How fast is this bike anyway?

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I think I read someone had theirs up to 161. :eek: Wazthat U Bounce?

I've never been over 130. Don't have a closed course handy and all that.
Not me.

I'm not as enticed to the high end of the envelope as many here have reported being. I have too clear an understanding of my own mortality. I rarely even tap the ton because things have to be "perfect" for me before I punch warp drive. Even then I only dance around near DoD Nominal and have yet to ever break uno dos cero.

Without the bags, have had mine several times on level smooth road to a speedo indication of just a hair over 155mph. Each time, my GPS nails it as 150-151 mph.

(no bags, windshield low, mirrors pulled back, me huging fuel tank.)

Hi all,

Well this is gonna put the Rottwelier among the puddles - I recorded an absolute flat out, standard (no power commander or NOS) straightline motorway speed of 172MPH!!!!

This took place in September 2004 in the UK at 6.40(ish)am on the A1M motorway between Durham and Darlington on a UK 03 Silver Storm FJR. My pal was on a ZZR 1100 and shot past me!! He recorded 188MPH, and is just over 21Stone in weight!!

Trust me, only done it once (and that was chancing it! NEVER AGAIN!!) and the bike was stable and as SOLID as a train on a track!

Regards, Glenn :agent:

Sure would be interesting to figure the top speed out mathmatically. Might help to reduce the stated speeds found here...

Where is Kevin Cameron when you need him?

Hi all,
Well this is gonna put the Rottwelier among the puddles - I recorded an absolute flat out, standard (no power commander or NOS) straightline motorway speed of 172MPH!!!!

This took place in September 2004 in the UK at 6.40(ish)am on the A1M motorway between Durham and Darlington on a UK 03 Silver Storm FJR. My pal was on a ZZR 1100 and shot past me!! He recorded 188MPH, and is just over 21Stone in weight!!

Trust me, only done it once (and that was chancing it! NEVER AGAIN!!) and the bike was stable and as SOLID as a train on a track!

Regards, Glenn :agent:
Was that actual speed or as indicated on the speedometer?

Without the bags, have had mine several times on level smooth road to a speedo indication of just a hair over 155mph. Each time, my GPS nails it as 150-151 mph.
(no bags, windshield low, mirrors pulled back, me huging fuel tank.)
I can attest to that as the Feejer passed my Warrior like I was parked and I was just cruisin around 90.

I do not get this top speed discussion. I think the last thing i care about is the bikes top speed. I would take better handling and comfort over top speed.

Not that i do not like speed, i mean i was on the US Ski team-C team competeing in the super G and Downhill. Skiing down a ice Downhill course a 70 Mph is much more crazy then riding a bike at 130MPH +. Some times i think that i would rather have something that has the great power to about 100, but just rails in the corners.

I do not get this top speed discussion. I think the last thing i care about is the bikes top speed. I would take better handling and comfort over top speed.
Sometimes it is just fun to kill the boredom when traveling at any long distances (on a straightaway). The FJR is a great bike to burst at or near the big double nickle…for example: *when conditions permit* having great visuals looking down a long straightaway just after you got finished passing a cluster of cars and are ahead of “the pack“…it’s fun to hit the excite button and head towards your next cluster of cages. Repeat often and do at your own risk. I am not recommending this is just one of those things "that the devil made me do it". LOL.

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Road America in Wisconsin next year the first week in June. I attended last year for a day and it was the most fun I had all year. Easliy hit speeds of 140 on most of the straights. I can't wait for next year. I bet we could get a better price if there was a group wanting to go for a day. I learned tons of skills that made me a much better driver.

I do not get this top speed discussion. I think the last thing i care about is the bikes top speed.
You are right and I agree.

Just to clarify, I only did it once, within the confines of my capability and surroundings. It can be deadly. Any squidly acts are stupid.

I was able and decided to find out what George could do for my own reason.

I could care less how much faster this thing will go. You can go into red and go faster. :blink:

QUOTEI do not get this top speed discussion. I think the last thing i care about is the bikes top speed.

You are right and I agree.

Just to clarify, I only did it once, within the confines of my capability and surroundings. It can be deadly. Any squidly acts are stupid.
Hmmm....Let's see -- where do we draw the line on risk acceptance? Speed is relative. Most crashes happen close to home at relatively slow speeds. In the early '80s the 'gummint decreed that all speedos will only go up to 85 -- didn't change much, iirc? Maybe those that want to ride slow don't really need an FJR? Anyway, motorcycles are FAST -- and that's a good thing (imho). BTW, mine goes right up to 150. :eek:
Sure would be interesting to figure the top speed out mathmatically. Might help to reduce the stated speeds found here...
Where is Kevin Cameron when you need him?
If you mean what would the speed be at redline then it is a pretty easy calculation. My FJR indicates 70 mph at 4,000 rpms therefore it should indicate 157.5 mph at 9,000 rpms -- actual speed is usually lower. It should be noted that if you wanted to gear a bike to achieve its maximun top speed potential, you would gear it so it would barely reach the rpms (in high gear) where it was putting out max horsepower, which in the FJR's case would be 8,000 rpm (about 140 mph indicated with current gearing). Since the FJR is capable of going faster than that even with the current gearing (154 mph actual is the highest I have heard about), it means that it is undergeared for top speed. If high gear was 12-15 percent higher, the top speed would probably be at least 160 mph.

I like the gearing the way it is, roll on performance is more valuable than top speed and in spite what a lot of people think, higher gearing does not always result in better gas mileage -- except when you are running downhill.

All good discussion points. Yes, top speed on public roads is dangerous and maybe negligent, in some circumstances.

Many riders (present company excluded) overstate their top speed claims. We've all heard the squidly kid claiming 180 mph on a bike that was clocked by radar at 150, or 160, or whatever the actual speed was. The motorcycle publications do a pretty good job of documenting real-world top speeds on all the latest bikes.

I just ignore the bragging kids that make ridiculous top speed claims.

I KNOW this: a '76 Honda 750, cafe racer in the old tradition, with jet kit and header, will do at least 96 mph. That's what the DPS troopers put on the ticket, anyway, and I believe them. I was trying to do 100 mph all the way from school. Almost made it, lol. Top speed on that bike was right around 125 mph. Seems slow, don't it?

This '05 FJR I'm on now has shown me 155 mph by the speedometer, so I figure an actual speed close to 147 or so. That's without bags, full tuck. My son, who is braver (read younger) than me has seen 160 on the FJR. That pisses me off, of course. That would put the top speed of MY FJR around 150 to 152 mph. I believe it. But now I must see 160 mph on the speedo. See how that works? Or maybe not. I'll just be happy knowing this FJR is up to par. It's got a little over 9K miles, no tick so far, PCIII with black Walker Holeshots. Damn, I love this bike! Of course, I loved the '00 929 I had before this, and the '97 YF600R before that. Pretty much loved 'em all, except for the '81 CB750 Custom. I hated that bike. Only tolerated it for a couple of months.

Hi all,
Well this is gonna put the Rottwelier among the puddles - I recorded an absolute flat out, standard (no power commander or NOS) straightline motorway speed of 172MPH!!!!
Hmmm, I could be wrong, but I don't think a stock FJR is capable of that due to the low redline and lack of a sixth gear. It's a very fast and powerful bike for sure, but it's no R1 killer by any means. Top speed on my '98 R1 was 172 with six gears and a 11.7K redline. Speedo error and tire growth at speed can all cause an optimistic reading. I believe that mathematically, 157 is it for a stock FJR. Still very respectable for something with factory hard luggage. And as far as the whole speed thing actually gets boring after awhile. On a modern literbike, they're so darn stable at those kind of speeds, it's almost a non-event. 125 in a Camry probably feels like imminent death, but the same speed in an Enzo probably feels like school zone speeds.

Hi all,
Well this is gonna put the Rottwelier among the puddles - I recorded an absolute flat out, standard (no power commander or NOS) straightline motorway speed of 172MPH!!!!

This took place in September 2004 in the UK at 6.40(ish)am on the A1M motorway between Durham and Darlington on a UK 03 Silver Storm FJR. My pal was on a ZZR 1100 and shot past me!! He recorded 188MPH, and is just over 21Stone in weight!!

Trust me, only done it once (and that was chancing it! NEVER AGAIN!!) and the bike was stable and as SOLID as a train on a track!

Regards, Glenn :agent:
Was that actual speed or as indicated on the speedometer?
I believe he substituted 'MPH' for 'KPH'. Makes for a better story, duncha think? :p

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I had my 05 up to an indicated 135mph. Could have gone faster but decided that was fast enough. Rock solid though at the higher speeds. :agent:

Bounce & twowheelnut,

That was an indicated speed on my bike, but even allowing for a 10% deviation in the speedo's acurracy, its still over 160 MPH! Got nothing to gain by spinning yarns about shite to anyone - it happened, I did it, and know I could do it again if required.

twowheelnut, we only do MPH in this great nation, we don't bother with strange unfathomable foreign (metric) measurements - We're British! LOL

Regards, Glenn. :agent:

125 in a Camry probably feels like imminent death, but the same speed in an Enzo probably feels like school zone speeds.
I've been over 100 in a stock V6 Camry, and it felt alright. You know, I don't want to run the grocery-getter that hard every day, but it wasn't "God oh God I'm gonna die"

I've had my feejer between 115 and 120, and that was all I wanted. It still had more to go for sure, just not with me on it.
