITA, but does everybody else a big favor. Once you do it a few times, it get pretty easy. I just highlight the part I want deleted and then hit the delete key. Voila!

Same goes for photos. Another pet peeve of mine is when people quote a previous post cotaining a photo, and repeat the photo. Get's old, ya know?

It would be interesting to compare average mileage per month of FJR operation (mechanical downtime excluded, snow on the road months excluded) as compared to posts.

I average 1,800 miles per month on my FJR. I have a few posts

some of you must LIVE here

It is Hard to Resist---- OK, Table, Table,--- when's my Table comming up......

It would be interesting to compare average mileage per month of FJR operation (mechanical downtime excluded, snow on the road months excluded) as compared to posts.
I average 1,800 miles per month on my FJR. I have a few posts

Hmmmm, good point Orangie...

1,555 MPM (that excludes 3 simultaneous months of miles racked up on the VFR & GL1800, 9 months of miles on the Road King, so it's prolly closer to 2,000 MPM on the bikes), 347 PPM.

Oh, and seriously guys... the gerbil thing has really lost it's point of humor. Do you all really enjoy following skooter in his tracks? Move on, wouldja? :glare:

Oh, and seriously guys... the gerbil thing has really lost it's point of humor. Do you all really enjoy following skooter in his tracks? Move on, wouldja? :glare:


Notice I connected gerbil and shit? Huuuhhh? I kills me....... :blink:

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yes, i love me some firefox. unfortunately, it's only helped fuel the addiction. tabbed browsing...ohhhh!now if i could just get the IT retards at the place i'm currently calling "work" to get on board!
One word for you:


Nope. Only way to do it is the way you mentioned. I know, kind of a PITA, but does everybody else a big favor.

Skooter: The easiest way is to open the reply message window, Click on "Wrap in Quotes", scroll down to the part you want to quote, highlight it and copy and paste between the

(Paste message here)[ /quote] signs.It does get tiring scrolling through pages and pages of the same info being requoted all the time, almost as bad as 14 replies of nothing but a smily face.

And you can quote me on that...
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