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Returning home from NERDS I was reminded of one that does not affect me as much in Canada because daytime running lights are Mandatory. MY issue is with people who can't be bothered turning on their lights when it is raining. When it is teaming rain it is very difficult to see grey & silver vehicles in particular.

Yes jeez, where to begin?

Here are my least favorite travelers...

1. The drivers shooting across 4-5 lanes to exit bother me less than the ones that are traveling in the lane right next to the "exit only" lane ...and wait till the last moment to take the exit. They had a one mile heads up it was the exit lane they wanted, but they just had to keep going so they could pass three or four cars, then cut off he guy in front...this getting everyone to slow down for no reason.

2. The one oblivious to the fact they are in an "exit only" lane, and wait till the very last second to move out of it...with no warning of course.

3. Cars that travel in the "slow lane" who in fact are going faster than anyone in the other lanes...and not moving over when they see you coming down the entrance ramp.

4. Cars in the middle lanes with their turn signal going....for miles.

5. Trucks that get up on your ass in the fast lane...when there's heavy traffic. I can only go as fast as the car in front of me, yet you feel I should just get out of your way?

6. The weavers...the ones, like the truck in #5 ...on a clearer highway ....that switch from lane to lane to pass everyone. (Who you see disappear from view ahead (until you pull off the highway and they are right next to you at the traffic light)

7. Overloaded trucks in the far left lane going under the speed limit.

8. The slow racers.... A line of cars/trucks side by side on a multiple lane road all doing the exact same speed...( 5 mph under the posted limit)

9. Guys on cruisers that slow down for turns...

10. Pretty much everyone out on the road..

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Returning home from NERDS I was reminded of one that does not affect me as much in Canada because daytime running lights are Mandatory. MY issue is with people who can't be bothered turning on their lights when it is raining. When it is teaming rain it is very difficult to see grey & silver vehicles in particular.
In most states, it is the law to have your HEADLIGHTS on (not DRLs) when windshield wipers are in use. I see the signs every time I cross a state line. What most drivers have not realized is... having headlights on also means taillights are on thus enabling others to see you better in adverse conditions as they come up from behind. Especially - as Madmudder noted - the Grey, Silver and other neutral color vehicles.

It's bad enough in a car but far worse when on a bike.

Was travelling in MA (w/ the Massholes) and CT (w/ the Connectikooks) this weekend, which reminded me of the absolutely most infuriating driver behavior ever: Driving down multi-lane highway and there's a lane drop ahead for one reason or another, with signs posted well in advance. Most good citizens start their merges early, but a good number of selfish rump-swabs take that as their opportunity to blast up the dropping lane to right before the merge to get ahead of a few more cars, then force themselves back in, which of course then backs up the rest of the traffic for miles and miles.

This looks like it would be a useful setup to deter that...


OMFG, I forgot about ******** who refuse to turn their effing headlights on. Rain, snow, dusk, early morning, and sometimes even in the dead of night. There are so many dipshits, there is no quick cure.

Turns out, a lot of people on the road irritate the cap out of me. I'm definitely not perfect, but holy Hell people, it is mostly common courtesy. That says a LOT about people in general.

Also, what's with the idiots spray painting their tail lights black? "I know, I'll make it hard for people to realize I'm slowing down." I write a metric shitton of tickets for people doing that. Funny thing? I haven't yet had a court appearance with one of those people, which means one of two things: The judges are dismissing them outright, or they're correcting them and getting dismissals. Either way, no real consequences.

Oh yeah, and another one of my pet peeves, cops who write tickets for my blacked out tail lights. Sheesh, I thought we had rights against that kind of tyranny.... :grin: JSNS!

Cool. We can paint over our taillight lenses. What a good idea!

What did I say before? Oh yeah--"we all like to vent."
And OK, one of my favorites is the "Exit Only" lane hogs who (a) pass as many cars as they can approaching the exit, and then (b ) slow way down trying to find a place to squeeze back in front of everybody they passed, holding up the people who actually want to exit.

Come to PA and drive. Here we have the people who fail to realize it became a law to have you headlights on if your wipers are on but in the infinite wisdom of our legislators they decided daytime running lights count so no tail lights are on.

I also love the people who are 5 under the speed limit until they get to a passing zone where they suddenly speed up to try to prevent you from overtaking them.

Amish people in buggies...... Oh these are fun. Tourists slow down to catch a glimpse then rubberneck their way around them at 10-15 mph. Piles of horse **** on the road in some rural areas. Farm equipment that takes up the whole lane and you can't see around to pass if you did want to. I understand people need to move from one field to another but right at rush hour?

Turn signals? For what? They knew where they were turning....

Had a friend refer to Pennsylvania motorists as LAPD......Lousy Ass PA Drivers!

Nope, you're all wrong. It's the asshats that camp in the left land and aren't passing anyone. Left lane pass, merge back to right lane, it's a simple concept that no one knows.

And one I deal with at least once a I commute on two multi lane interstates...

The law reads - if an emergency vehicle or a cop is on the side of the road with its lights're supposed to move over if your in the nearest lane...or.....slow down.

It's "or" meaning or the other...not both....and if you're three lanes over...why are you slowing down? Never see a cop pull a car over before? Why is EVERYONE slowing down below the speed limit?

Generally if I see a cops pulled some poor guy over, I speed up.....

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Nope, you're all wrong. It's the asshats that camp in the left land and aren't passing anyone. Left lane pass, merge back to right lane, it's a simple concept that no one knows.
+1 If this law was enforced you can bet stupid accidents would be significantly reduced & traffic would flow 10 fold better.

Ditto on all the above and let me add one I haven't seen yet. Drivers that don't realize that many intersections have sensors in the road that sense when there's no more traffic on the main line and then turn that light red so people waiting on a side street can cross. The problem is when the yahoo in front of you leaves a huge gap between themselves and the next car ahead and then you get stuck waiting at a light that you would normally be able to ride through if they had kept normal spacing.

Ditto on all the above and let me add one I haven't seen yet. Drivers that don't realize that many intersections have sensors in the road that sense when there's no more traffic on the main line and then turn that light red so people waiting on a side street can cross. The problem is when the yahoo in front of you leaves a huge gap between themselves and the next car ahead and then you get stuck waiting at a light that you would normally be able to ride through if they had kept normal spacing.
Or they pull so far forward they're past the sensors to trip it.

Cool. We can paint over our taillight lenses. What a good idea!

What did I say before? Oh yeah--"we all like to vent."
And OK, one of my favorites is the "Exit Only" lane hogs who (a) pass as many cars as they can approaching the exit, and then (b ) slow way down trying to find a place to squeeze back in front of everybody they passed, holding up the people who actually want to exit.

There's a place near the house where several "fly overs" merge and the right lanes start dropping out until 3 are gone. The remaining far right is an exit only to my way home. It's marked forever ahead that it's exit only and to merge left but there are ALWAYS 18 wheelers and chuckleheads who refuse to unass that exit lane; forcing me to sit there and wait for them when I'd be home if they'd have gotten over when the signs said to.

AND the people who are first at a red light and set a full car length back behind the line. I still roll my eyes at the people who move a half a car length past it but these "i'll wait back here in the previous block" people are newer and odder.

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Really, my biggest peeve are those people who wait to pull forward until a real big space has already opened up in front of them, like when a line of traffic starts to move, so the whole thing d - r - r - r - a - a - a -a- g - s out like pulling on a slinky dog pull toy. The head ends up three feet away before the tail ever starts moving.


And then they're often texting, or lighting cigarettes, or talking to their passenger, or fiddling with the radio, or looking for their sunglasses, or looking for something they dropped on the floor. And worst of all, taking up the WHOLE DAMN LANE, when you and I would only be taking up two or three feet of it. You know, car drivers.

Nope, you're all wrong. It's the asshats that camp in the left land and aren't passing anyone. Left lane pass, merge back to right lane, it's a simple concept that no one knows.
+1 If this law was enforced you can bet stupid accidents would be significantly reduced & traffic would flow 10 fold better.
I read Washington state is enforcing this. Any car in the left lane not passing is getting pulled over for "impending traffic".

We have signs here on roads that clearly say "slower traffic stay right" and "left lane for passing only". But there's appearently hundreds of drivers that don't understand this.

Left lane patrolling and some other common irritants are due to the underlying mother of all irritants... Passive aggressive behavior. Wiki: "the indirect expression of hostility, such as through procrastination, stubbornness, sullenness, or deliberate or repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible." I believe passive aggressive behavior is directly linked to narcissism... Mayo: "a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism." Both are very common in a culture that values celebrity above ability and ethical behavior. Hence the plethora of reality TV stars that have no talent or character. That jerk blocking the passing lane probably follows the Kardashians on Twitter and friended Snooki on Facebook. Me???? My goal is to be the guest host of the Dr. Phil Show.
