grumpypoos Gen 1 transmission repair

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So all and all today I accomplished the following

1. Put cases back together

2. Put Oil pump on

3. Put the oil filter thingy

4. Put on the other u shaped oil thingy

5. Put the oil pan on

6. Flipped it over

7. Put the place you put oil cover on

8. Put the timing chain cover on

9. Dropped a bolt down into the transmission


So I'll be pulling the oil pan back off to retrieve said bolt.

Not too shabby. If I try hard enough I can get this back in the bike Tuesday :3 I'm so close.

No pics today phone was dead and I was in the zone.

Don't turn the motor upside down to retrieve the bolt. No telling where it will go! Get a magnet stick and fish around. I did that twice during my reassembly, even with the openings stuffed with rags. The magnet stick got the bolt both times within seconds.

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Sooooooooooo status update time?

Everything is back together with the exception of the clutches.

I need the clutch cover gasket and the stator cover gasket and i'm done (excluding oil & coolant).

My finances have only allowed me to buy 1 gasket per paycheck and i'm on semi-monthly so that's the huge hold up as of right now. I have a target date of the end of this month that will be met no matter what. i'm about ready to ride the FJR again especially since Texas is having beautiful weather now!

You'll have to set up a go fund me account. We are rooting for your success getting that thing running and want to see you happily riding that new FJR. :)

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I was down 117 days when I did my transmission, but most of that was figuring out if I was actually going to do the transmission or just get another motor.

Go fund me! Absolutely, with the Canadian dollar withering I would gladly contribute $20 so please hurry up before my money becomes worthless? The contribution I've learned by watching this project has been invaluable; I feel nauseous just watching and thinking if it were me trying to tear this machine apart? I've had less dramatic mechanical problems but stopped at the "Split the Case" point! Carry on Mcduff!


I wont setup a Go Fundme but if you gentlemen want to buy the Gaskets and have them mailed to me I certainly will not so no!

I'm happy everyone is learning from this and to be honest i've learnt so much about how this machine works since doing this. I almost said no I wasn't going to do it, but that little voice in my head refused to accept that.

To be 100% honest I wasn't lying when I said everything only goes in 1 way and in 1 spot. It's almost impossible to mess this up (Unless you over tighten some bolts ;) )

I want to say I appreciate all the kind words i've received from this thread. It's amazing what one forum full of random strangers can do for the self-esteem (mechanics self-esteem that is otherwise i'm the **** :p )

I'll probably lob it back in the frame sometime this week (literally don't need it out anymore) OH WAIT THAT BOLT!!! I'll get that out.

Status update? My butt is getting tired sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear the rest.....

To be 100% honest I wasn't lying when I said everything only goes in 1 way and in 1 spot. It's almost impossible to mess this up (Unless you over tighten some bolts
I didn't realize what a funny guy you are. I laughed and laughed.

Great job. My admiration knows no bounds!

Yall are gonna love this.

Yesterday I got tired of my engine sitting on the floor so I did what any man would do. I called two of my friends and employeed them for the day.

Clutch housing was easy to get in once I figured out how to read the ******* manual.

Dropped more bolts into the engine. Proceeded to get them out like a boss.

Now came the time to put her in the frame. My little jack worked to get it situated somewhat in the frame. Sucked getting it up. So we picked her up by hand and got some bolts in.

Snapped that one bolt (my friend did) that was a PITA to get out. Soo I stopped. Plugged everything in. Battery is dead as can be, but she is at least in the frame. Now to buy a new bolt and fix that hole.

Pictures? Today when I go over there to continue putting it back together.

Holy **** I just realized. I'm almost done :eek:


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