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I saw Tom tonight. When I talk to him I know he is listening. He responds to me many times by tapping his fingers or using a communication board to point to yes or no.

Today I presented him with an option to listen to me read a few pages from a comparo between the VFR and the BMW FS800st, vs sesame street ABC's and 123's....

He clearly indicated he wanted the motorcycle comparison by flicking me off and pointing to the moto mag.

Anyway, I will be looking for the cards in his room when I visit. If I don't see them, I will print out a portion of the forum and bring it to him to read it out loud.

I saw Tom tonight. When I talk to him I know he is listening. He responds to me many times by tapping his fingers or using a communication board to point to yes or no.
Today I presented him with an option to listen to me read a few pages from a comparo between the VFR and the BMW FS800st, vs sesame street ABC's and 123's....

He clearly indicated he wanted the motorcycle comparison by flicking me off and pointing to the moto mag.

Anyway, I will be looking for the cards in his room when I visit. If I don't see them, I will print out a portion of the forum and bring it to him to read it out loud.
That's great. We wish him well and a full recovery. :clapping:

Wow, how in the world did I miss this thread? I've met Tom & his wife & my wishes for a complete recovery are with him. No doubt that all of us are pulling for him.


Latest update on Tom is that over the past few days Tom has had 2 procedures. First one was to re-open his scalp, and clean up the area, as he was continuously leaking from the incision. That procedure was successful and he has had no other effects from the incision.

Second procedure was to remove a feeding tube from his nose, and insert it through his abdoman. This will allow him to be a bit more comfortable, as he is not fighting with a tube down his throat. Tom is still very much uot of it most of the time, and still is unable to speak or move his right side.

we are all still praying.

Thank you all for your support during Tom's trying times. Will continue to keep you all posted. I know for a fact that Tom was planning on and looking forward to attending EOM for the second year in a row. Looks kind of doubtful right now, but maybe a cage road trip might be in order around then.

Hey Keith,

Next time you see him, tell him Fencer wants his bike when he kicks off, I am sure you will get some kind of response from him then :D

Tell him I also inqured as to his current condition and his normal Vegitative state :eek: :p

Its all in fun folks, all in fun B)


I have not been much of a reader here lately and I missed this thread initially. I am so sorry to hear about your condition, but do not fret, this will be but a distant memory in the years to come. I will be praying for your full recovery, your family and what God has planned for you out of this. I am glad to have met you at last year's EOM and I am looking forward to riding with you again down the road.

God Speed,


I thought I'd bring THIS part of the original post for those who might be glancing OVER it.

I'm sure we can all send a second or third e-card that will help brighten his prolonged stay.

Thanks for your support, and Keith, thanks for your visits and reports.

Tom is in "Baptist East Hospital" located in Louisville KY. If any of you are so inclined, you can send him an E-card through the hospital website. Volunteers at the hospital will download the cards and deliver them to him.
If you folks want, I can continue to update you on his progress. I will also be asking Keithaba from this site to assist me with any updates as he is close to Tom and will be stopping in to see him occasionally.


EDIT: Tom's last name is "Heverly

and here is the link to the E-Card page. Sorry to not include that to begin with.

P.S. my sig line should be changed to reflect my 2008 R1200GS.
Thanks for your support, and Keith, thanks for your visits and reports.

I've talked to Keith almost daily while travelling, and this hasn't been easy for him. He's stopped in to see Tom quite a few times in the past couple weeks.

This whole thing has kinda shaken me up, too. Tom is physically one of the strongest, most imposing guys I've met. Also, a great, genuinely nice, funny guy. Praying he pulls through soon.

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Latest update on Tom is that he was building up pressure inside his head, as his body was unable to absorb the fluid being created from the trauma his brain has suffered. A procedure was performed on Thursday morning, where a drain was inserted to drain some of the fluid and reduce the pressure on his brain. That procedure went well, fluid is draining well and Tom was moved back into ICU. With his condition and the amount of pain medication he is currently on, he slept all day Thursday and most all day Friday. We are hoping this procedure will help Tom become more alert.

More updates to follow as Tom moves along.

Thanks for all your support.

Thanks for the update. You and the family are also in our thoughts and prayers. These are trying times for everyone, friends and especially family.

Just a quick note, Tom got the cards that everyone sent. Probably about 10 of them or so. Thank you guys very much for sending them.

Encouragement is a good thing, as I can't imagine how he feels right now with all the surgeries, meds, and inability to move his right side. His wife wanted to read them to him, but got a little too teary eyed, so I went ahead and read them to him aloud. He was listening and responding, which is hard to get him to do sometimes because he is so sleepy. During reading those cards, he actually stayed awake during all of them!

He is still stable despite all the additional surgeries, but all of us are eagerly awaiting for the lowering of sedating medications, and the pressure to start subsiding.

Fencer: I will try to razz him a little for you.

Thanks Keith for the updates. It is very hard for me being in Upstate NY while all this is going on. Eagerly awaiting for Tom to improve so that I can come back and spend some quality time with him. Hoping to ride the GS out there next time.

Thanks for keeping us posted...and thanks Keith for doing the visiting for us. I haven't met or ridden with Tom personally, but I obviously hope and pray for a full recovery. :clapping:

Sent an Ecard, that took almost no effort. I think as motorcyclists, we appreciate the freedom of not being hampered by the "normal" rules of society. I can't imagine riding with my knees in the breeze one day, and shortly after being stuck in a hospital with brain surgery and a numb right side. Prayers from here. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Another quick update on Tom for anyone interested.

Tom has not come around like all Dr's thought he should have, and has just not been alert or awake much since the surgery 3 weeks ago. Another set of scans was done, and it appeared that the fluid in his brain was not draining as it should. There was a drain in place, but it appeared that scar tissue had appeared and was preventing the drainage from both sides of the brain. So a second drain was placed on the other side to assist with drainage. Since that procedure Tom has become much more alert, and for those of you that have met or know Tom, you can really tell that Tom is inside there now. His personality is beginning to come back, even though he still can't speak or move his right side.

There has been an exception to his speech on a couple occasions. Tom has actually said "what", "I know", and "oh". All these statements were made as spontaneous utterances as a result of his wife speaking to him. Tom has been unable to duplicate these words when asked to do so, but it is a good sign that the capability is there.

Thanks for all the support, and keep Tom in your thoughts and prayers. He will take all he can get.
