Hugger group buy

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the fiberglass one looks cooler...but I like the carbon fibre tank guards as well.

anyone got a pic of that hugger installed?

I'd like to see it before I make a committment..



The hugger Geelong shows for the FJR is not installed, they are molded for the 2005 FJR.

The 2006 version might be slightly different. They are working on them now. It looks to me like they are a little shorter than the FSD hugger.

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Is this some kind of "lemming" phenomenon I don't know aboot? I'll bet all you farklers' scoots look the same. lol

I'm in for a painted one.

Any idea what kind of 'glue' to use? Unless of course someone else in the Sacramento area is buying and would be willing to help with drilling and taping. :)

the fiberglass one looks cooler...

but I like the carbon fibre tank guards as well.

anyone got a pic of that hugger installed?

I'd like to see it before I make a committment..



The hugger Geelong shows for the FJR is not installed, they are molded for the 2005 FJR.

The 2006 version might be slightly different. They are working on them now. It looks to me like they are a little shorter than the FSD hugger.

I've got an 05, so no problem.. guess I'll go with the fiberglass for the hugger (it's really looks, cool, and if it keeps the dirt off the bags, mjuch better... I hate washing bikes! And the carbon fibre for the engine guards...<G>


Is this some kind of "lemming" phenomenon I don't know aboot? I'll bet all you farklers' scoots look the same. lol
As long as we don't look like you the worlds a safer place ! :p

I'm in for a painted one.

Any idea what kind of 'glue' to use? Unless of course someone else in the Sacramento area is buying and would be willing to help with drilling and taping. :)
I'm guessing it's a two way tape system, that's what I'll use if it isn't

Dang, Highlander, you can't ride so you're devising ways to spend my money?
Better start saving now !! B)

Im in for a hugger painted to match the swingarm, and drilling and tapping is no big deal at all...

easy stuff there....


Let the Group Buy begin.... I love these group buy's ...... :)

And that Hugger Looks AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm in for a painted one.

Any idea what kind of 'glue' to use? Unless of course someone else in the Sacramento area is buying and would be willing to help with drilling and taping. :)
It looks like any "tapping" to be done will be on the right side of the swingarm. You could use a bead of silicone under the hugger to hold it onto the swingarm, but the swingarm itself is a substantial piece so drilling and tapping a hole for a bolt shouldn't be that difficult (except for buying the metric taps).

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It looks like any "tapping" to be done will be on the right side of the swingarm. You could use a bead of silicone under the hugger to hold it onto the swingarm, but the swingarm itself is a substantial piece so drilling and tapping a hole for a bolt shouldn't be that difficult (except for buying the metric taps).
Some food for thought for prospective buyers. Things I've learned from building my own hugger, in regards to mounting. The bike in the photograph is a non-ABS. On the right side of an ABS bike, there already is a screw hole where the abs line is secured to the arm. I would use this to secure and drill/tap the same on the left side.

If you look at the first photo you'll notice the 2 mounting holes, where it will bolt at the front end at the u-joint cover. It looks like it either clips or bolts with an acorn nut at the rear. I would drill and tap on top for a small screw like the right side. I found the acorn method a PITA when pulling the punk-in. Aside from that, a nice piece.

As to what I remember about the GeeLong hugger, it is secured with doubled sided tape and long zip-ties. Doubled sided tape can do a lot of things. I myself was not satisfied with that method for the long haul, on the roads I travel. There are times when the swingarm works like a jack hammer. The pictures I had of this thing breaking loose at 80 mph were not pretty. This thing can not be moving/rubbing or chafing on other parts, trust me. Nice looking hugger, but I'm sorry, zip-ties to secure a hugger looks cheesy.

Just some thoughts from my personal observations and experiences. YMMV

Carry on!

How easy will it be to fit it up?
I would say 1st would slide over top of the tire and down into position. If not then 2nd would need to pull the wheel, mount hugger, then remount wheel. Nothing major.

For me, my major concern was not having any clearance/interference issues when tire changing or brake work. Especially wrench access for the pivot arm bolts. I didn't want have to remove or undo the hugger every time. It can be a catch 22, but I would hope not. If it has been well thought out, then there shouldn't be any problems.

As for the Geelong, Phil was to make changes and some corrections, to address problems he that with the first generation. The FJR swingarm is not an easy thing to work with. Phil has been around and does excellent glass work and I'm sure it's a fine piece. They are both fine looking huggers. More choices than I had, when I wanted one. Good Luck.

How easy will it be to fit it up?
I would say 1st would slide over top of the tire and down into position. If not then 2nd would need to pull the wheel, mount hugger, then remount wheel. Nothing major.

For me, my major concern was not having any clearance/interference issues when tire changing or brake work. Especially wrench access for the pivot arm bolts. I didn't want have to remove or undo the hugger every time. It can be a catch 22, but I would hope not. If it has been well thought out, then there shouldn't be any problems.

As for the Geelong, Phil was to make changes and some corrections, to address problems he that with the first generation. The FJR swingarm is not an easy thing to work with. Phil has been around and does excellent glass work and I'm sure it's a fine piece. They are both fine looking huggers. More choices than I had, when I wanted one. Good Luck.

Looks as if this can turn out to more complicated than it appears.

Looks as if this can turn out to more complicated than it appears.
No, not really! When explaining on paper, it always looks/sounds more completed than it really is. It would be no different than removing the slider mushroom first, before removing the side panel. In this case it may not even be that. Since I don't have one, I can't be 100% sure.

I'm not trying to sway/discourage anyone from buying. My remarks were slanted more to the DIY person, in regards to the maintenance end. My explanation of how I would mount, was in regards to this maintenance end issue. It was just my idea, nothing more nothing less, just an idea.

If I didn't already have one, I wouldn't hesitate to buy this piece. I can't make them and sell for their GB price.

What was that GB price again.......

The hugger is $179.

10 people sign up ( 10% off )

20 sign up ( 20% off )

30 sign up ( 35% off )

20% more than covers shipping. I have a vision of one in Carbon/Hybrid.

And the body count now is how many????

20% more than covers shipping.

And the body count now is how many????
Fabone.. I'm not following the shipping cost comment??, cost is $30 shipping.

NO discount on the painting charge folks.....

At this point there are 20 riders in and 7 sitting on the fence. Their latest E mail is going to give us a one week period for a group buy. I still have an unanswered e mail outstanding, after that the green light will go on , and we'll start.

I'm not following the shipping cost comment??, cost is $30 shipping.
20 people sign up ( 20% off ) 20% of $179= $35.80. Which means it more than covers the $30 shipping. That's my math. 35% would even be better. :D

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I emailed Geelong last week. I really like their product and the color match can be done w/ the carbon fibre as well. If there is interest in the carbon fibre hugger I'll email back and see if they will accomodiate us w/ a group buy.

I think I would be more interested in the carbon fiber. count me out on this one. I wonder if a GB would be still possible with Geelong? I do like the idea of matching a complete set of covers with the Geelong. Maybe us guys on the fence and the non-fiberglass folks might wanna do a Geelong GB.

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I'm in, only because Mr. Smitty just bought my Leo Vince slip ons. I want a black un-painted one, izzat gonna be a problem? I also don't understand why you have to take your mufflers off, (based on the first post for this GB) those FJR's are gonna be louder than my neighbors $36K/86 HP Hardley that sets off car alarms every weekend that he rides, which is not often. Some people have more $$ than brains.

Any chance of a group of Sacto riders getting together to help the mechanically challenged (me) install this thang and then go ride somewhere for lunch?
