Inconsiderate FJR Rider

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That would be me.
I was on the freeway riding home from work yesterday when two Harley's entered the freeway about a half mile ahead of me. They were really getting on it, I was surprised at how loud they were.

I wanted to play and couldn't resist so I sped up to join them. After about a quarter of a mile and closing the gap very quickly they moved over one lane and slowed down. I'm sure they thought I was a motorcycle cop. When I caught up with them the guy closest to me he jumped on it, your not ever going to sneak up on someone on either of these bikes, so I slowly rolled on the throttle and left him like he was sitting still.

Its amazing how smooth and fast the FJR is.
Whenever I have the Givi side bags on my CBR1100XX, there always seems to be someone on a Harley who wants to show me that I'm not fast enough to pass them. Since we have no curvy roads in Michigan (11 curves in 318 miles), this challenge always takes place on freeways. I haven't really had that happen when I ride the FJR though.

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HD rider's, in general, ride for a totally different reason than FJR/sport touring bike riders. We don't think they get it and they don't think we get it. That's what makes biking such a great sport everyone can ride for different reasons and still enjoy it.
You said it best, bikerkash.

Big HOG rally here in Portland this weekend and I plan on bringing my kids to the parade.

That would be me.
I was on the freeway riding home from work yesterday when two Harley's entered the freeway about a half mile ahead of me. They were really getting on it, I was surprised at how loud they were.

I wanted to play and couldn't resist so I sped up to join them. After about a quarter of a mile and closing the gap very quickly they moved over one lane and slowed down. I'm sure they thought I was a motorcycle cop. When I caught up with them the guy closest to me he jumped on it, your not ever going to sneak up on someone on either of these bikes, so I slowly rolled on the throttle and left him like he was sitting still.

Its amazing how smooth and fast the FJR is.
Don't get me started on these Hardly Ableson things :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

That would be me.
I was on the freeway riding home from work yesterday when two Harley's entered the freeway about a half mile ahead of me. They were really getting on it, I was surprised at how loud they were.

I wanted to play and couldn't resist so I sped up to join them. After about a quarter of a mile and closing the gap very quickly they moved over one lane and slowed down. I'm sure they thought I was a motorcycle cop. When I caught up with them the guy closest to me he jumped on it, your not ever going to sneak up on someone on either of these bikes, so I slowly rolled on the throttle and left him like he was sitting still.

Its amazing how smooth and fast the FJR is.
My brothers and Nephews and I ride together, Sturgis ..Nevada..Montana..Northwest. A Road King 2 Valkyries and an older Venture ,It's all Good.

Funny . . . . I knew I wasn't the only one . . . the only time I ever hear my FJR talk is when I spot a couple poser up ahead and then she screams "LUNCH!". :devilsmiley:

I used to hunt the Harley boys all the time on my FJ1200-Not only faast but maybe as loud..I switched to the FJR to try to calm down a little. But when I see ape hangers I still can't resist and and am like a German Shepard on a poodle..It must be said though that a lot of Harley riders are stand up guys.

That would be me.
I was on the freeway riding home from work yesterday when two Harley's entered the freeway about a half mile ahead of me. They were really getting on it, I was surprised at how loud they were.

I wanted to play and couldn't resist so I sped up to join them. After about a quarter of a mile and closing the gap very quickly they moved over one lane and slowed down. I'm sure they thought I was a motorcycle cop. When I caught up with them the guy closest to me he jumped on it, your not ever going to sneak up on someone on either of these bikes, so I slowly rolled on the throttle and left him like he was sitting still.

Its amazing how smooth and fast the FJR is.
You are comparing a 126bhp, that weighs 150-200 lbs less ( depending on HD model ), to a 65bhp bike. Did you really expect different results?

That would be me.
I was on the freeway riding home from work yesterday when two Harley's entered the freeway about a half mile ahead of me. They were really getting on it, I was surprised at how loud they were.

I wanted to play and couldn't resist so I sped up to join them. After about a quarter of a mile and closing the gap very quickly they moved over one lane and slowed down. I'm sure they thought I was a motorcycle cop. When I caught up with them the guy closest to me he jumped on it, your not ever going to sneak up on someone on either of these bikes, so I slowly rolled on the throttle and left him like he was sitting still.

Its amazing how smooth and fast the FJR is.
You are comparing a 126bhp, that weighs 150-200 lbs less ( depending on HD model ), to a 65bhp bike. Did you really expect different results?

Ah but da HOG boys bring it on them selves with all their bragging about the speed and the incredable horse power their MC's are putting out. With all the talk we should not stand a chance.

Ah, passing a HD is just too easy. I work with two HD riders and they are both great guys but just have a different idea of riding. They couldn't care less about acceleration or cornering. One even went so far as to say, "I HATE corners". Nothing wrong with that. (Well ok there is something wrong with hating corners) At least neither of them have any misconceptions about where their bikes compare to the FJR. You do have to admit, if you are into the bikes for the chrome or noise level...the FJR needs a lot of custom parts to compete.

Now, passing a CBR, R6, or GSXR 600 in the twisties while riding two up with bags is fun. :)

One of my dear friends rides an HD. He's been riding bikes for over 40 years and if he wants to go fast in the twisties, I don't care what he is riding, he will be in the front of the pack. When I got my first FJR he wanted to ride it. I reluctantly got on his HD and he jumped on my bike. We took off and rode for quite awhile. I kept waiting for him to pull over but he never did. Finally, I found a section of road where I felt comfortable passing him and waved him over. He told me later he didn't want to give up my bike..he loved it. Oddly enough, as much as he loved my bike he won't buy anything but HDs. He enjoys them and rides the hell out of them. The thing that makes me laugh is how so many think of themselves as "rebels" and dress the part...only they all look everything. We call it the Harley uniform!

The thing that makes me laugh is how so many think of themselves as "rebels" and dress the part...only they all look everything. We call it the Harley uniform!
Here is a observation I have concerning uniforms in the chicagoland area. Illinois is a no helmet state and the majority of riders I see wear no gear not even a helmet.

So I am mostly a ATGATT. All the complete ATGATT riders I ever see are ST guys and a occasional sport rider. However I would say 99% of the time it is ST.

I commute 110 miles a day so get the chance to pass a fair number of riders. In a typical day I will get a wave from another rider maybe once and many

days 0 times. This coming from all types of riders.

Once in a great while I will, for whatever stupid reason, not wear any gear. Of course you might have guessed already I get waves from every type of

rider from cruiser to sport, including HD riders ( although I would say as a group the least ).

I have repeated this several times and always similiar outcome.

So I assume riders just look down upon the uniform.

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I'm not sure if it's and FJR thing, but since buying an FJR I have begun to rip on my buddies that ride Harley's (thanks for all your one liners) and must admit I have begun to have pleasure coming upon a Harley like a wolf hunting a slow little sheep. Do I need help or will it pass?

In a typical day I will get a wave from another rider maybe once and many days 0 times. This coming from all types of riders.
Seriously? I would say it is pretty rare, maybe 2 or 3 a day, that will NOT return a wave around here. Harley riders almost always do, the flip flop/tank top on sportbike crowd is the most likely not to return a wave in my experience.

I'm not sure if it's and FJR thing, but since buying an FJR I have begun to rip on my buddies that ride Harley's (thanks for all your one liners) and must admit I have begun to have pleasure coming upon a Harley like a wolf hunting a slow little sheep. Do I need help or will it pass?

Umm, no, it will not pass... :clapping:

You've hit on something I revel in: beating up on my (many) brothers and sisters who are Hardly riders! I'm in a vast minority on a ST machine,

but get my licks in and do enjoy the exchange! For some reason the "contest" never, well very rarely, makes it to the road. Wonder why!??? :rolleyes:

OH, and welcome to the forum, Stew...........


The thing that makes me laugh is how so many think of themselves as "rebels" and dress the part...only they all look everything. We call it the Harley uniform!
Once in a great while I will, for whatever stupid reason, not wear any gear. Of course you might have guessed already I get waves from every type of

rider from cruiser to sport, including HD riders ( although I would say as a group the least ).

I have repeated this several times and always similiar outcome.

So I assume riders just look down upon the uniform.
What uniform are you wearing that is scaring everyone so bad?... Nazi storm trooper?... Barney the purple dinosaur?

Over here in Old Europe we have two main species of HD riders:

1. your doo-ragged bad-ass accountant or orthodontist who mutates into a family man on Monday and drives a "sensible" car. :dntknw: Their Hogs are serviced and farkled at enormous expense at the dealership. These folks have been known to lose whole limbs trying to use a 14mm wrench on a rearview mirror. Often times they venture to put on stickers from rallies they never attended and they still f*ck it up.

2. your true-blue Euro-Hell's Angel on an immaculate vintage Harley you could eat breakfast off. They wear all the authentic grungy garments, sport real tattoos and there's no telling what they do for a living. They look the part to the point of being completely incongruous against a European backdrop, much like a Stetson-wearing dude would be on the beach at Capri. :D

Both species live in a parallel dimension and have little contact with the rest of the biker-folk. :p

They rarely engage in roll-on contests with metric bikes because they're not addicted to pain. Even a T-Max maxi-scooter beats them hollow. They wear helmets because it's the law but of course they wouldn't be seen dead in a full-face or (God forbid) a flip-up.

They're a small minority here and when they pull up at a traffic signal nexto to a family minivan, the occupants lock their doors. But they are entirely harmless and threatened with extinction.

Many have neck and spine ailments often aggravated by us FJR folks whooshing by real close at triple-digit speeds :rolleyes: as they trundle down the slab at 50 mph trying to look stoic and ultra-cool. :coolsmiley:


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i agree with the post that it's much more satisfying to pass some dude in full leathers on an r6/gsxr/crbbrrr on the dragon or cherohala than a harley dude who doesn't know much and cares even less.

you know what's more satisfying than passing them on an '07 fjr? passing them on a 16 year old sport touring fj in a bright yellow aerostich. dudes in race leathers on sportbikes who don't know how to ride fast are the ones that are truly trying to ride fast. the harley boys are just enjoying the ride.

i know there are guys on slower bikes that are faster than me. jack hunt, on his st1100, comes to mind, a few years ago. blew past me on the dragon like i was standing still. never saw a brake light the entire time i could keep him in view. (he and wife run a m/c lodge in tellico plains).



...Reality Check!!!

Three occassions come to mind:

1) Last yr. while riding the extreme twisties at Mt. St. Helens with some sport bike friends, a Harley Street Rod goes blasting past us. Trying to run it down on the heavy FJR was not working. You could see him dragging hard parts around the sharp corners. What a maniac!!! Several miles later we caught up with him, having stopped at a turn out. Great chat revealing to us that he was a semi retired semi Pro Flat Tracker, AMA liscensed. The FJR wasn't so awesome that day!

2) Enjoying a country road at a semi brisk pace on a sunny afternoon, watching a headlight gain ground on me from behind. Out of some twisties and opening it up to gain some separation only to have a GSXR 1000 go by me at 70 mph on the rear wheel!!! Again, the not so awesome FJR

3) Returning from a week trip, coming home over the N. Cascades Hwy. last weekend. Came up on a group of cars going 60 or so. Getting closer, I could see they were a group of six different models of Ferrari and one Lambo. It took me several miles to finally decide to pass them as they were not running in "sporting" mode. I knew any one of those cars had a higher top speed than the fJR and could easily have run with or out run me. I know they let me go.... (not so awesome)

oops.... didn't mean to rain on anyones parade :rolleyes:

...need to put it all in perspective sometimes, huh? But having said all that, I do thoroughly enjoy the Feejer and the sensations and thrills of the road it gives me. If a Harley passes me, my ego isn't bruised..., "ride what you enjoy, enjoy what you ride" as said so many times before...
