I'm done with FJRForum mods

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Glad you came back Mike. Stick around
Agreed. I miss you. :)

Perhaps a list of Poles and Slavs? But wouldn't that be political?

Oh, wait. Maybe that Pole meant a poll?

Let's start a poll to see if we should make a list of Poles.
I'm all for this as long as Beemerdons doesn't start swinging around one in a thong! Lucky for you guys I don't have Photoshop as I could ruin your dinner!

Perhaps just "Split - " followed by the prior topic name, and placing it in the "Off Topic" forum section would be less objectionable?
Someone should start a pole.

Yeah, someone start a pole.



Pole Parts

  • Go to your favorite hardware store
  • Buy one steel plumbing pipe (for the pole) with threads on the bottom. It should be the height of your ceiling minus 5 inches and around 1 3/4 inches in diameter. They'll cut it for you at places like H. Depot. This will not be a shiny mirror color like some professional stripper poles.
  • Get a flange to screw the pole into. A flange is a strong base piece that you can screw the pole into and then bolt down to the bottom piece of wood.
  • Get the four nuts, bolts, and washers to attach the flange to the bottom of the stripper pole base.
  • Plywood usually comes in 4'x8', so get one of those and get them to cut it in half (again, they'll do that at H. Depot for you).
  • Get 12' worth of 2"x6" board. Cut it into two 4' pieces, one 1' piece, and two 1 1/2' pieces.
  • You'll want a drill with a bit the same size as the bolts for the flange.
  • Get some 2 1/2" nails or whatever you have lying around. You might also want a hammer or your brother's head.
  • If you want the pole to be more sturdy, get a bunch of bricks or flat-cinder-blocks to put in the base.
  • Pole Assembly
  • Drill 4 holes in the center of one of the plywood panels and the 1' piece of 2"x6" for the flange to get bolted onto.
  • Bolt the flange onto the 1' 2"x6" and the plywood panel panel with the bolts coming up through the bottom, so that the nuts get tightened on to the flange, and put washers between the head of the bolt and the plywood to keep the bolts from pulling through the wood (see figure 2). From the bottom up the sandwich should look like this: heads of bolts, washers, bottom of plywood, 2"x6", flange, nuts, tails of bolts.
  • Nail the two 4' long 2"x6" onto the bottom piece of plywood (the one with the flange attached). Put them at the edge of the plywood and on opposite sides.
  • Nail the two 1 1/2' long 2"x6" in the middle of the plywood as in the figures. They should butt up against the 1' piece of 2"x6", although they are standing tall, and it is lying on its side.
  • Now cut a hole in the exact center of the other piece of plywood the same diameter as the pole. You can do this with a special drill bit made to cut holes or you can just keep drilling holes in a cirlce till the middle falls out.
  • Finally, nail the top piece of plywood with the hole in it onto the 2"x6" so that it matches up over the bottom plywood.
  • Screw the pole into the flange.
  • Put the bricks into the openings on the side to weigh down the base. The farther towards the edge the bricks are the better leverage they'll get to weigh down the base.
    If your pole is any good this is what will happen:


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Nice to see you back Mikey.

Wasn't till your eloquent post that I realized this thread was really about "moderators."

All 7 pages through, I thought Wheaton was simply proclaiming he was finished modifying his FJR.

Thought to myself, "Boy had this gotten out of hand."

Moderators. Wheaties done with moderators. Now it all makes sense.

Never mind.

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Perhaps just "Split - " followed by the prior topic name, and placing it in the "Off Topic" forum section would be less objectionable?
Someone should start a pole.
Yeah, someone start a pole.



Pole Parts

  • Go to your favorite hardware store
  • Buy one steel plumbing pipe (for the pole) with threads on the bottom. It should be the height of your ceiling minus 5 inches and around 1 3/4 inches in diameter. They'll cut it for you at places like H. Depot. This will not be a shiny mirror color like some professional stripper poles.
  • Get a flange to screw the pole into. A flange is a strong base piece that you can screw the pole into and then bolt down to the bottom piece of wood.
  • Get the four nuts, bolts, and washers to attach the flange to the bottom of the stripper pole base.
  • Plywood usually comes in 4'x8', so get one of those and get them to cut it in half (again, they'll do that at H. Depot for you).
  • Get 12' worth of 2"x6" board. Cut it into two 4' pieces, one 1' piece, and two 1 1/2' pieces.
  • You'll want a drill with a bit the same size as the bolts for the flange.
  • Get some 2 1/2" nails or whatever you have lying around. You might also want a hammer or your brother's head.
  • If you want the pole to be more sturdy, get a bunch of bricks or flat-cinder-blocks to put in the base.

  • Pole Assembly
  • Drill 4 holes in the center of one of the plywood panels and the 1' piece of 2"x6" for the flange to get bolted onto.
  • Bolt the flange onto the 1' 2"x6" and the plywood panel panel with the bolts coming up through the bottom, so that the nuts get tightened on to the flange, and put washers between the head of the bolt and the plywood to keep the bolts from pulling through the wood (see figure 2). From the bottom up the sandwich should look like this: heads of bolts, washers, bottom of plywood, 2"x6", flange, nuts, tails of bolts.
  • Nail the two 4' long 2"x6" onto the bottom piece of plywood (the one with the flange attached). Put them at the edge of the plywood and on opposite sides.
  • Nail the two 1 1/2' long 2"x6" in the middle of the plywood as in the figures. They should butt up against the 1' piece of 2"x6", although they are standing tall, and it is lying on its side.
  • Now cut a hole in the exact center of the other piece of plywood the same diameter as the pole. You can do this with a special drill bit made to cut holes or you can just keep drilling holes in a cirlce till the middle falls out.
  • Finally, nail the top piece of plywood with the hole in it onto the 2"x6" so that it matches up over the bottom plywood.
  • Screw the pole into the flange.
  • Put the bricks into the openings on the side to weigh down the base. The farther towards the edge the bricks are the better leverage they'll get to weigh down the base.If your pole is any good this is what will happen:
Outstanding, airboss. That's all we need to know about poles or (Polls). Can you Hear that, Fred? :)
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Perhaps a list of Poles and Slavs? But wouldn't that be political?

Oh, wait. Maybe that Pole meant a poll?

Let's start a poll to see if we should make a list of Poles.
I hate polls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The last poll to try to pick a date for the Owosso Tech Day turned into a raging dog **** chusterfuk.

I do know Photoshop and if you bastards don't apologize I am going to have a jpeg of BeemerDons pole dancing. That will teach you.

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Perhaps a list of Poles and Slavs? But wouldn't that be political?

Oh, wait. Maybe that Pole meant a poll?

Let's start a poll to see if we should make a list of Poles.
I hate polls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The last poll to try to pick a date for the Owosso Tech Day turned into a raging dog **** chusterfuk.

I do know Photoshop and if you bastards don't apologize I am going to have a jpeg of BeemerDons pole dancing. That will teach you.
Yur 2 late. Papa already has one of you inverted, sliding down the pole with your g-string open for dollas!

...u looky kinda short |again!| however?
...oh that Yamaha hat has sure been around! JSNS.

**Afterwards** I hear you counted up yur dollas only to find 4 bucks and you found out it was American $, so you tossed it back in the crowd and Don caught it. Guess he gets the laugh on both ends of this one.



This is not KJ's doing of any kind. He's never even been to a male strip club!. EV-AH!

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Perhaps a list of Poles and Slavs? But wouldn't that be political?

Oh, wait. Maybe that Pole meant a poll?

Let's start a poll to see if we should make a list of Poles.
I hate polls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The last poll to try to pick a date for the Owosso Tech Day turned into a raging dog **** clusterfuk.

I do know Photoshop and if you bastards don't apologize I am going to have a jpeg of BeemerDons pole dancing. That will teach you.
Billy Fitz you must be unaware I have Copyrighted and Trademarked that saying, you owe me one bottle of Molson and a shot of Forty Creek for royalties eh!

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="beemerdons" data-cid="1135700" data-time="1396015136">

Billy Fitz you must be unaware I have Copyrighted and Trademarked that saying, you owe me one bottle of Molson and a shot of Forty Creek for royalties eh!</p></blockquote>

Since you never properly registered and displayed your trademark that phrase is now in the public domain.

If you.wish to test this in court you will need to buy your lawyer, HotRodZilla a cardigan sweater.

It's been almost a year since my last post, and I left pissed off. Yeah, heavy-handed moderation and an overall chilling in the tolerance for the kidding around and fun that always made this a "go to" place for me. As a resource and technical reference about FJRs and everything, it's the best, but it was also (and primarily) a great place to hang out daily, even when I didn't have a technical issue to figure out. But by the time I left, I think that had already changed, so probably like my friend Mark, it was "something" that pushed me over the edge.
So I've been silent, but like others who don't or won't post these days, I still come in to cherry pick for the parts I want to see. And of course with the way I left, this thread just leaped off the screen for me from the first post. But here's a nod to the moderators about the way this has been handled: I am very glad to see the discussion has been open and complete up to now. I'm glad it has NOT been belittled by being shunted off to NEPRT-land. A good open discussion on this subject can only be healthy for a forum like this.

I won't run down a list of gripes that I may have had with the forum, the admins, or even some of the other contributors--no point in that--but there IS this one thing. . . :) From the big "rule 10" uproar a year or so ago, and the beginning of pulling "off-topic" posts out and "disappearing" them, labeled as "Off-Topic Crap," well, that's just ******* offensive. It's pissed me off every single time I've seen a post with that label ever since that **** began. For you admins to label somebody's contribution to any thread as crap because you deem it off-topic or unworthy conveys a level of disdain and sense of superiority that I find too insulting to bear. The fact that we can't even see what thread it split off from adds frustration to the insult. If you're really TRYING to elevate yourselves over the mere "users" of this forum, this is a great way to go.

OK, that's the end of the rant part. Here's why I'm writing now. I'm far from the only guy who hasn't posted much recently because of this alienation, and as a result, the really nice close ties that we've had in my geographic area in particular have been weakened. It's just a website, not a club with a clubhouse and dues and officers like the Sons of Anarchy, but when you take away the meeting place and shut down communication, people will drift off. Like shutting down the local biker bar--where do the Harley guys go? We don't have nearly as many local group rides as we did a few years ago--a damn shame.

I had a nice ride Monday with my friend Gary--Gfran--who I met through this site, of course. That's where I met all my local FJR-riding friends. And my non-local FJR-riding friends too, some of whom I've still never met in real life. So the fewer of us post, the more we lose. I just decided, thinking about this whole issue, and prompted by this thread, that I've given the FJR Forum moderators way too much power over my life. I may not fully agree with the way they run the site, and with Majicmaker, I'm also "thinking (hoping) that the mods might being thinking this one over a bit," but whether anything changes or not, I can't get what I want out of this forum unless I participate. I'm encouraging Mark and any other dropouts to think about doing the same.

Maybe the reins will loosen a little, but even if not, I'm coming back, and hope others might too. It's the best way we have to keep in touch, and for me, THAT is the main value of the FJR Forum.
Good to see you 'uncloaking'!

I have my own "internal moderator" that allows me to sift through posts & threads.

Some days (most days, actually) I'm only interested useful information - and I find it. (On one such day recently I received a PM from a 'cloaked' forum member which contained additional information.)

Other times, I'm bored and my internal moderator allows me to scan posts that might normally be overlooked.

I'm not bright enough to contribute to tech posts, nor clever enough to add anything to the barnyard/barroom threads.

But I AM stupid enough to get the attention of the Mods - by accident.

Like the day when I accidentally made the forum's ONE MILLIONTH POST. Hardly a useful contribution!

Maybe that's why I spend so much time scanning NEPRT: I feel at home there.
