How fast will an FJR go?

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The FJR goes plenty fast for ME. Any faster, someone else is driving. :rolleyes:

Stay safe out there........

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A buddy of mine were riding on a back rode when we hit a long stretch. We got to 155 or so right around there, it's a bit hard to see the speedo at that speed. Anyway we rode that speed for a the stretch. hit a couple sweeper in between the straights, slowed to around 110 then back to 150, the whole thing lasted about 5 min. for the next 5 miles or so we cruised about 110.

He was pretty much maxed out on his 600. I'm not sure but I think I could of hit 160, At 155 I still had some left.

I could really give a rats ass if you'll believe me or not, I'm just telling the thing. Your belief means little to me. For those of you that want to know or care to believe thought you would want to know.


I get it up to about 135 at least once a week. There is an open stretch on the toll road that I like to hit on my morning ride on Saturday mornings. There is no one else on the road and I have seen the Speedo hit just short of 160. The last 20 MPH takes a bit and I had to adjust the windshield into the down position at full throttle and it is cool to watch that alone change the speed of the bike. I f***ing love this bike but I wish it had some more room on the top end. My buddy starts pulling away on his R1 once I hit my limit and it's frustrating.

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Wierd with the engine light and error code.My one run at 156 mph didn't result in either, but mine is stock (no PC and O2 hooked up) and has a lot less mileage.

Altitude 680 ASL.
You are a brave one grasshopper.I personally detest the OPP and wish they would look the other way when clocking 200kph


I was talking to a guy on the weekend that just bought a 2007 FJR and he claims it's faster because of the gearing (or was that because of the colour)....... truth or dare?

That was my Garmin 2610, mounted to my 2003 FJR. I tried to tell you guys that they detuned them in the following years but would you listen? NooOOOooOOoooo...

Here's an update of my dash since replacing the SP1 with a 2610, going to a Touratech locking mount, and updating the shelf.


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I've only seen 146 on the GPS after winding 4th & a short time in 5th. Plenty left on the superior Blue Streak Special . . .I never take a challenge - I destroy those who would show . . . Wanna buy a bridge ?

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While heading out to Death Valley in Jan 07 on a SEAT (South East Arizona Touring) ride, I was riding behind an 07 FJR with a GPS on it. With a weekends worth of gear, tent and sleeping bag on my bike, I had the speedo showing 150. Once we stopped the guy with the 07 and GPS said that his speedo also showed 150 but the GPS showed 143. So, I guess the fastest I have been is 143mph.

Wierd with the engine light and error code.My one run at 156 mph didn't result in either, but mine is stock (no PC and O2 hooked up) and has a lot less mileage.

Altitude 680 ASL.
You are a brave one grasshopper.I personally detest the OPP and wish they would look the other way when clocking 200kph

Think KPH mebey? 135 + some

Nice try Bounce, ya got em :yahoo:


I wish it had some more room on the top end. My buddy starts pulling away on his R1 once I hit my limit and it's frustrating.
Remember we're riding a BIG sport-touring bike man, which happens to be an aerodynamic brick. I remember topping out at the same 155 indicated on my BMW KRS than my buddy's FJR, but he got there much quicker when starting slower. And I only had 130 hp, vs 145. From about 130, he only pulled away 1 bike length to top speed, and he stayed there. You hit an aerodynamic wall around 140, where progress is slow afterwards. On my ex-Busa, it was just getting on the boil.

I haven't topped out my FJR yet (on break-in), but I can tell already than topping out this bike won't raise my pulse one bit; with that big a$$ weather protection, you don't even have to tuck in, no? Just nail the throttle. Will find out soon enough in my 60-mile unofficial drag strip. There had to be an advantage of living in the freaking desert, no? Later gang.


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Wow. Your speed is good for a noob.
Is that 186,000 miles/second? If you want to convince me you are doing warp speed in miles per hour it needs to be 186,000 miles/second * 60 seconds/minute * 60 minutes/hour, roughly 6.696 * 10 to the eighth power. Maybe a turbo and a little nitrous oxide would help? :rolleyes:


As a moderator you should be setting a better example. Your disregard for posted speed limits, is one thing, but to flaunt the proof on your Garmin is another.Some of the other forum members may take this up as a challenge to go even faster with [hopefully not] disastrous consequences.

You should set a better example to the younger members who [why I don't know] look up to you.

You may not care for your own life, but what of the innocents that may be harmed or killed as a result of an accident at that speed.

See #3 on the Forum Guidelines If you think moderators are here to be role models.....well maybe you should read #6 also.

Skooter's not right in the head. We should all know that by now. Maybe I should pin a statement like that for all the FNG's. The chances of him taking out an innocent with his antics (other than maybe a forest rat) are so slim as to be laughable.

Lighten up Chicken Little.

I hit the rev limiter in 5th gear, showed 160 on the speedo. I guess my days of wanting to be a moderator on this page are over!!!!! <_<

140 yesterday running up against a Stage 2 STi with no traffic and nothing but flat roads for a good 2-3 miles in front of us.

No idea what my RPM's were b/c I had the head tucked in behind the shield and was too busy concentrating. Felt like it had a little more top end though, but I wont be finding out for a while.
