I Dropped My FJR Tuesday Night On The Road.

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Yer gonna figure out a way to get a 140amp Leece-Neville under that cover ain't ya? ;)

TIMK, tell us a bit more about the door edge guards on the bags.....do you have a pic? I have MOKO sliders but would consider additional protection if they do not distract too much from the overall view or interfere with the streamlined look of the bike.


Yer gonna figure out a way to get a 140amp Leece-Neville under that cover ain't ya?
Actually I know a guy who makes urethane parts for rock conveyors. I was going to use the scratched cover as one half of a mold to make a urethane bumper to fit the bottom half of the alternator cover. A form fitting TOG, just in case.

I looked in the shop service book that I have and did not see a good drawing that showed what you wanted to know. There should not be oil behind the altnator it there is and a shaft sticks out it will have a seal on it to prevent the oil from comming out. Hopes this helps

TIMK, tell us a bit more about the door edge guards on the bags.....do you have a pic? I have MOKO sliders but would consider additional protection if they do not distract too much from the overall view or interfere with the streamlined look of the bike.
Uh, I do believe he was being a bit sarcastic when describing the bag door edge guards. No such thing.

There are bag covers that Sargent makes and Twowheelnut has on his FJR, but..............

[SIZE=21pt]They are butt ugly!!![/SIZE]

XJR guy, how much will you sell me your old alternator cover for. I have an idea for something and need one of those thats been damaged.
sorry I tossed it in the trash, along with the mirrors and old clutch lever.

I figured nobody would use it.

My bad.

I looked in the shop service book that I have and did not see a good drawing that showed what you wanted to know. There should not be oil behind the altnator it there is and a shaft sticks out it will have a seal on it to prevent the oil from comming out. Hopes this helps
well, i took the cover off this weekend, and there was oil inside the cover.

the shop manual I have informs you that the oil has to be drained before the left side cover is removed.

The pieces inside behind that cover are bathed in oil, at least on my 2005!


Sorry to hear.

Dropped mine this past Saturday.

Pulled over in some gravel on a slope, put my left foot down and it slipped out from under me.

The sliders did their job! Not a spot on the fairing ever touched the ground. :D

There are a few small gouges on the lower part of the bag (nothing touch-up paint won't fill) and the alternator cover is really scratched up. I'll just replace it.

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I had my sliders on the work bench for a couple of weeks berfore I installed. The week AFTER I finally got around to putting them on, while I was on vacation elsewhere, my daughter was using the FJR and fell over at 0 mph. Glad those sliders were there. I have never owned a bike that I didn't have crash bars or sliders on and they have always been worth the investment.

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hey looks like we better stop trying to make lefts on uneven roads . the 4 or 5 tips overs all happened in almost the same manner . lefts , uneven surfaces, inclines. yes i installed the R&G AFTER THE TIP OVER . guys glad you did not have your wife on the back like i did .

would this be considered a moving violation? what is your insurance going to say? Does your ins. co. rate like this: bike down ins. goes up,or bike up rates the same? :blink: :angry: :)

I didn't claim my drop.

I fixed it all myself and paid for everything out of pocket.

My deductible is 500 and that's what it cost to fix everything, including painting the panels.

I'm also willing to bet I put more time into putting the bike back together right vs. someone in a shop who is just there for a paycheck.

total cost was under 700 bucks . i ask the guy who was doing the accident write up (he is also the service guy at the shop i purchased the bike ) aim very high i have a 500 dollar deductible. he wrote up all the parts as retail and some crazy ass price for labor . oh yea i purchased the parts from univeristy motors for less then half the cost .

hey looks like we better stop trying to make lefts on uneven roads . the 4 or 5 tips overs all happened in almost the same manner . lefts , uneven surfaces, inclines. yes i installed the R&G AFTER THE TIP OVER . guys glad you did not have your wife on the back like i did .
This thread has got me wondering about lifting the FJR up after a fall or tip-over.

Could anyone with that experience give an idea how hard it is to lift her back upright?

Can it be done alone by an average strength (aging) rider ?



I have had to set mine down 2 times since getting her last week of March.

First time my son was with me so we just picked her up together, second time by myself in work parking lot, jumped her off center stand, kinda leaning to the right so foot slipped in the grass on the side of the lot and down she went. I picked it up myself, use your legs and just push her back up.
