Is a radar detector really worth it?

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Well-known member
May 28, 2011
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Roswell, GA
I was having a debate with a riding buddy the other day as to whether or not a radar detector is worth buying. I mean, does it really save your butt or not. His arguement as to why not to buy one was based on his opinion that it would make you ride faster than normal with a false sense of security. This is based on his idea that you would simply speed more regularly and then get "shot" by radar that was undetectable anyhow due to the fact the the cop would selectively shoot you without warning/detection.

Can I get any stories or opinions on this before I buy?

Appreciate ya!

I don't ride stupid fast but do like to keep it well above the posted limit cause I live in Oregon 55mph everywhere. I believe it has saved me a lot of money. :rolleyes:

It depends. Around here most of the LEO drive around with their radar on all the time. It's even on when they are parked in front of the donut shop. One or two tickets will cost as much as a RD. Mine has saved me almost every time I ride. It has also saved me many times when riding in other states on unfamiliar roads. I use one in my car as well.

They can help, but just like any other tool, you have to understand how to use it, and not over-rely on it. To date, I've had 4 people smash RADAR detectors on the side of the road as I wrote them speeding citations. Having one does not make you invisible, but it can help.

Don't waste your money on "jammers" and bs like that. We have tested the crap out of them, and they don't jam anyting...Besides maybe the pocket books of the people selling them.

Bought a new detector last Monday after only having one ticket in nearly thirty years and got nabbed Friday trying to hot foot it home from Montana. I’m on the fence.

They can help, but just like any other tool, you have to understand how to use it, and not over-rely on it. To date, I've had 4 people smash RADAR detectors on the side of the road as I wrote them speeding citations. Having one does not make you invisible, but it can help.

Don't waste your money on "jammers" and bs like that. We have tested the crap out of them, and they don't jam anyting...Besides maybe the pocket books of the people selling them.
Very good words of advice from a NM state trooper.

It is a tool that has to be used correctly. I have a V1. On very rare occaisions it goes off before I have seen the LEO. It usually confirms thier presence and that they are using their radar or laser. If it goes off always believe it until proven otherwise. If you get in the habit of ignoring because you get a lot of false alarms, you are a sitting duck for a LEO.

Then pick and choose where you explore the limits of your FJR. And be sensible about it. I believe my V1 has saved me many $$$$ over the years.

I think the V1 saved my bacon twice yesterday coming home from Idaho Falls. I heard a bleep in a some remote areas that just didn't make sense. So I backed off and rolled past at just over speed limit, well within reason. If nothing else, it tells you where they are and that can't be bad. Just in case you are planning something kinda stupid.

As to what HRZ said, if you are pulled over by a LEO for speeding and he knows you have a detector, it might increase the odds of getting a performance award.

They can help, but just like any other tool, you have to understand how to use it, and not over-rely on it. To date, I've had 4 people smash RADAR detectors on the side of the road as I wrote them speeding citations. Having one does not make you invisible, but it can help.

Don't waste your money on "jammers" and bs like that. We have tested the crap out of them, and they don't jam anyting...Besides maybe the pocket books of the people selling them.
Very cool! Based on your experience, your feedback is invaluable. Thanks


now given, I mostly do 9 over which my trooper buddies says is a safe speed in their territories

and if not, I rabbit behind another rocketing vehicle

but it does give me piece of mind and has come in very handy when it comes to Ka which is the most used

but if they have lazer going, anyone is toast if they get a bead on you


now given, I mostly do 9 over which my trooper buddies says is a safe speed in their territories

and if not, I rabbit behind another rocketing vehicle

but it does give me piece of mind and has come in very handy when it comes to Ka which is the most used

but if they have lazer going, anyone is toast if they get a bead on you
That has been my strategy up to this point. 9-10 over and jump on anyone who is hauling. Hmm... and the dabte rages on.

Using a radar detector as an added tool of awareness, definitely improves your odds of not receiving a performance award. It definitely does not guarantee against it.

Being stopped with a radar detector visible to the officer, definitely improves your odds of receiving a "full citation" without any mercy.

Radar detectors can greatly improve your odds of avoiding tickets in situations where you are heavily focused on traffic patterns, road conditions etc., and not paying enough attention to who is looking AT YOU.

IMHO it should be illegal to sell an FJR without a RD. It should come pre-installed with a USB port to periodically update the firmware. Anytime a strong radar signature is detected and followed by a rapid drop in your speed to 0-mph, it should Bluetooth updated contact information for area traffic lawyers to your phone.

The Commonwealth(State) of Virginia should cease receiving any type of Federal funding until they abolish their unconstitutional law against radar detectors. It creates an undue technical hardship for residents of adjacent states. I have routes that do nothing more than avoid VA if you need them. :D

Personally, I need AUDIO from the RD. VISUAL does nothing for me beyond confirm that the Officer did a really good job of making all the purdy lights come on. Audio from an RD fits nicely into my "heads-up" approach of piloting an FJR.

RDs are obviously part of just another game of technology leap-frog. It wouldn't surprise me one bit to discover that the same engineers who design the radar guns, design the radar detectors. And that they simply move back and forth between projects.

If nothing else, running an RD will purchase you one hell of an education about how the police in your region work. You may find that particular areas purposely target bikes, while clearly and obviously allowing cagers traveling at much faster speeds to zoom on past. You may also find just the opposite to be true in other areas.

The RD will cost you about the same as a set of new tires. My advice, pick up a refurbished 8500 on Ebay and give it a whirl. Undoubtedly you've also spent money on tires you didn't.

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The last Radar detector I had was confiscated by the Virgina police. I haven't bought another one because of that and truly I haven't gotten a ticket since. Yes I have been pulled over for stupid shite and given stern warnings. I have also been ticketed but somehow managed to persuade the Constable to let me off the hook.

"Knocking On Wood"

I think you are much more aware of your surroundings not using one which in my opinion adds to you skill level as a MC rider. I have gotten very good at reducing speed in split seconds. I watch my six more than normal. I memorize the locations where they hide most of the time. I can almost instantly pick them off coming in the opposite direction.

That said if I was leo and I pulled someone over with a RD it would be my rule to ticket them. Its kinda like cheating. Maybe I am all wrong but it has worked for me so far. I don't consider myself a slowpoke even 2up. I am sure there are a few forum folks that can attest to that.


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IMO, No. When mine lit up it correlated to a ticket. I literally threw mine out and havent had a ticket since. Cant emplain it and I know others opinions and experiences differ but they did me no good whatsoever. And, if you are driving stupid fast it wont matter anyway.

Yes, especially with today's gov't need for MONEY. It is Not about the Spirit of the Law and Common Sense for now it is the Squeaky Letter of the Law and a Better Budget from less taxes.

It is also easier to pay attention to the Road & Traffic than looking down at the Speedo every 5 seconds to make sure you are not going 2-5mph over... especially when a cyclist has to go a little faster than the prevailing traffic to be safe and on a FJR where 60 feels like 35mph this can really help keep you in check.

So all in all it helps one pay attention to the important things and actually be safer.

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A top of the line detector like a Valentine One with its alarm audio piped into your helmet combined with an eductaion of how the various forms of basic doppler radar and lidar work and how they are used be LEO's can be very useful in avoiding speeding tickets.

A cheap detector is worse than having no detector, a detector whose alarms go unnoticed is worse than running with no detector, ignorance of radar principles even while running a V1 is worse than having no detector.

My point is, a good radar detector in the hands of a knowledgable user can be a very effective tool against Barney especially when most back road enforcement is still being done with basic run of the mill K and KA band radar equipment.

I haven't had one for years, and have never had one on the bike. I'm a 10-over kind of guy for the most part, and will occasionally pull up to almost 15 (which happens to be the next point break in Florida.) If there's a group of cars going faster, I might pace them, but way back.

My situational awareness is better on the bike than it is in a car, too, even when I consciously try to make myself look around as much when I'm in the car. I don't know why that is, unless it's being "outdoors" while riding. Regardless, LEOs stand out for me more when I'm on the bike than in the car.

With modern radar and a guy working it right, i.e. not lazy and always on, you're a sitting duck if you're not in traffic. If you are in traffic and obviously quicker, he has you. If he read 10 over and knows it was that SUV you just passed because your return is too small to read, he knows you're going faster than the SUV. Not all LEOs are as dumb as we think they are. . . . Right 'Zilla?

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Trust me they work better on Interstate Highways than they do on back roads. I was traveling home in my cager using my Escort 8500 yesterday and got my first speeding ticket while using my Escort.

How it happened. The last 8 miles of my trip is off the highway and onto a 50mph road patrolled by Sheriff's most of the time. It is not a very busy section (old highway) and I was traveling east and he was traveling west. We were the only 2 vehicles on the road. Escort went from nothing to full bars. I really had not idea how fast I was going and hit the brakes and looked down to see 60mph. We passed each other and he turned around (for sure sign I was being pulled over).

I also did not get off with a warning :( If you are wondering I took the Escort down and had it put away when he came to discuss my driving habits.

Work great when out in traffic, but just like when you get hit by laser, it's too late if there isn't a vehicle out in front of you to give you a warning signal.


Trust me they work better on Interstate Highways than they do on back roads. I was traveling home in my cager using my Escort 8500 yesterday and got my first speeding ticket while using my Escort.

How it happened. The last 8 miles of my trip is off the highway and onto a 50mph road patrolled by Sheriff's most of the time. It is not a very busy section (old highway) and I was traveling east and he was traveling west. We were the only 2 vehicles on the road. Escort went from nothing to full bars. I really had not idea how fast I was going and hit the brakes and looked down to see 60mph. We passed each other and he turned around (for sure sign I was being pulled over).

I also did not get off with a warning :( If you are wondering I took the Escort down and had it put away when he came to discuss my driving habits.

Work great when out in traffic, but just like when you get hit by laser, it's too late if there isn't a vehicle out in front of you to give you a warning signal.

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS goto your court date...all citations are negotible, at least here in Looziana & Mississippi.

I've never had to answer to a moving violation after talking to an asst DA in traffic court.

I'm ok with paying my fine when it's not reported to the state or insurance company(s).

(it's reccorded I keep riding/driving with burnt out taillight bulbs as shown by my repeated guilty pleas to improper equipment)
