I thought wet clutches were Indestructable.....

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She sure was puuuurty, though....................

< washes eyes out with gasoline >
Yebbut, lookie at those chrome headers. Kinda like someone's 'Busa, don't ya think? :lol:
Yeah, but the cans are too small ;)

Jesu Cristo, El Guapo: Did you have to post that picture of the Tutti-Fruityest H-D that has ever rolled out of Milwaukee, WI?

Que lastima, when we rode to Cabo San Lucas four years ago on our FJR's you had mentioned that you previously had owned a Harley. I thought that was interesting, since I have been riding H-D continuously since August of 1970 and by that trip you had already been with me on a ride where I was on my 2002 FXD Silver and Black Dyna Super Glide Twin Cam 88.

But I absolutely didn't know that you were a Gay Pride owner of the "Boy George" H-D San Francisco Polk & Castro Model!

Back on thread! Mechanico Mark Meadows sent you and I an e-mail yesterday afternoon where he stated that he would let you use his air compressor and air impact tools. Additionally, Mark has the FJR Shop Manual downloaded on his computer.

Off the thread! The kind readers of FJR Forum already think that we AZ "Zonies" are a pack of nut cakes and you have to confirm it by posting your "Pastel Pink Gay Pride and Joy"? Puta la magi, I hope that Senor Montoya hasn't seen this yet!

Actually, thats a right purty HD. Really, I like it. No, really.
I agree actually...no really. :clapping:

Just givin' Greg a hard time - it was too easy. Having met him in Wheaton and Hooterville - thought a little joshing was okay. He's gotta be the admin with the thickest skin considering this thread here...and has a good sense of humor. He also obviously carries the FJR pride far and wide given his IBR finish...so just know he can kick about everybody's ass here when it comes to LD riding...

Sorry about the clutch trouble Greg. Hope yer able to get it all resolved in good time.

The kind readers of FJR Forum already think that we AZ "Zonies" are a pack of nut cakes and you have to confirm it by posting your "Pastel Pink Gay Pride and Joy"? Puta la magi, I hope that Senor Montoya hasn't seen this yet!
Well, you have certainly managed to erase any vague notions to the contrary! :huh: :unsure: :rofl:

BTW Scoot, Let us know how much the dealership charged you for these replacement parts. Just for relative price sharing.

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BTW Scoot, Let us know how much the dealership charged you for these replacement parts. Just for relative price sharing.
Ahhhhh.......my clutch saga from hell that will never end.

Well, clutch is STILL not repaired. And I have put 2,000 miles on the FJR since frying it. It did recover a little bit, as Jestal said it would. As it is now, I cant' give it over about 1/2 throttle, or it starts slipping. Not a problem most of the time, but sure leads to some boring riding.

I have had the replacement parts since mid-Junuary or so, just no time for the repair. :angry2: Replacent friction plates have been soaking in oil now for several weeks. Me thinks they are more than ready. But hopefully, all this is about to change very soon. On Monday, one of my few days off, clutch repair is the #1 priority and WILL be done.

I bought the replacement parts from University Motors (pre price increase).

The following is what I paid, not including shipping. (About $10) It was all just over $150 for everything.

1 ea. of 93306-00304-00 BEARING $8.58

1 ea. of 341-16321-13-00 PLATE, FRICTION $6.74

1 ea. of 5JW-16334-00-00 SPRING, CLUTCH $15.70

7 ea. of 5JW-16321-00-00 PLATE, FRICTION $8.66ea

7 ea. of 2H7-16325-00-00 PLATE, CLUTCH $6.07ea

1 ea. of 5JW-15461-00-00 GASKET, CRANKCASE COVER 2 $6.10

And here's the obligatory photos of said new parts, just itching to get in their and do there clutch stuff:



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I didn't see a picture of the new Knuter Valve. You ARE going to replace it while you have the clutch out aren't you?


So are you riding bike#2 while bouncing Betty gets clutchified?
Not at all, mister funny-snowed-in-boy.

#2 is currently stored at a friend's house 75 miles away. #1, aka Velvet Hammer, aka The Dirty Ol Whore, aka Playa Dancer, aka Bouncing Betty is my primary mode of transportation since there is no such thing as snow around here. :D So repair must be done quickly, and in one shot. Hence the reason it hasn't been completed yet. Just haven't had the time. That will change Monday.

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So are you riding bike#2 while bouncing Betty gets clutchified?
Not at all, mister funny-snowed-in-boy.(who is installing forks, shocks, brakes in the cold unheated unattached garage :cold: )

#2 is currently stored at a friend's house 75 miles away. #1, aka Velvet Hammer, aka The Dirty Ol Whore, aka Playa Dancer, aka Bouncing Betty is my primary mode of transportation since there is no such thing as snow around here. :D So repair must be done quickly, and in one shot. Hence the reason it hasn't been completed yet. Just haven't had the time. That will change Monday.
Thanks for the update Mr. ex-Wheatonite-and-master-of-all-ironbutts. :******:

BTW, no offense or insult meant towards your fine characterified machine. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

1 ea. of 341-16321-13-00 PLATE, FRICTION $6.74
7 ea. of 2H7-16325-00-00 PLATE, CLUTCH $6.07ea

:p It's fun to see that the 341-16321-13-00 friction comes from the unforgetable TX 750 (1972) :D

and the 2H7-16325-00-00 comes from the XS 1100 (1978) :)

:huh: ... Don't understand why they are using 3 different kind of friction in the FJR clutch A ssy ?

Well, I finally repaired my clutch today - just over 2,000 miles since frying it. After a short ride of 30 miles with lots of WOT, all seems well with no detectable slipping. Repair was not all that difficult - thanks for all the encouragement, help and advice I received from everyone. There was one thing however, that has caused me concern.................

Remember what the new pieces looked like. Pay close attention to the 'unique' friction plate in the lower left corner of the photo.


Here's what everything looked like after removing the cover. There's the clutch spring, and whoa! There's the crankshaft!!! I could also see #4 connecting rod though it's not in the photo. Cool.


Remove those 6 bolts and off comes the clutch spring, the 7 & 7 friction and steel plates and the one unique friction plate. Here's the old friction plates. They look pretty good. I didn't measure them to see if they have worn too thin, but they all looked good.


And here's the steel plates. They looked good too (with one exception). No noticeable bluing, warping, or unusual wear.


The one exception. Looks like some bluing from heat.


So here I get into my problem area - the one unique friction plate. Here's the one side that looked ok.


But CRAP!!! Here's what the other side looked like (with the matching steel plate). :eek:


Here's a close-up. All friction material has been worn off, and even the metal has been scored/worn. This can't be good.


So here's the clutch basket with all the plates removed. Note the little black blobs of worn friction/plate material.


More photos of the burned off **** floating around my clutch.




Well, I cleaned as much of that **** out of there as I could, but there was more I could not access without removing the clutch basket. And I wasn't going to try that. I would have liked to because there was one more friction and steel plate in there I would have liked to inspected that you can't see in my photos. Hope those two are ok. Anyway, that **** has been in there for 2,000 miles already. I guess that's what an oil filter is for. (Note that I DID drain and replace the oil immediately after burning up the clutch) Note that the outer portions of the clutch housing are clean as a whistle. In hindsight, riding 2,000 miles after burning up the clutch perhaps wasn't such a good idea. I should have got in there and replaced and cleaned out all that stuff pronto. Lesson learned. I still want to get a minimum of 200,000 miles out of this FJR. Hope this clutch burning hasn't reduced that possibility of that.

One last thing. Despite buying a new bearing I didn't replace it. The current one felt smooth, with no binding or looseness. I didn't want to screw anything else up while trying to press the old one out and the new one in without the proper tools. 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.'

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Whut...yew 'fraid tew stuff summa thems rags enta them playces en kleen-er out wit summa thet Kemtoowel? Huh? Soes yew jist button-er up wit alla thet $&!#..er..crap..uhm..stuff floetin 'round en yer knew clutchy parts? Yew tryin' tuh de-zine a "slippery" clutch, er whut?


You made us proud with your wrenching skilz. Congrats and I need some stuff done to my bike...

:) Congratulation !!!! Nice job !

...So here I get into my problem area - the one unique friction plate. One side of it looked ok, but CRAP!!! Look what one side looked like (with the matching steel plate).


Here's a close-up. All friction material has been worn off, and even the metal has been scored/worn. This can't be good.


This is (may be ?) the answer to my question :

:huh: ... Don't understand why they are using 3 different kind of friction in the FJR clutch Assy ?
This "old style" 341 type, have a smoother friction material and is dedicated to be worn first ?

The purpose being to give a smooth feeling with the FJR clutch ?

... just a guess ...

BTW: The oil filter will protect from those particles, but it could be a good idea to drain again after 500 or 1000 M ! :glare:
