I Was Shocked. SHOCKED!

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Not Safe For Work
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA (honest)
What a surprise. In today's local paper, this article, charting the sudden increase in tickets written in California in the last couple of years. Not just CHP, but across the board in all agencies. And not just California, but nationwide. Who would have ever thought it?

Consistent with past denials, spokesmouths for the CHP deny any orders or policy to issue more tickets. Everybody must just be driving faster than ever. CHP also blames the state prohibition on cell phone use for the spike in tickets issued. Doesn't explain the increase of CHP units parked aiming radar or lidar guns at oncoming traffic, though. Do the guns pick up the frequency of the offending cellphones?

It's not news, really. The funny part is the denials. Why bother? Crap, I guess I'll just slow down. :(

What a surprise. In today's local paper, this article, charting the sudden increase in tickets written in California in the last couple of years. Not just CHP, but across the board in all agencies. And not just California, but nationwide. Who would have ever thought it?

Consistent with past denials, spokesmouths for the CHP deny any orders or policy to issue more tickets. Everybody must just be driving faster than ever. CHP also blames the state prohibition on cell phone use for the spike in tickets issued. Doesn't explain the increase of CHP units parked aiming radar or lidar guns at oncoming traffic, though. Do the guns pick up the frequency of the offending cellphones?

It's not news, really. The funny part is the denials. Why bother? Crap, I guess I'll just slow down. :(
I read that too. I ride to and from my office through the dreaded HWY 50 death trap of radar guns between EDH and Sunrise (not a long commute I admit and am happy about :rolleyes: .) There must be 2 chippers that do roving patrols every day on cycles, in cars, or now the SUVs are rolling in!

What a surprise. {Some Snippage}. It's not news, really. The funny part is the denials. Why bother? Crap, I guess I'll just slow down. :(
On my main artery from work/town (a 6 mile run one way), I have often seen 2 CHP units on patrol. They were basically working a circular circuit on this strip and with great success I might add. I even got pulled over once when driving the SUV with a white shirt on, and as I passed the CHIP, I get pulled over for No seat belt? Apparently, he could see that I did not have a seat belt on because I was wearing a white collar, WTF? A seat belt violation should not be the primary reason for a pull over in my book. But then I didn't write the book, did I?

What a surprise. {Some Snippage}. It's not news, really. The funny part is the denials. Why bother? Crap, I guess I'll just slow down. :(
On my main artery from work/town (a 6 mile run one way), I have often seen 2 CHP units on patrol. They were basically working a circular circuit on this strip and with great success I might add. I even got pulled over once when driving the SUV with a white shirt on, and as I passed the CHIP, I get pulled over for No seat belt? Apparently, he could see that I did not have a seat belt on because I was wearing a white collar, WTF? A seat belt violation should not be the primary reason for a pull over in my book. But then I didn't write the book, did I?
True on the seatbelt, but at $500 a pop a great revenue earner like SacMike said!

I have noticed a lot more speed traps around Colorado. I suppose in a down economy it's a revenue source of great proportion.

I guess we should be happy the max speed limit hasn't been lowered back to 55mph. That really sucked. You Kali riders have to put up with 70 as your max. We zonies can pretty much hug 80 before having any worries.

I guess we should be happy the max speed limit hasn't been lowered back to 55mph. That really sucked. You Kali riders have to put up with 70 as your max. We zonies can pretty much hug 80 before having any worries.
In Cali 80 is the new 60? ;)
No one does 65 (posted speed limit) in Cali. At least 75 or you'll get run over.

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I guess we should be happy the max speed limit hasn't been lowered back to 55mph. That really sucked. You Kali riders have to put up with 70 as your max. We zonies can pretty much hug 80 before having any worries.
In Cali 80 is the new 60? ;)
No one does 65 (posted speed limit) in Cali. At least 75 or you'll get run over.
75mph will get you a speeding ticket on the I-80 corridor! Have been painted by laser more times than I would like to - when in my black sports car or on my red street-fighter I can understand, but hell even an old man's bass boat blue touring bike, or my mom's Gray Honda Accord isn't stealthy anymore

CHP also blames the state prohibition on cell phone use for the spike in tickets issued.
Interesting... I wonder if the actual breakdown of tickets by charge supports that. I have yet to know/hear of anyone getting a cellphone ticket.

I think it was NBC news tonight that reported highway fatalities are down 25% in the past 5 years. They attributed it to safer cars and more enforcement of speeding laws. Kills the fun of a fast bike now and then, but if true... :dntknw:

Interesting they don't cite the rising cost of gas and the lowest miles driven across the nation in years. I assume that 25% is based on total counts and not a normalized rate.

At least we aren't saddled with a national 55 MPH speed limit any more. I got my license suspended in the 70s when it was conclusively determined "I can't drive 55".

Might still happen again under the guise of energy efficiency! I am already hearing talk of how it would be the patriotic thing to do to help reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Aren't you a patriot Tom?

Might still happen again under the guise of energy efficiency! I am already hearing talk of how it would be the patriotic thing to do to help reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Aren't you a patriot Tom?
If it was to happen, it would be here in California first to complement our unilateral implementation of greenhouse gas laws and renewable energy. I'm so glad we can afford to pay 3-times the national average for power, and drive polluting industry from our shores so our politicians can feel better about their trips to conferences to scold the other dirty States.

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