Well-known member
I know exactly what you mean. I moved to California from Utah and it took a long time before I wasn't looking for every opportunity to get the hell out. But I can say in all honesty that pretty much anyplace on the west coast would be fine with me. I spent the last week in Seattle and I find myself looking to relcate up there now. The same thing happens every time I go to Portland OR. :lol:I moved here and didn't realize how great it was for about ten years...now it's a difficult thing to consider living anywhere else. I figure there is a reason there are too many people in California....people like me that want nothing more than to move home find out why so many people .......... don't.
But I hate leaving my little weekend retreat in Big Sur as much as anything. With rain only in the winter, never snow, and temps year round cool enough to make you actually want to wear all your gear...well...it sucketh not.