If you had to move to a ideal place

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Even though the traffic sucks in San Diego, it's better than Chicago traffic. I really miss SD,stationed there for 2&1/2 yrs while in Sonar school, we started at 4am and were out at noon. By 1300 we were at the beach playing volleyball and swimming in between :yahoo: . If I won the lottery, Del Mar or Sedona Az would be my choices though. I would probably miss the city skyline I grew up w/ and the food out here, I did when I was out there. But hey, I can always visit Chicago in the summer.SCREW WINTER, I don't wanna be 65 shoveling snow!

Doesn't this sound like La Jolly, CA?

But Fresno's pretty nice, in a low-income kind of way. I can hop on my bike and be somewhere really nice west (coastal twisties) in a couple of hours or or east (mountain twisties) in ten minutes. And you can still get into a house for a quarter mil.
La Jolla and Fresno don't exactly qualify as areas of mild traffic... Um jus sayin.
Look at it this way.....I'm trying to help your tax base!


Well, I've got a place in mind, and I'm thinking seriously about retiring some time soon and making the move, but if I tell you then you'll all start moving there and drive up the prices. :p


I'd have to say Petticoat Junction... where the water has a special bouquet.

Lorie and I are thinkin' NC or TN. Currently live in N. VA and it sucks the big, and I mean big, wiener! VA is a beautiful state as long as you are somewhere other than N. VA. Traffic, traffic, traffic, and did I mention traffic. Someone mentioned another place with "mean" drivers. Here add stupid, self-centered, unaware, latte sippin', pick-up driven (now, these aren't workin' man pickup trucks. These are the $50k P/U trucks that if you asked a guy who owned one if you could load some mulch in the back he'd look at you like you just asked his mother to work a night at the Playboy club in the PI!! Yes, nancy-boy posseurs (ok, I can't spell that word)). Whew, that felt good.

We're looking for a place where the pace of life is slower, average speed on the road is not "walking speed," we can reach "culture" within a hour to hour +1/2 or so, people are friendly, homes are a reasonable price - you know, utopia. I'm betting at this point that we'll end up in NC or TN!

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I'd have to say Petticoat Junction... where the water has a special bouquet.
Is that in Alabama? Wondered if you were going to post up or keep that beautiful state to yourself!
Dunno Pick... Daytona Beach sure was fun when I lived there many moons ago. There are mild hills around Smith Lake, but I hear Lake Burton in North Georgia is a very nice mountain lake, but I think the waterfront property values have gone through the roof there.
I'll never move any place north of that Manson-Nixon line.
That's Mason-Dixon, ya yankee.
Uh, Mrs. Scab, please get your man under control! He needs him some edjumication.

In the famous words of Robin Williams... "south of that Manson-Nixon line, where the good ole boys wear mirror sunglasses with the mirror on the inside".

I may not be as edjumicated as my Alabama buddies, but I do watch a lot of TV. And I am old enough to remember Robin Williams when he was "just funny as hell", not funny and political.


Oh, to stay on topic...

I've changed my mind. I'm moving in with Scab.

At last years EOM we came across this.

I'm not sure how long the riding season is? but it looked almost perfect.

Where ever you go just make it as far away from Seattle as possible. And take as many people as you can with you.


Charter Member of Lesser Seattle

Though I wouildn't want to live there the one place that fits every one of your criteria would be Big Bend TX. Roads. Riding season 12 months a year, Low cost of living, NO cops, Not much rain, NO snow.


I'm going to retire the way my boss did in Connecticut. He tied a snow shovel to the front grill of his RV for his last day of work. He said that he was just going to drive until he liked how somebody asked what the funny shovel was on the front of the RV.


Alaska! You guys head on up there and take as many people as you can with you (preferably people from SoCal) and I'll be right behind you. :p

Don't come to Albuquerque. Bitter cold, rain, fog, snow. All the time. B)

That's right. Nobody else move here. Thanks.
