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Nope, you're all wrong. It's the asshats that camp in the left land and aren't passing anyone. Left lane pass, merge back to right lane, it's a simple concept that no one knows.
+1 If this law was enforced you can bet stupid accidents would be significantly reduced & traffic would flow 10 fold better.
I read Washington state is enforcing this. Any car in the left lane not passing is getting pulled over for "impending traffic".

We have signs here on roads that clearly say "slower traffic stay right" and "left lane for passing only". But there's appearently hundreds of drivers that don't understand this.
I think it's like most the laws they pass in our state. Unless there are enough LEO's out there to enforce them, they are only to appease the masses and make the politicians look like they care.

The worst: slow in the curves, like 10 or 15 under the limit, then speed up to 10-over on the straights. You can't pass without begging for your license to be suspended.
Great descriptor for a majority of Pirates on the road. Worse than the 10 over on the straights, sometimes they turn it into an all out drag race, that given a safe place to pass, they always lose!

We too have increased left lane enforcement, but in a land of retired folks, it truly does fall on deaf ears.

I would be happy if everyone just drove properly, using road rules as a TOOL.

Just yesterday, I was in the F150, stopped waiting on a small side road to turn left on to a major road, a young girl stopped on the main road and collected a HUGE line of traffic behind her, as she was about to turn on to the road I was on. She sat there and kept waving to allow me to pull in front of her and be on my way. I waved and yelled, "YOU have the right of way, TURN!"

I swear, people are generally stupid.

People who drive their motorhomes so slow on scenic roads that they can practically inspect ants ********.

Yeah, then I get the dangerous passing ticket.

The worst: slow in the curves, like 10 or 15 under the limit, then speed up to 10-over on the straights. You can't pass without begging for your license to be suspended.
Great descriptor for a majority of Pirates on the road. Worse than the 10 over on the straights, sometimes they turn it into an all out drag race, that given a safe place to pass, they always lose!
Since we're Pirate busting... I'll relate a little story about an experience I had and will never forget, it was so amusing.

I was going to see my son compete in a college track meet in Troy, NY, which is on the east side of the Hudson River from Albany. I left early and took a ride out on Rte 2, aka The Mohawk Trail thru Mass, as that can be quite a fun ride early in the day without any traffic. After the meet I ran back east across Rte 9 through VT as there are more slow cage passing opportunities (passing on double yellow is OK in VT) and that turns into Rte 101 in Keene, NH. There are a couple of good sized hills between Keene and Manchester, and they split the one lane to two to get around the slow trucks and such lumbering up those hills.

When I rolled thru Keene I came up behind a goodly sized cluster of Weekend Pirates, doing that Pirate ride thing that they do (i.e. riding closely together, side by side, in the same lane) at their Pirately pace (i.e. the speed of an ancient Man o' War frigate). At the first truck lane passing zone I wicked up the FJR and zipped by the entire gaggle, and then resumed my ride home at nominal, solo FJR cruising altitude, not giving them a second thought.

When I reached the top of the second rise, where you go past the Pack Monadnock State Park entrance, I slowed down considerably because it is a blind rise and there is often traffic exiting from the state park. Just then, I suddenly hear a crazy loud piped bike blow by me on my right side and then chop the throttle at the top. It was one of the Pirate ass-clowns who had been chasing me on his Dyna-Bob-Low-Rider-Heritage-Glide-Classic-Bagger and had been trying to overtake me for miles, and I hadn't even had the decency to notice. I think he thought I was trying to outrun him, but I was really just riding along and enjoying the day, completely oblivious to his life saving loud presence.

I laughed out loud, but gave the Goofus a big thumbs up for his efforts. Then he dropped back to wait for the rest of his bad ass posse cluster, probably to regale them with his manly accomplishment, and I continued along at my nominal FJR pace to home.

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We too have increased left lane enforcement, but in a land of retired folks, it truly does fall on deaf ears.
I would be happy if everyone just drove properly, using road rules as a TOOL.

Just yesterday, I was in the F150, stopped waiting on a small side road to turn left on to a major road, a young girl stopped on the main road and collected a HUGE line of traffic behind her, as she was about to turn on to the road I was on. She sat there and kept waving to allow me to pull in front of her and be on my way. I waved and yelled, "YOU have the right of way, TURN!"

I swear, people are generally stupid.
And had you pulled out and caused an accident. You would be at fault for failing to yield. Idjits

The one thing that really gets me.....

I'm guilty of being a left lane rider/driver. I feel safer plugging along in the left lane, slightly faster than the flow of traffic, whether I'm in the truck or on the bike. But I know well enough to watch my 6 and get out of the way if someone is coming up.

What pisses me right off is when I'm cruising in the left lane, nobody in front of me, and nobody behind me , and I'm coming up on 2 or more cars in the right lane, traveling at a lower speed. And right before I get there the last one in line always..... ALWAYS moves over to the left lane.

I know. It's a minor inconvenience to turn off the cruise control and slow down 5 mph until the douche hammer leisurely gets past the cars in the right lane, and then leisurely moves back to the right... but it pisses me right off every time.

Boy, LJ's reminded me of another one. It's not too bad of an issue here in my part of Cali where most roads are pretty flat, but when there's any kind of an incline, you'll be riding along some pretty empty highway at the upper limit of not-quite-getting-a-ticket, and you're drawing closer to a pair of semis in a little mini-convoy. And just a few seconds before you're really passing them, but close enough that you have to hit the brakes, the second guy, who wants to go a half-mile and hour faster than the first one, pulls out in front of you. And takes about six minutes to pass truck one, inch by painful inch. Even here, where lane splitting is legal, there are some times you'd better not even think about it.

Damn, guy, if you'd just waited about five more seconds . . .

Around our area at least, I think douche bags like that do that stuff on purpose. Doesn't seem to bother them whether it's a bike or cage behind them, they get in a hurry to pull out in front of you then like SM says, take their painful sweet time getting around said slower traffic. Oh, and in heavier traffic, try using your turn signal indicating you want to change a lane and see how quickly the douche in that lane speeds up to cut you off so you don't get in front of them.

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The cage'tards that have problems maintaining their speed...

You are on an open section of road (hard to believe but there are a few even out east) and you set the cruise control to 10 over, or whatever you feel comfortable with for not attracting LEO's attention, and cruising along in the right lane of a two lane divided highway. Some jerk wad will run up behind you, pass you on the left, then pull in ahead of you (usually too soon) and then let off the accelerator.

Before you know it you are running up on him so you signal to move into the left lane to maintain your speed. Especially if there is a hill ahead you'll probably pass by him while he falls back, diddles with his GPS, or his phone, or tunes in a new country radio station, and you see him fade in your rear view. Then not too much later, here comes the tard-muffin again for another fly-by and swift pull in ahead.

I've danced this dance with car drivers too often on the section of I-89 from Manchester NH up to White River Junction, VT, until I get fed up and put the hammer down enough to put a good space between us so that they find some other poor soul to play that game with.

I often wonder if they think I am the one speeding up and slowing down, when I know that I'm going exactly the same speed because I'm on cruise control the entire time.

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I did that "dance" once with a Caliber while I was in my wife's 2003 WRX. Eventually, I would pull way ahead and drop to my set cruise speed of +10. He'd work his way back up, pass, then slow down (they don't seem to handle lead well).

It happened so many times I turned it into a game. Not unlike the Navy being "shadowed" by an opposition force sub, I would speed up but not slow all the way back down; just to see how high he was comfortable. As long as I took the lead he was fine up to about 135. If I moved over and slowed down to let him pass though, he'd toss out the anchor and not take lead; dropping down to as low as -10 if he had to.

I didn't think a Caliber could do that top speed.

No rednecks near Snohomish I reckon?
...oh no, this is redneck and hillbilly central, especially when one gets too far off the beaten path.


Snohomish...well, the whole Hwy 2 corridor east of the Cascades in general... is a cesspool full of back woods, crack headed, inbred rednecks. I commuted US2 from Gold Bar(f) to Issaquah every day for 9 years, and hit the Snohomish area regularly. If you ain't got a diesel rollin' coal, you ain't chit... This comming from the owner of a (clean) '94 Cummins owner.

No joke, my neighbor in Gold Barf beat his ex-girlfriend's head in with a hammer when she threatened to turn him in for blackmail. He had pictures of her screwing a dog, and he'd been using them against her to try to get her to come back to him. This )(*E$'s deck wasn't 10' from my daughter's bedroom window.

Irritants? Reminds me of the clown I came up on a few weeks back while riding home on an FM road. He was consistently going around 10 mph less than the limit on the straights and the yellow suggested speeds in the curves. I waited about 5 or 6 miles behind this joker for a good stretch with dotted lines to pass him (didn't want to be too much of a hooligan), doing my very best not to tail gate him in the process. When the time came with ample passing room and a dotted line I dropped a couple of gears and pinned it. 60 mph road and I'm going by this guy at around 75 mph, he speeds up AND swerves over at me 2 ft into my passing lane. I'm thinking holy hell, this shoulder chip bearing half wit is trying to kill me, so I pinned it full and now I'm up around 95 mph. I got past him then pulled back into my lane and reduced back down to 60 mph to resume my regularly scheduled programming, and within a short time that clown is right on my back door. Seems he had all the time of day until someone wanted to pass him. Things that make ya go hmm....
Welcome to Texas. I saw the same BS the last time I was in TX. ******** that'd speed past me on I-35, only to get in front of me and slow down to 10 under, then speed up when you tried to pass. It happened 4 or 5 times between Ft Worthless and Corpse Christi. I was starting to wonder if I was secretly on some reality show, and someone was just trying to see how far I'd go before pulling over and throwing fists. I'm a native Texan, and even I was a bit shocked at the BS down there.
