Now Tom that is cute! In a male power tools kind of wayI've taken my 4 year old around the block a few times.I won't do much more than that until he can reach the pegs, at least that's what I tell my wife.
He's an old pro as well, just ask him.
safe adjective, saf·er, saf·est, nounDefine "Safe"
Hmmm... I would have thought the FJR would be better than the intruder for kids... must be that she just doesn't trust you to keep the FJR's speed in check!With the FJR I dont take the kids. The wife said "over my dead body" or "From my cold dead hands" or something like that and so I dont touch it.
1 & 2 would kill the notion for many. I cannot imagine anyone stating that riding on a motorcycle is a safe place or free from risk - especially when it comes to our children. We FJR owners are willing to accept some risk, but the risks I accept for my kids is much less than the risks I will take with myself. I know it is not right, but tough ****.safe adjective, saf·er, saf·est, nounDefine "Safe"
1. secure from liability to harm, injury, danger, or risk: a safe place.
2. free from hurt, injury, danger, or risk: to arrive safe and sound.
3. involving little or no risk of mishap, error, etc.: a safe estimate.
4. dependable or trustworthy: a safe guide.
5. careful to avoid danger or controversy: a safe player; a safe play.
6. denied the chance to do harm; in secure custody: a criminal safe in jail.
7. Baseball.
a. reaching base without being put out: safe on the throw to first base.
b. making it possible to reach a base: a safe slide.
8. a steel or iron box or repository for money, jewels, papers, etc.
9. any receptacle or structure for the storage or preservation of articles: a meat safe.
10. (in plumbing)
a. a pan for catching leakage.
b. template (def. 7).
11. Slang. a condom.
Geeee's dad, a tank top,shorts and sandles.I've taken my 4 year old around the block a few times.I won't do much more than that until he can reach the pegs, at least that's what I tell my wife.
He's an old pro as well, just ask him.
LOL it's true, he does look like a wee squidlet!Geeee's dad, a tank top,shorts and sandles.