How fast & smooth does the AE shift ?

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starcruiser(aka downn2)

Well-known member
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Lets fact it, the electronic shifting on the AE is the whole reason for it's existence....and after riding the bike for 2 weeks now, I thought I'd shed some prospective on what it's all about...

The speed the AE shifts is most impressive.....You can get some idea of how fast it's capable of by holding up your right hand and flicking it as it was on a throttle as fast as you can.repeatedly!!....Every flick is a gear shift....This is how fast the AE shifts assuming you have some hand eye coordination.....

And smooth,,,oh yea, as smooth as a baby's butt......the second, I mean the very 100th of a second you've up righted your bike coming out of lets say a left hand turn, you're in the next gear with a push of a button of your left index finger...the alternative is you have to grab your clutch, then untunk your left foot from the inside of the bike and go find the shifter with it, locate it, put you foot under it and pull up with you toe........release the clutch and add power.......Pretty complicated procedure vs hitting a button...I think it would be too far from the truth to say that by the time you've gone from 2 to 3rd gear, on my AE, I've gone from 2nd to 3rd to where does that put you? Well, behind me!!!

Test drive an AE if given the ain’t gonna believe it!!!

by the time you've gone from 2 to 3rd gear, on my AE, I've gone from 2nd to 3rd to where does that put you....
Flying past the AE.

I'm just being a smartass. If you shift from 2-3-4 in the time I shift from 2-3, your RPMs will drop in 4th and I will increase RPMs in 3rd and pass you with ease. :eek:

by the time you've gone from 2 to 3rd gear, on my AE, I've gone from 2nd to 3rd to where does that put you....
Flying past the AE.

I'm just being a smartass. If you shift from 2-3-4 in the time I shift from 2-3, your RPMs will drop in 4th and I will increase RPMs in 3rd and pass you with ease. :eek:
If we're both hitting the RED, I don't think so.........last time I looked, hitting 9,000 RPM in 4th means your going a hell of lot than faster than a bike hitting 9,000 in 3rd....although I haven't ridden an FJRA.....But I doubt anything has changed...

A little off target to what your discussing and having only done 2 trips of 20 miles each, I really don't qualify to assert any great knowledge at this time. BUT I have been shifting both with the throttle constant and also returning it to closed position between shifts trying to get a smooth shift. Seems like it shifts smoother with the thottle constant. I'm talking city driving & on ramps to freeways not racing. Last night reading through the owner's manual, noticed in big bold print (pg 5-3) "*always return the throttle to the closed position while changing gears to avoid damaging the engine, transmission, and drive train, which are not designed to withstand the shock of forced shifting."

I was coming to a stop at a light and had forgot to downshift into 1st. Looking at the shift number on the display, it was reading 3rd gear so immediately started trying to downshift to 1st before the light turned green but it wouldn't do anything either w/ the hand shifter or shift pedal. I proceeded a 3rd gear take off which wasn't the greatest thing to do but it got me going and, since then, hasn't done it again. If it is in 3rd gear at a stand still, isn't there a way to shift back into 1st or was it possibly just a computer glitch? (probably human error). Anyway, off for another day of enjoyable FJR action.

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You should have been able to downshift to 1st.
If it happens again, go to the dealership to have it looked at.

I was coming to a stop at a light and had forgot to downshift into 1st. Looking at the shift number on the display, it was reading 3rd gear so immediately started trying to downshift to 1st before the light turned green but it wouldn't do anything either w/ the hand shifter or shift pedal. I proceeded a 3rd gear take off which wasn't the greatest thing to do but it got me going and, since then, hasn't done it again. If it is in 3rd gear at a stand still, isn't there a way to shift back into 1st or was it possibly just a computer glitch? (probably human error). Anyway, off for another day of enjoyable FJR action.
As with ANY motorcycle, you will be unable to shift if the bike is not moving. There have been good technical explanations as to why. HERE'S ONE.

Gotta shift while the bike is still moving. On a normal clutched bike, you can feather the clutch a little to get it to shift, but you won't be able to do that on your AE.

Do not forget to engage brain! :lol:

A little off target to what your discussing and having only done 2 trips of 20 miles each, I really don't qualify to assert any great knowledge at this time. BUT I have been shifting both with the throttle constant and also returning it to closed position between shifts trying to get a smooth shift. Seems like it shifts smoother with the thottle constant. I'm talking city driving & on ramps to freeways not racing. Last night reading through the owner's manual, noticed in big bold print (pg 5-3) "*always return the throttle to the closed position while changing gears to avoid damaging the engine, transmission, and drive train, which are not designed to withstand the shock of forced shifting."
I was coming to a stop at a light and had forgot to downshift into 1st. Looking at the shift number on the display, it was reading 3rd gear so immediately started trying to downshift to 1st before the light turned green but it wouldn't do anything either w/ the hand shifter or shift pedal. I proceeded a 3rd gear take off which wasn't the greatest thing to do but it got me going and, since then, hasn't done it again. If it is in 3rd gear at a stand still, isn't there a way to shift back into 1st or was it possibly just a computer glitch? (probably human error). Anyway, off for another day of enjoyable FJR action.
I like shifting with constant power too...Although I've timed a very quick blimp with the throttle now, but it's taken practive...I have to admit, I pay no attention to what some stinking owners manual says..take for instance how it says to break in the motor.....WHICH IS COMPLETLEY THE OPPOSITE OF HOW TO BREAK IT IN!!! Check this out! I followed this guys advice to the T....and my bikes runs like a BAT OUT OF HELL!!!!


SkooterG... well I have to disagree. As an owner of an AE I have done this: shift down gears when the bike is not moving. Whether this is normal or not, I have done this.

SkooterG... well I have to disagree. As an owner of an AE I have done this: shift down gears when the bike is not moving. Whether this is normal or not, I have done this.

Well dayem! You're not supposed to be able to do that. I'm tellin mom! So what kinda black magic you be using?

Go to that link, and post a reply asking the smart tecchie guys why are you able to do that.

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well the link you provided talked about it happening to a FJR1300A... starcruiser and I are talking about the FJR1300AE.

there might be something to this electronic clutch... :assassin:

well the link you provided talked about it happening to a FJR1300A... starcruiser and I are talking about the FJR1300AE.
there might be something to this electronic clutch... :assassin:
SHOULDN'T make a difference. Clutch and transmission on the two different models are EXACTLY the same. It's only the method of clutch activation that is different. And the *won't shift* problem is a transmission thing, not a clutch thing.

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You should have been able to downshift to 1st.

If it happens again, go to the dealership to have it looked at.

I was coming to a stop at a light and had forgot to downshift into 1st. Looking at the shift number on the display, it was reading 3rd gear so immediately started trying to downshift to 1st before the light turned green but it wouldn't do anything either w/ the hand shifter or shift pedal. I proceeded a 3rd gear take off which wasn't the greatest thing to do but it got me going and, since then, hasn't done it again. If it is in 3rd gear at a stand still, isn't there a way to shift back into 1st or was it possibly just a computer glitch? (probably human error). Anyway, off for another day of enjoyable FJR action.
As with ANY motorcycle, you will be unable to shift if the bike is not moving. There have been good technical explanations as to why. HERE'S ONE.

Gotta shift while the bike is still moving. On a normal clutched bike, you can feather the clutch a little to get it to shift, but you won't be able to do that on your AE.

Do not forget to engage brain! :lol:
I gonna plead the 5th on this shift deal,,,,,mainly cause I've forgotten to downshift approaching a stop......but I know I can go into neutral from first while stopped or visa versa.....So I would imagine I can shift thru all the gears while shitting still.........and I mean sitting...

Since you guys have managed to turn this thread into a free for all....and bashed the Republican this!!!

Political content removed by SkooterG.

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Going to neutral from 1st or 2nd does NOT apply to my above explanation. Only shifting from one gear to another.

Yes, you CAN get into neutral easily while not moving.


FYI, NEVER BELIEVE ANYTHING A REPUBLICAN TELLS YOU EITHER.............Cause they're just repeating the same bull shite as the Demorats !

There .. I feel better now....

Star guy.. political bashing is not permitted... shoulda seen this place a year ago !!

Ok, I let Starcruiser's little quip go by as it was funny, and his post, taken in it's entirety, was not political.

But ronjrieth, you crossed the line IMHO. Your post was all political, and while perhaps meant to be funny, had no on topic information.


So I have taken the liberty of making it go bye-bye.

And this thread HAS been on topic for the most part.

Ok folks. Let's keep it on topic here..............

Consider this a big HINT for any future posts.............

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Ok, I let Starcruiser's little quip go by as it was funny, and his post, taken in it's entirety, was not political.
But ronjrieth, you crossed the line IMHO. Your post was all political, and while perhaps meant to be funny, had no on topic information.


So I have taken the liberty of making it go bye-bye.

And this thread HAS been on topic for the most part.

Ok folks. Let's keep it on topic here..............

Consider this a big HINT for any future posts.............
What's the matter with you goffie SOBs? I can't even make a little joke without all of you going ballistic.....Besides, my 4th grade teacher used to tell us....THE GUILTY DOG ALWAYS BARKS.....and it obviously still holds true till this day...

Now go BARK AT YOUR WIFE or something!!!!


I dont' know about anyone else, but my AE will shift downfrom higher gears to 1 or N when stopped. I have tried stopping in something other than 1 to see if I could still downshift. I cannot upshift higher than 1, but I can downshift when sitting absolutely still. :)
