I'm sick of Facebook. I'm deleting my account!

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Mad German

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2015
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Anyone else here fed up with Facebook? Who here has deleted their Facebook account? Why did you do so?

Who here never had a Facebook or has any intentions of setting one up? Why?

I'm really curious to see what kind of replies I'll get. I'm really getting fed up with social media in general. The FJR forum is still cool, however!

Anyway, after having my account hacked more than once, I'm done with it all.

Thanks for letting me vent.

I have never had a Facebook account and never will. Why? Because I'm a well adjusted heterosexual male. Real life drama is taxing enough. I don't need fake e-friend drama also. I don't want to be tagged in stuff, or connected to people I don't really want to talk to.

My wife used to tag us out at restaurants or out with friends. I made her stop, because 80% of property crime offenders are utilizing social media. The last thing I need is some ahole knowing I'm gone from home and for how long. Also, because of my job, it's just a bad idea. I have seen a couple guys drug through the media due to Facebook posts, titles, names, or whatever. I need another way for the media to access and judge me like I need a hole in the head. Puke!!

It's bad enough that I hang out with you clowns! Although I still like most of you guys and girls! Lol...

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I am fairly computer savvy but I have never indulged in the whole social media thing. Never felt I was missing anything by not putting my life out there for public consumption. AS for the whole "Fake News" stuff, you can blame Facebook for allowing it and blame individuals for posting it in the first place (whoever they are and whatever their motives might be). The REAL blame goes to the idiots who believe it and propagate it by reposting. If enough morons believe something then it MUST be true? I could continue but this could too easily drift into forbidden realms. JSNS

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I have recently unfollowed friend after friend on FB. It's not what it was thanks to the highly charged political climate. I used to be a way to connect to long lost friends, and keep in touch with remote family. It really worked, and I have reconnected with people that I consider important, I had not heard from in years. I can sure see why withdrawing from it is a big temptation.

Take some time off, cancel all notifications, and decide in 6-months if you think it is a connection you want back or not. For starters, I have sold my stock position in FB and did pretty good financially over the last couple years...so if you quit, it wont' hurt me. :)

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I've never had Facebook and never will. I never understood why people think everyone needs to know everything they do, everything they like, everywhere they've been... Also never understood Twitter. Just don't get it. I guess I'm too old to get it. But then I don't really care!

I could continue but this could too easily drift into forbidden realms. JSNS
Thank you. Watching to see how this thread develops...I hope nobody does digress into politics and sticks to the specific topic started.

The Management


Personally, I found using the Unfollow & Unfriend feature along with Blocking certain sketchy information sources helpful to fix the baby's bath before chucking it all out. I might be at risk of going for a personal echo chamber, but it's become much more pleasant with a relatively small amount of pruning.

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I joined FB several years back to stay in touch with a group of coworkers when we were all getting laid off. It let's me catch up with old friends and family that live too far away to see on a regular basis. I'm only friends with folks I know in person.

I try to limit my time there and just what I share.

Of course, this is a form of social media, although it is populated by many antisocial curmudgeons.

I was on Facebook for a few years but dropped off when I tired of being subjected to the rants of people about every imaginable topic and hearing about how cute their kids and grandkids were. Facebook caters largely to the self absorbed snowflakes.... IMHO.

Never have and probably never will. I see people live and die emotionally from what they get out of FB.

I get enough out of real life so a fake one isn't needed.:) :)

Just read on FB a guy I met & friended last year who was in the cannonball run was knocked off an antique army m/c he was test riding the other day by a hit & run driver. Through sharing his post with his friends & them sharing it the police have a lead & think they have found the car.

I went on Facebook four years ago simply to document the building of our house. There are folks on there that I do consider "friends" along with my kids, and a few friends I had decades ago have reconnected. It's what it is, and only a pain if you get caught up into commenting on the many silly things on there.

It has however opened my eyes... five years back, if asked what percentage of the US population is just "plain stupid", I'd have said 12-22%.....After four + years on Facebook, I now see that those numbers are horribly low.

So at this point, the stupid silly stuff is just entertaining. As sad as it is to realize about half the people posting stuff are morons, at this point in my life, it all just makes me laugh. Most of my posts are still photos of my life....what I'm drinking, what I'm cooking, etc... I have perhaps 45 "freinds" and about five of them I don't "follow" anymore. (Either do to inactivity or continually stupid/political posts)

I still waste time there, and think, just like some forums I also frequent....if you're easily angered or offended by something someone you know is stupid posts, yeah, it's not for you... ;)

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When you have a Facebook account YOU are the product - you provide the wonderful data helping retail advertisers create a silhouette of real person as a target for their next wave of ads.

It's become very sophisticated over the last few years, so that if you ever did decide to just create a fake account for giggles/misleading them, they'd soon find you elsewhere on social media anyway.

I am a Facebook hater. But.....I originally signed up to track long lost friends. I would have deleted my account long ago except the mountaineering group(s) and the white water kayaking society I belong to do everything through F.B. If I was to disconnect I would lose to much valuable info about snow and water levels, meet ups, hazards, equipment, etc.

Wish they would have websites like this one.....

If Facebook was a relatively benign social environment designed primarily to help you stay in touch with family/friends or to communicate with a special interest group I would have no problem with it. Unfortunately, it's main function is to grab your personal information so advertisers who pay a great deal for the privledge can directly solicit you to buy their junk. Actually, I'm wrong; it's main goal is to make billions for the owners via allowing the advertizers access to your data. I guess it's not necessarily a lot worse than Google in that respect. On-line anonymity is a faint hope no matter what.

LMFAO...you GUYS! You are soooooooooooo out of touch with what's hip today...FaceBook? MySpace? .....forget THEM!!! It's time to get with the program...so, in that vein, YOU ARE HEREBY CORDIALLY INVITED TO JOIN THE NEWEST, HIPPEST, MOST HAPPENING social media sites to ever hit the net....Of course I'm talking about MyFace and SpaceBook! Be the first on your block to join! It's EZ!


I joined FB back when my girls were teenagers so I could see what they were posting. One of my daughters was posting too much personal information and I was glad I saw it and stopped it before it went too far. Other than that, I do not use it. I do not like the fact that FB owns everything that passes through their system, including what you may believe are private emails.

Never had one, never gonna get one, my idea of facetime is having a beer with a buddy,,,,, face to face. My ol' lady gets pretty upset about some of the stuff that she sees there that folks have posted. I just tell her "Quit going there if it's depressing"

Then again, her medical stuff doesn't let her out of the house much so that is her social network.

As for me, I own a dumb phone that don't do the interwebs :) :)

Never have and never will. Joining with 'Zilla in his recitation of reasons. Too many distractions and reasons to waste time in front of a screen, even without it. Hating that my preferences and information get sold on the internet already, and see no reason to make Zuckerberg any richer doing more of the same.

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