How's the view from your "Cubicle"?

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When I work at the office
I have that same motivational poster on my locker door in my bedroom at work.

Yes, I have a bedroom at work. And we get paid to sleep or save the day at the same hourly rate.

The body of water in the "Home" view is quite a bit smaller than yours....

Mauve office chair: Gay, but check nonetheless.
That's dirt. What kind of fag actually knows how to spell that gay-ass color, anyway?
Dirt? Um, okay. And it's called 'Spell Check', chucklenutz.

Obigatory Kiss-Ass company logo displayed: Check (hey, I'm a spy from Outtietech).
Please tell me that you've seen the movie Office Space.
Several times, but I couldn't work that into a snappy comment. OK, Alice?

Beer: ..............................................................Epic fail.
You simply have no idea what's in that red cup, now do you??? Hmmmmm????
I'm guessing Fruity-Tooty Kool-Aid, judging by your office decor and general neatness. As an aside, you hid the little umbrella before taking the shot, din'nt you?

And I can't believe that you missed the Cheez-It spray can. Do try and keep up.
OK, you got me there. It looked for all the world like that new KY jelly aerosol stuff. Didn't want to embarrass you by mentioning it.

Beer: ..............................................................Epic fail.
I was wondering when this particular piece of pop-vernacular would show up on the Forum. I predict it will only rise in popularity from here.

This was the view out of my office one fine morning last fall.


My office is the cab of a 2007 Silverado - the pickup that is truck on the outside and car on the inside.

The only tidy part of my office. Still cluttered with ---oops! I'll clean up later - maybe late July Ari? :D

hmmmm....i don't see your name on the list of competitors on the NasKart thread. :eek:

looks like Ari and the other drivers have nothing to worry about. :p

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I was wondering when this particular piece of pop-vernacular would show up on the Forum. I predict it will only rise in popularity from here.
It was a while ago that it was first used here. Maybe 6 months or so, IIRC. Believe it or not, it wasn't me, either! :p

When I work at the office
I have that same motivational poster on my locker door in my bedroom at work.

Yes, I have a bedroom at work. And we get paid to sleep or save the day at the same hourly rate.

The body of water in the "Home" view is quite a bit smaller than yours....
It keeps going when work is ..... not very exciting :D .

I don't have a cubicle, but my wife use too, 'till they let her work from home. Here's a little video for you to watch.

To see what I see from my cubicle just think of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and you will see what I see. I spend 10 hours a day in a Tahoe on patrol. Of couse driving all these roads just makes me want to be riding them instead.


Hate to be a smart a**, but here is the view from my cubicle. This is what it looks like the 1% of the time that my job really sucks. The other 99% it :yahoo:

Note, I didn't take this picture, it come from the internet.


This thread must have taken on some new life.

My office cam has been roving this morning.

