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well phuk, maybe I should have bought a scooter and stunted it, maybe then I could get some respect. Im sure the rest of the phukers dont brag in this here forum. I did not know I had to wait to a certain number of posts before I did a little braggin on my FJR. I will keep quiet and ask only dumb questions for a while :dribble: ****, maybe I will park it and get back on my Dr650, the thumpertalk forum guys arent such rude bastards :angry2:

well phuk, maybe I should have bought a scooter and stunted it, maybe then I could get some respect. Im sure the rest of the phukers dont brag in this here forum. I did not know I had to wait to a certain number of posts before I did a little braggin on my FJR. I will keep quiet and ask only dumb questions for a while :dribble: ****, maybe I will park it and get back on my Dr650, the thumpertalk forum guys arent such rude bastards :angry2:
Methinks you are overly sensitive. If you will carefully and completely read EVERY response, you might find that a number of members/owners have alluded to participating in the same or similar activity. Of course, you could opt to respond to the 2 or 3 posters that allude to your behavior in a negative way, but overall, I think most of those who have added to this thread admit that they too have been overcome by an occasional need or desire to explore the acceleration or handling limits of their FJR.

If its respect you want, as with most organizations, either formal or loosely knit as this one is, you will find that is earned over time by consistent display of ability or character. Welcome to adulthood! You might find that most of those "doing it" here don't talk much about it, they just enjoy it. Much the same as the feelings you were expressing and Iggy and GunMD admitted to after Cdogman reminded them.

Remember, its your choice to be an (insert your favorite derogatory adjective) or not. IMO, most of what I've read or posted in this thread didn't earn or deserve your insulting reply.

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well phuk, maybe I should have bought a scooter and stunted it, maybe then I could get some respect. Im sure the rest of the phukers dont brag in this here forum. I did not know I had to wait to a certain number of posts before I did a little braggin on my FJR. I will keep quiet and ask only dumb questions for a while :dribble: ****, maybe I will park it and get back on my Dr650, the thumpertalk forum guys arent such rude bastards :angry2:
Methinks you are overly sensitive. If you will carefully and completely read EVERY response, you might find that a number of members/owners have alluded to participating in the same or similar activity. Of course, you could opt to respond to the 2 or 3 posts that allude to your behavior in a negative way, but overall, I think most of those who have added to this thread admit that they too have been overcome by an occasional need or desire to explore the acceleration or handling limits of their FJR.

If its respect you want, as with most organizations, either formal or loosely knit as this one is, you will find that is earned over time by consistent display of ability or character. Welcome to adulthood!

Remember, its your choice to be an (insert your favorite derogatory adjective) or not. IMO, most of what I've read or posted in this thread didn't earn or deserve your insulting reply.
My comments are not for all, only the bashers. I am sorry to those who did not if I offended you! I did not however join this forum and start bashing anyone! I only thought I shared an interest the same as others belonging.

If you don't count GunMD and Iggy, who admitted they participated with Cdogman, there are only 2 bashers who contibuted NADA and merely threw stones . What a waste of time to respond to them while including the whole thread!

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Gee, I guess my post didn't have enough smilies in it. So here you go

:****: :****: :****: :****: :****: :****: :****: :****: :****: :****: :****: :****: :****: :****: :****: :****:

That better now :blink:

:p :D :lol:

If you don't count GunMD and Iggy, who admitted they participated with Cdogman, there are only 2 bashers who contibuted NADA and merely threw stones . What a waste of time to respond to them while including the whole thread!
I feel so isolated...so alone...like...as if...I've been singled out. I'm taking my toys and....



I love this place.

I feel so isolated...so alone...like...as if...I've been singled out. I'm taking my toys and....
Why, Scott, I forgot about your sensitive nature. :cray: I'm so sorry to have named you in a public forum. :uhuh: Please forgivme, man! :wubsmiley:

Do you believe all of that???? :yes: :w00t: :crazy: :lol2: :rofl:

Tards. You are all tards. As in FookTards. (edited, decided that anyone can use vulgarity, this doesn't deserve it)

A part of me says 'taking your son on a 130 mph projectile' is very stupid. If something had happened, how would you EVER explain it to yourself? Notice that I make no judgment; it's not my place to do so, it's very much an individual decision made, hopefully, in a somewhat still free society. Somehow though, having a pillion DOES make a difference.

Then again, I wish MY pops had ridden, and if so, rode it 'fully' with me on the back.. if not just once.... :unsure: :rolleyes:

There lies the diochomatic (new word, invented by me) juxtapositon of the surrealistic perception of reality we call life.

Translation - what's ok for you may not be acceptable to the rest. So be it. Me personally, I don't care - glad you cheated a risk and had some fun. I've been known to both play and pay, so to speak.

A part of me says 'taking your son on a 130 mph projectile' is very stupid. If something had happened, how would you EVER explain it to yourself?
Part of me has reading comprehension skills, and that part read that he did this on the way to pick up his son, as in while solo.


A part of me says 'taking your son on a 130 mph projectile' is very stupid. If something had happened, how would you EVER explain it to yourself?
Part of me has reading comprehension skills, and that part read that he did this on the way to pick up his son, as in while solo.

I HATE people who can read! In that case, put your boy on the back then go for a buck30 ride! :unsure: Don't forget to post up so I can cut and paste my previous comments..

ps Toe - ain't the word TARD special? :rolleyes:

well phuk, maybe I should have bought a scooter and stunted it, maybe then I could get some respect. Im sure the rest of the phukers dont brag in this here forum. I did not know I had to wait to a certain number of posts before I did a little braggin on my FJR. I will keep quiet and ask only dumb questions for a while :dribble: ****, maybe I will park it and get back on my Dr650, the thumpertalk forum guys arent such rude bastards :angry2:
Let's put this all in perspective before you get your lace panties all in a wad, okay?

Mustang GT -- 300hp/3600lbs

Yamaha FJR -- 145hp/600lbs

He has only twice your HP, but six times as many pounds to motivate.

See a slight disparity in your favor here? This is what you're getting dogpiled for. You have nothing to brag about.

Just so we're on the same page, sis, let me give you a "braggin'" analogy.

Yours: I smoked a Mustang GT!

Mine: I slapped the **** out of a four year old. But he WAS wearin' a Tai Kwan Do gi.

See the comparison? You basically pushed Stephen Hawking and his wheelchair over. And you're bragging about it in a public forum. Sheesh!

Now, go find a McLaren F-1, Bugatti Veyron or Ferrari F-50 and see if you spank its ass.

THEN you'll have something to brag about.


My comments are not for all, only the bashers.
Unless you want the board to respond and only direct it at a basher....you should use this nifty PM technology.

He has only twice your HP, but six times as many pounds to motivate. ......You basically pushed Stephen Hawking and his wheelchair over.
Nice. :clapping:

To back up my esteemed colleague......this forum isn't that easily impressed with mediocre twisting of the right hand.

...now if you did it while wearing a moo-moo, a wide stance, titanium throttle lock while singing "I'm a little teapot" into your Blue Tooth enabled Autocom to an audio blog.....we probably be reasonably impressed.

Ooops...I guess I'm a stone thrower now.

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well phuk, maybe I should have bought a scooter and stunted it, maybe then I could get some respect. Im sure the rest of the phukers dont brag in this here forum. I did not know I had to wait to a certain number of posts before I did a little braggin on my FJR. I will keep quiet and ask only dumb questions for a while :dribble: ****, maybe I will park it and get back on my Dr650, the thumpertalk forum guys arent such rude bastards :angry2:
Let's put this all in perspective before you get your lace panties all in a wad, okay?

Mustang GT -- 300hp/3600lbs

Yamaha FJR -- 145hp/600lbs

He has only twice your HP, but six times as many pounds to motivate.

See a slight disparity in your favor here? This is what you're getting dogpiled for. You have nothing to brag about.

Just so we're on the same page, sis, let me give you a "braggin'" analogy.

Yours: I smoked a Mustang GT!

Mine: I slapped the **** out of a four year old. But he WAS wearin' a Tai Kwan Do gi.

See the comparison? You basically pushed Stephen Hawking and his wheelchair over. And you're bragging about it in a public forum. Sheesh!

Now, go find a McLaren F-1, Bugatti Veyron or Ferrari F-50 and see if you spank its ass.

THEN you'll have something to brag about.


I see the old Howie is back. Feel better now? :****:
