I’m probably going to get kicked off the forum for this

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Some call me... The STIG!
FJR Supporter
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
I washed and waxed my Feej yesterday. :unsure: :dribble:

After about 6mos of riding a dirty bike, I just snapped!


I mean theres a lot of pressure when you ride with djbill and fairlaner. Anytime a dust spec gets on their bikes, they call in the detail squad. Their bikes are perfect!

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I am lazy I use Honda Polish. :eek:

Much more verboden. :ph34r:

At least you don't use this...


I like cleaning it on a regular basis because it forces you to look at things that may go unseen before they cause a problem. Missing fasteners, oil leaks, brake pads and dead things. You can check all that stuff without cleaning but you might as well while you're at it.

Waxing may be a bit over the top. I use Pledge most of the time because it's cheap and easy.

That's just wrong!! Kick him off! walk the plank! Next thing ya know you'll be putting a car tire on it!

I like cleaning it on a regular basis because it forces you to look at things that may go unseen before they cause a problem. Missing fasteners, oil leaks, brake pads and dead things. You can check all that stuff without cleaning but you might as well while you're at it.

Waxing may be a bit over the top. I use Pledge most of the time because it's cheap and easy.
Exactly...that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

Although...I have been known to wax [the bike y'all] once in a while. ;)


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Is riding a filthy bike supposed to be cool or something? :unsure: I don't get it.
Sure seems that way sometimes. Not to go too far off topic, if I didn't know some of the folks it would be a sign of neglect. :blink:

I think it's an LDR/IBA thing. Lots of those folks around here. Shows that the bike is used as opposed to a poser.


That's just wrong!! Kick him off! walk the plank! Next thing ya know you'll be putting a car tire on it!
Just remember, I have a pic of you actually cleaning your windshield. It was with an SOS pad, but still.

I washed mine today, but that's because the right side was covered in fork oil . . . . . Still waiting on my new seals and stuff to arrive.

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