How many significant others ride their own bike?

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My wife rides her own Ninja 650R and enjoys taking long trips on it. Of course, she has ridden mine and wants to upgrade.

$$ :( $$


My wife rides a 08 FZ6......last fall she accomplished the dragons tail. She want the FZ6R...the white and pink one.

What is with him calling the cops since he is not in CT?
Because he is a cowardly weasel who just wants to cause trouble (the cops came and went with no issue. They were (understandably) pissed about being called for no reason. He also "advised" her to "treat me like a dog and make me stay in the basement".

Yeah - he and I will have a nice long talk when he gets here...

Now THAT'S a woman I can appreciate....buys you a motorcycle....then leaves!
LMAO Hadn't thought of it that way... :)

Send her my way!!! [SIZE=8pt](Don't tell Missus Howie I said that, okay?)[/SIZE]
Trust me - you don't want her. She has too much baggage and has had too many "boyfriends" in our marriage. Five in three years (that I know of). :(

Not mine.

Says that she's perfectly content being the passenger.

Says the same thing about flying. Doesn't even want to touch the controls... Now the avionics are a totally different thing! :rolleyes:

Trust me - you don't want her. She has too much baggage and has had too many "boyfriends" in our marriage. Five in three years (that I know of). :(
Wow -- can't imagine why YOU would want her. That's five more than my limit would have been. Trust and betrayal issues don't play well in best friends and partners, IMO.

Sounds like a blessing that she's decided to move across the country. So your talk with the new BF will be something along the lines of "thank you for helping her move"? I mean -- you KNOW that leopards don't change their spots and that he's gonna be getting the same treatment soon enough. Just don't enlighten him with that little dose of reality until he's got her all moved out and relocated. Then send him a genuinely kind and empathetic thank you note after the divorce is final. :)

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Just don't enlighten him with that little dose of reality until he's got her all moved out and relocated. Then send him a genuinely kind and empathetic thank you note after the divorce is final. :)
Good advice. And include the line, "Be careful what you wish for."

Wow -- can't imagine why YOU would want her.
Oh, I don't any more. I only found out about the other men *after* she asked for the divorce.

So your talk with the new BF will be something along the lines of "thank you for helping her move"?
Ah....unlikely....How would you react to your wife's boyfriend coming into your house? :)

I mean -- you KNOW that leopards don't change their spots and that he's gonna be getting the same treatment soon enough.
Oh, hell yeah.

Just don't enlighten him with that little dose of reality until he's got her all moved out and relocated.
Oh, he already knows. She cheated with him on a previous boyfriend 6 years ago - and he cheated on his wife with her. They'll be perfectly happy with each other - until one of them cheats again...

Then send him a genuinely kind and empathetic thank you note after the divorce is final. :)
LOL That's not going to happen but I might send him the evidence of her other cheating - She's even cheating on him *now*....

So your talk with the new BF will be something along the lines of "thank you for helping her move"?
Ah....unlikely....How would you react to your wife's boyfriend coming into your house? :)
When I was 27 or with 30 more years of perspective and (I hope) wisdom?

I'll answer from the latter perspective: this doesn't seem to be about you or your adequacy if she's a serial cheater. SHE has issues, and it sounds like he does too. Nothing says "cool, calm, in control and the better man" like handling it matter-of-factly as a gentleman. That doesn't mean handing over your balls, but it also doesn't mean handing over control, which testy and hostile reactions tend to do. (Not to mention giving him or her the opportunity to call the cops.) Hey -- have a small tape recorder handy for confrontations or discussions about contested items -- but you have to be in control of your emotions.

In my house, there'd be some boundaries relating to respect and such, but until either crossed them, I'd probably do nothing more than calmly set forth a couple ground rules (esp. about contested ownership or rights in items, etc.) and offer the dumb shit (and her) a beer or two while I supervised and kept my beer consumption really low and mostly just cordial. Only if they got out of hand would I ask them to leave and maybe even suggest that the cops would be invited over to get them to leave (until she got a court order allowing her back in) if they can't keep it cordial. You give away most of that leverage if you get hostile.

Just sayin' because you asked -- you do what you think is best. Good luck.

(Sorry to all for thread hijack.)

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So your talk with the new BF will be something along the lines of "thank you for helping her move"?
Ah....unlikely....How would you react to your wife's boyfriend coming into your house? :)
When I was 27 or with 30 more years of perspective and (I hope) wisdom?

I'll answer from the latter perspective: this doesn't seem to be about you or your adequacy if she's a serial cheater. SHE has issues, and it sounds like he does too. Nothing says "cool, calm, in control and the better man" like handling it matter-of-factly as a gentleman. That doesn't mean handing over your balls, but it also doesn't mean handing over control, which testy and hostile reactions tend to do. (Not to mention giving him or her the opportunity to call the cops.) Hey -- have a small tape recorder handy for confrontations or discussions about contested items -- but you have to be in control of your emotions.

In my house, there'd be some boundaries relating to respect and such, but until either crossed them, I'd probably do nothing more than calmly set forth a couple ground rules (esp. about contested ownership or rights in items, etc.) and offer the dumb shit (and her) a beer or two while I supervised and kept my beer consumption really low and mostly just cordial. Only if they got out of hand would I ask them to leave and maybe even suggest that the cops would be invited over to get them to leave (until she got a court order allowing her back in) if they can't keep it cordial. You give away most of that leverage if you get hostile.

Just sayin' because you asked -- you do what you think is best. Good luck.

(Sorry to all for thread hijack.)
And have a witness or two there that is capable of keeping a cool head.

Ah....unlikely....How would you react to your wife's boyfriend coming into your house? :)
I would prefer to simply be absent on that occasion. Less chance of an unpleasant confrontation that way.

If you haven't already, you should work out with her in advance exactly what stuff she is going to take with her. If you can't trust her to stick to that bargain then I guess you need to be there to keep an eye on things, but you should have a trusted friend there with you to keep things civil.

Lock the gun safe.

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My s/o got her MC license several years ago I guess to see what I was doing on Sunday mornings. I attended an MSF course with her in which they stuck us on POS bikes. She has no desire to ride on her own but is happy to pillion on day long rides. Had to buy a trailer to get her to go riding in the mountains.

"We only ride 2up when we are out at night or she feels very romantic."

Oh yea, it's all about the ride.

My wife rides a 2002 Honda SilverWing. She took and passed the MFS course on a 250cc Honda, but she doesn't like or want to deal with the "clutch and shifting thing". Pretty nice "maxi-scooter" though. 583cc and cruises along at highway speeds (65-70mph) with no problem.


My wife rides a 2002 Honda SilverWing. She took and passed the MFS course on a 250cc Honda, but she doesn't like or want to deal with the "clutch and shifting thing". Pretty nice "maxi-scooter" though. 583cc and cruises along at highway speeds (65-70mph) with no problem.
Then you probably better not tell her about the AE.
