I Asked Corbin About the Price

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Well-known member
May 22, 2006
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Warrenton, VA
hey folks;

After reading all the threads about the new Corbin seat offerings for the 06 FJR -- the prevailing comments seemed to be focused on the price of the Smuggler. So, in a moment of impulse, I emailed tha cats at Corbin to 1) ask them why, 2) let them know the general tenor of the remarks wasn't favorable, and 3) included at least one other company intent on providing a similar product for less. I had no expectations for any kind of response -- it was just a rant, but I was pleasantly surprised to receive a reply from two folks at Corbin, including a short response from Mike Corbin. I've added that response at the bottom of my post.

[standard disclaimer] The following is in no way an endorsement of the product or a justification of the price... my intent was to make public the explanation that was provided to me in case it helps other folks make a decision. I have no interest -- vested or otherwise -- in Corbin. This is not meant to provide them free advertising, just disseminating their reply. [/standard disclaimer]

Obviously my email did not result in an offer to reduce the price, but at least I have a better understanding what goes into the product. Jury's still out on whether I'll buy one, but maybe this wil help you decide.



rcvd 6/20/06:

"Thanks for your candor and for giving us the heads-up on what people are saying. I've passed the information along to all parties including Mike Corbin so he knows what's up. I guess we'll see what happens from there.

Our goal has always been to release these products as inexpensively as possible. We'd rather see hundreds of them on the road instead of just a few. Especially in this industry where word of mouth and checking out other people's bikes is the best advertising available. Unfortunately last year we lost our collective a$$es on Smugglers (and they were only a little less expensive than they are now).

Problem we have right now is the huge amount of labor that goes into them. We're working on new manufacturing techniques, but the Smugglers are currently hand laid fiberglass. Then they are hand finished to remove any molding marks, imperfections and/or flashing from the molds (this requires a skilled body man). After that they are hand painted and cleared (cha-ching!), then lined (more hand work) and assembled.

We are currently working on a roto-molding process that will take out the fiberglass work and much of the pre-paint body work as well. That's a little way out still as the materials need a little tweeking to make them suitable for the life it will live outdoors on a bike. This stuff was originally developed for producing manequins which is a far cry from motorcycle parts. Injection molding which would be the way that Yamaha makes parts has too high of an initial tooling cost to make them that way. It's ok if you're going to make thousands of parts, but not if you're making the numbers that we are.

Probably a lot more info than you wanted I'm sure, but I thought the effort you went through for us deserved a reasonable response. Sorry I can't be of more assistance and thank you very much for your message! "

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I emailed Gary McCoy about the price on Corbin's stuff. Usually Gary (or Mike in this case) can really cut good prices on the stuff he sells us. Not Corbin merchandise. Not on the FJR parts, anyway. All I would have saved by ordering the parts through University Motors would have been the cost of shipping, as they were only able to knock off about 40 -60 bucks on a 399 to 699 item. At least that's something, though!

I wouldn't expect any price reductions any time soon. Now maybe on a group buy they could knock a little off? PG, did you inquire about setting up a group buy? Although I'd be willing to bet that a group buy price wouldn't be much different than McCoy's price. Just eliminate the middle man profit.

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no, sorry FJRocket... I didn't ask about a group buy at all. I sent my email in an impulsive moment of frustration over the cost issue. Apparently I didn't think to ask the obvious question about a GB. oi!! Also, I thought I remembered someone saying something about a scheduled GB of Corbin products sometime later in the year? But, my memory's pretty unreliable these days so it may have been associated with something else.

Yep, I would imagine there's more success with GB's when the riding season is over. Less income at the vendors, and more time to do bulk deals.

BTW, I modified the University Motors prices above. This is what Mike (Gary's right hand) emailed for the '06 seat and smuggler:

#Y-FJR13-6-SMUG - Smuggler Trunk, 2006 FJR 1300 - $699 our price $630

#Y-FJR13-6-F - Front saddle no Heat, 2006 FJR 1300 - $399 our price $360

Expect it to take about a month to get this stuff.

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All the people saying that Corbin is too expensive I wonder how many of them actually do the kind of work involved in making similar items (so we could actually get input from someone in the field).

I use to be amazed on some forums where people would tell me that Drivers Log was too expensive and then turn around and show a picture of their new ABS "plastic" chrome pieces that they thought were a bargain at $200+.

Oh well, it is in the eye of the beholder (and his/her wallet) :D !

I am suppose to have my Corbin front seat / Smuggler sometime next week! I ordered directly from Corbin because if I have any problems (like I have in the past with Corbin products), I don't want to involve a poor dealer.

Best Regards,


I have a Smuggler on my 03 that I purchased thru Gary Mccoy (mine was the one that Corbin couldn't figure out the color on....) and it is a nice piece of work. I thought long and hard about the price before buying it but the quality and utility of Corbin stuff finally won be over. After getting the Smuggler and looking at it I can understand part of the high price. It is obviously a labor intensive piece to make and is well made and well finished. I would hate to have to put the hours into making the thing myself and try and do it for what they charge and make a living at it. I can see why they would loose money on that product due to the low sales and high initial cost of designing and tooling to make the part. It is not your typical blow molded plastic or injection molded polycarbonate part. It certainly could be cheaper if it was but the tooling costs would be even higher then and if the volume is uncertain then there is just no case for it.

Given the build process described above, I guess I can't see how they could charge much less. I won't pay them that much for it, but I understand why they ask for it.

hey Squeezer...

thats exactly it. I haven't made a buy decision yet, but reading the explanation certainly helped me understand what was driving the pricing. In addition, it would seem to substantiate the notion that it is a quality piece of workmanship.

My post wasn't meant to defend the pricing - merely to help us understand it.

Thanks for taking it in that light.

Best regards


All the people saying that Corbin is too expensive I wonder how many of them actually do the kind of work involved in making similar items (so we could actually get input from someone in the field).
I use to be amazed on some forums where people would tell me that Drivers Log was too expensive and then turn around and show a picture of their new ABS "plastic" chrome pieces that they thought were a bargain at $200+.

Oh well, it is in the eye of the beholder (and his/her wallet) :D !
Thanks Shane!

At least someone understands what goes into the process.

I made my own smuggler, and it took me two months of sanding, and finishing to get it right. If I ever decided to make more, do you think people would pay me 2 months salary for it? Yeah right.

All the people saying that Corbin is too expensive I wonder how many of them actually do the kind of work involved in making similar items (so we could actually get input from someone in the field).
I don't have to be able to make one, to know that my perceived benefit of having one doesn't match the amount of money they are asking me to pay... which is what I think most people (who say it costs too much) are saying.

Suffice it to say, the whole situation is somewhere on this curve... Corbin has picked a spot to the left, I'd prefer they move it to the right...

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All the people saying that Corbin is too expensive I wonder how many of them actually do the kind of work involved in making similar items (so we could actually get input from someone in the field).
I don't have to be able to make one, to know that my perceived benefit of having one doesn't match the amount of money they are asking me to pay... which is what I think most people (who say it costs too much) are saying.
Yep, that sums it up. Is it worth it to YOU.

On my '04, before I started really riding x-country, I thought the price was outrageous and certainly wouldn't undertake the expense. Now I seem to need more and more storage, and don't use the back seat much at all, and don't like top cases. And with the '06 hopefully on it's way, well, now my priorities are perhaps shifting even more. And to find out that each smuggler is hand crafted and hand painted, and the saddles have their own pans, well, the cost is much more understandable. Still a bit salty, but heck, could be worse, too.

Guess you'll have to wait and see if the other smuggler in the works is a better value, a better mousetrap, or just a pipe dream. Time will tell. In the mean time, Corbin has a proven record. Like their saddles or not, you gotta admit that they DO make sweet stuff.

All the people saying that Corbin is too expensive I wonder how many of them actually do the kind of work involved in making similar items (so we could actually get input from someone in the field).

I use to be amazed on some forums where people would tell me that Drivers Log was too expensive and then turn around and show a picture of their new ABS "plastic" chrome pieces that they thought were a bargain at $200+.

Oh well, it is in the eye of the beholder (and his/her wallet) :D !
Thanks Shane!

At least someone understands what goes into the process.

I made my own smuggler, and it took me two months of sanding, and finishing to get it right. If I ever decided to make more, do you think people would pay me 2 months salary for it? Yeah right.
I know it sounds like I'm harping, but this is the reason I lost interest in trying to continue development of Drivers Log for the motorcycle community. I got frustrated from several people telling me how it should be FREE - it was obvious they had NO CLUE what is involved in software development. The funny thing is that I have NEVER gotten that type of response from my corporate clients (who pay me by the hour).

Any how, I am looking forward to getting my Corbin seat / Smuggler and using them for YEARS to come!

Best regards,


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I know it sounds like I'm harping, but this is the reason I lost interest in trying to continue development of Drivers Log for the motorcycle community. I got frustrated from several people telling me how it should be FREE or compared to a single purpose spreadsheet - it was obvious they had NO CLUE what is involved in software development. The funny thing is that I have NEVER gotten that type of response from my corporate clients (who pay me by the hour).
Any how, I am looking forward to getting my Corbin seat / Smuggler and using them for YEARS to come!

Best regards,

If you're including me in the above, lets get something straight. My issue with your program was that it had way more features than I needed or would ever use. I do know and appreciate the amount of work that goes into this type of program-had it contained the features I would use, I would have bought it. I don't care a whole lot for the lumping of all who responded into a "NO CLUE" category, and this reponse justifies my decision. :glare:

Am I mistaken or has the price of all of the FJR seats from Corbin gone up a lot in the past year? I've had seats made at the Hollister factory. It's a pretty neat place and I was surprised to see all the other stuff Corbin makes, like hot rod three wheelers. Maybe they're over extending themselves with that kind of thing, TV shows, ect.? Who knows. Fortunantly for me the I can go all day on the stock seat so Corbin's not getting any Henchman dollars this time around :lol:

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I know it sounds like I'm harping, but this is the reason I lost interest in trying to continue development of Drivers Log for the motorcycle community. I got frustrated from several people telling me how it should be FREE - it was obvious they had NO CLUE what is involved in software development. The funny thing is that I have NEVER gotten that type of response from my corporate clients (who pay me by the hour).

Any how, I am looking forward to getting my Corbin seat / Smuggler and using them for YEARS to come!

Best regards,

If you're including me in the above, lets get something straight. My issue with your program was that it had way more features than I needed or would ever use. I do know and appreciate the amount of work that goes into this type of program-had it contained the features I would use, I would have bought it. I don't care a whole lot for the lumping of all who responded into a "NO CLUE" category, and this reponse justifies my decision. :glare:
I don't recall you using the word FREE! As I have said in the past, I know DL wasn't for everyone, but I got tired of many messages telling me it should be FREE from people who don't have a clue what is involved.

Any how, just got word that my Corbin seat / Smuggler are on the way :yahoo: :yahoo: !

Best Regards,


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whoops folks... mercy, I didn't mean to start a fire!

I just wanted to post the info because I thought it might be helpful to the discussion.

The topic was the 06 Corbin Smuggler. The issue is whether a person feels that Corbin's price for the product represents an equitable and fair exchange. Obviously some people will feel it is and some people will feel it isn't. In the end, each individual will make a decision based on whether they can justify putting out the dough for the product. Nobody needs to get tangled up here.... I was surprised to get a response to my email to them in the first place and thought -- well, heck, if they're gonna go to the trouble of explaining their thinking process, then I'll post it.

It still comes down to whether each person wants to spend the money.

best regards
