The Plan:
Sacramento dudes and dudettes, meet at the Chevron in West Sacramento. 4814 West Capitol Ave, at the base of the "Enterprise/West Capitol" off ramp from Westbound 80.
(If you get there @ 0910, you will know we've left because you won't see any FJRs!)
West on I-80 to North on 113, West on Covell Rd. which crosses Hwy 505 into Winters and becomes Hwy 128. Meet the rest of the group @
Moskowite Corners by 1000.
From there I intend to ride up Capell Valley past Lake Hennessey and turn North on Silverado Trail to Calistoga.
If the fountain is on at the Calistoga Bottling Plant, I suggest we stop and take a group photo.) Silverado Trail dead ends on Hwy 29, turn left through Calistoga, R. on Hwy 128 and L on Petrified Forest Rd. where we will stop at the Arco on the left for a stretch break, nose-powdering session and a time to visit for a few minutes.
After that stop we'll continue West (uphill) on Petrified Forest Rd. 4.4 miles, then turn R. on Porter Creek Rd. which will become Mark West Springs Rd and cross Hwy 101. Continue on that road (It becomes "River Rd.") another 5 miles and turn L on Laguna Rd. 2 1/2 miles, jog L then R @ Guerneville Rd and continue South on Frei Rd. Once we cross the Gravenstein Hwy (2 lanes) that will become Graton Road which will dead end on the Bohemian Hwy., turn L one block to the Restaurant.
Lunch @ Union Hotel. IIRC, that's the place. If not, we'll decide when we get there. I remember what it looks like....and it is the best!
After lunch.....its 50 miles up the coast to Stewarts Point Rd. if anyone is interested (Plus another 40 miles across to Hwy 101 and 35 miles on 128 to Calistoga= 125 miles). Or, we could ride over to Bodega and up the Russian River to Guerneville then take the Gravenstein Hwy Southeast to Cotati (There's a gas station there for a "rest stop") on Hwy 101 and come home past Vallejo's Petaluma Adobe and take Hwy 12 past Sonoma to Napa....or whatever you want to do.
Freedom of choice: Its the American way!
Comments? Suggestions? Ideas? I think if we leave the book open-ended we can all make separate choices after lunch.
The Semi-Official List:
Rogdeb (2-up)
Bluestreek (2-up)
weekend rider
James Burleigh
Dr. Rich
Old Michael
Old Michael's Dorky non-FJR brother
Hycle (2-up)
Ric in Sac (2-up)