Is a radar detector really worth it?

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Knew a guy in Louisiana back in the 70's who purchased a top of the line CB radio and Fuzz Buster. Then, drove to Dallas and back at 55 mph, talking on the CB all the way. :lol:

At one time CT put a cruiser on the roadside at the top of a hill where it was conspicuous from a very long way away, then turned on the radar at full output. They measured improved speed compliance over some distance like 15 miles because the drivers were sensitized to police presence. This was an experiment, not a program though they did have an unmanned cruiser program for quite some time.
Maryland used to put empty cruisers in the median crossovers on I-95. You could almost read the sign they had in the side window as you went by (assume it said 'go away').

RDs used to be illegal in CT, as well. Did that change?

IMO, No. When mine lit up it correlated to a ticket. I literally threw mine out and havent had a ticket since. Cant emplain it and I know others opinions and experiences differ but they did me no good whatsoever. And, if you are driving stupid fast it wont matter anyway.
Please define "stupid fast" in specific terms.

So all in all it helps one pay attention to the important things and actually be safer.
IMHO ... +1,000

It's not nearly so much about how fast I am going, as not having to worry so much about how fast I am going. My #1 concern is staying alive and doing my best to stay in control of the situation around me. It's mighty damn easy to slip up to 10-15 mph over posted on an FJR while executing the simplest of traffic moves. The letter of the law has no provision for that mistake. LEOs are sworn to uphold the letter of the law.

From Fred W.

You tell us that you are a radar wielding LEO. Your signature tells us that is in Ontario (must assume that's Canada), where RD's are illegal.

This certainly tilts your opinions about their use.

No it doesn't tilt my opinion. I just gave you my personal experience with these. I surely know that if you don't have authority to seize, you can't search.

Radar detectors are 100% legal to own and use in 49 of the United States. Only the Commonwealth of Virginia (and the adjacent District of Columbia, which acts like a state, but isn't one) have laws that make use of a radar Detector illegal. Other states have had similar laws in the past but they were repealed.

If I am in an area where it is legal to use an RD, why would I care whether a LEO runs an RDD and knows I'm using one? He can not pull me over for just running an RD.

You indicate that all LEOs pulse their radar, and only infrequently. That may be true where you are, but I know first hand for a fact, by watching my own RD, that most LEOs in this area are what you call the lazy ones and just leave their radar running when they are on patrol. Especially the townies that patrol the back roads. And even the ones that do pulse theirs do it often enough that you get lots of warning that they are around. Which is really all I want to know from my RD, Is there a radar wielding LEO around anywhere?

(not all, most of them; as prescribed by the manufacturer and in order to testify in court. You can't just run the radar full out all the time. You need to visually see the vehicle speeding, then you "CONFIRM" his speed with the radar; as Radar operators need to be able to estimate a vehicle's speed +/- 5 miles \hour. You DON'T use the radar to see if a vehicle is speeding, that evidence would be kicked out of court; in my area anyway

Modern RDs are considerably more sensitive than what you believe.

It's not what I beleive, It's what I know. I've personally tested ALL the RD I've seized, It's a procedure we need to do in order to prove that the RD was working at the time of seizure.

I've had my RD warn me of a Ka band radar operator (you learn to always pay attention to those) more than a mile from the squad car. That's some pretty strong "dust" detection (I had to laugh at that description). But even 1/2 mile is typically far enough since they need to visually identify which vehicle is the speeder. Roads around here are not generally flat or straight enough to see the target 1/2 mile away. Especially when the squad cars like to hide themselves along the side of the road so approaching speeders won't see them.

If police don't hide...they don't get the speeders. If you'd plant a cop inside a bank, it wouldn't get robbed.

The only thing that I can agree with you on is that: if a LEO really wants to catch you, they can. RD or no RD.

You guys have to understand that I'm only giving you my personal experience with those. If you want one, get one, use one. You don't have to get the expensive crap because some company tells you it'll beat the lazer, K bands etc.... It's sure that depending on the area, the radar waves will travel further. I'm glad my "dust" made you laugh...remember that Radar waves are being reflected to infinity, in all directions, and yes, you can be alerted further than 1/2 mile.

The initial question was: Is a radar detector really worth it? IMO No! Why? because if you pay attention to emergency turn arounds, and other vehicles, you can identify where police are more likely to park. Also, if you're alone on the highway and bogey a bit, chances are if you are the lonesome rider coming towards him, he'll get you before you can let go of the throttle.

I'm not against those, I'm only giving some insight to people who don't know about these issues and who would like to get more info on how these things work. Peace out....

I was having a debate with a riding buddy the other day as to whether or not a radar detector is worth buying. I mean, does it really save your butt or not. His arguement as to why not to buy one was based on his opinion that it would make you ride faster than normal with a false sense of security. This is based on his idea that you would simply speed more regularly and then get "shot" by radar that was undetectable anyhow due to the fact the the cop would selectively shoot you without warning/detection.

Can I get any stories or opinions on this before I buy?

Appreciate ya!
Are you in NM? My radar detector did not help very much there! The radar detector let me know I"d have to pay up. Little did I know how much I had to pay.......




They are brutal in NM!

Serious though I'd say the rd saves me a quarter of the time, cb radio a quarter of the time, my eyes a quarter of the time, and because I have something wrong in my head and won't slow down I get pulled over a quarter of the time. Is that a hundred percent? I'd say I get tickets half the time I'm pulled over unless they take the time to run my fine driving record and then I'm pretty much going to get an award.

As far as X band goes, I've disabled it entirely on my Escort (a nice capability) because none of the jurisdictions in the New England area that I ride most frequently use it anymore, and lots and lots of door openers do.


Turn on the X for the Wild Western parts of Mass. A certain State Trooper there likes to run down the back roads with x on. I think he was pretty startled that I was going the speeeed limit.


Drink a lot of water on tomorrows ride!


Mr Bill

@ DrJoe

I would have to disagree with almost everything that you say about them, here in the US.


It is obvious you have never spent much time behind a quality RD. If you honestly believ RD can only detect radar within 1/2 mile from its source than you might want to take a refresher course. Are you by chance about to retire? Technology has come a long ways in recent years. I routinely pick up oncoming radar from well over a mile away with a V1. Way farther than even Superman can see on a good day. In addition, it displays the number of threats and if they are ahead of you or behind you. An attentive pilot employing SIPDE principles will not be tracked or paced from behind with much success either.

Trying to save lives by writing speeding tickets..haha. Keep telling yourself that. If you want to seriously save lives, a medical career as your handle implies would have served you better. If you put cars side by side on each lane of the freeway and had them drive the legal speed limit during rush hour they would backup traffic for miles in 95% of the US. That tells you how ridiculous current speed limits really are, at least here in MN. Adherence is dismal because they just don't make sense. In town and around schools, pedestrian traffic etc...I agree that enforcement is often necessary. Skilled, responsible speeders will not speed in these high risk zones, we often have kids ourselves.


LEO's in general are out to prove something to the world, that is why they chose the vocation they did in the first place. They don't have the patience to keep their instant-on radar guns silent when they can easily make a 'bust' as the nearest unattentive speedster zips by.

This fact will give the educated speedster (knows better than to speed on a straightaway without cover traffic ahead of him) an advanced warning and he will slow down until he is clear of the threat.

P.S. Ain't this a kewl thread!

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This is a very enlightening book to read. IMO anyone that owns a 145hp motorcyle owes it to themselves to give it a read.

Speeder's Guide to Avoiding Tickets

Author: James M Eagan

Regardless of your record as a driver, everyone speeds sometimes. You are on the open road, no one around for miles, and so you step on the gas pedal. Then you experience a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach -- and in your wallet -- when you see a flashing red light in the rearview mirror. Now you can ease on down the road without paying the high price of traffic tickets, inflated insurance premiums and expensive lawyer's fees. Former New York State Trooper James M. Eagan tells you how-with invaluable tips and trade secrets that the police don't want you to know.

What makes a cop "tick" -- and how to use it to your advantage

What dates and times are safest to step on the gas and when you are most likely to get caught

How to avoid talking yourself into tickets

What stories and excuses will often work

How to spot an unmarked car

Clipping the wings off "The Bear in the Air"

And much more!

Whether you drive for business or pleasure -- or simply suffer from occasional leadfoot -- you cannot afford to be without this book!

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Mr Silly,


You defined that years ago. "Anyone going faster than me is going Stooopid Fast." Don't you remember calling us all genius?


Mr Billy
I completely forgot about that ancient thread. I'll have to dig it up for ole times sake.


I can't tell if the OP bought his RD yet or not? But this thread sure has made me feel better about myself. Once on an extended weekend trip, my RD died and the GF thought I was nuts for talking about heading home. Now I pack a spare for in the top box for extended trips.


Sporto, sorry I have to say, but you surely are an ass. Thought this was a thread about RD or No RD. Not about downgrading police officers. And no, I'm not about to retire. I'm 40 yrs old and part of a TacTeam. I used to ride fast but have now decided to slow down a bit and give my 2 cents.

Nuf said!

Bought a new detector last Monday after only having one ticket in nearly thirty years and got nabbed Friday trying to hot foot it home from Montana. I’m on the fence.
What brand of detector, and do you feel that it didn't alert you in time or you hadn't noticed the signal in time?

Here in Arizona, the state DPS officers use the instant on version of radar or lidar and only when they are pretty sure someone is greater than 10 MPH over the posted limit. They also will use VASCAR from time to time. I have a RD in my SUV but rely on my cruise control to keep me out of trouble. On the bike, that is problematic since I do not have cruise control there. Nevertheless, if I am alert and try to keep the speed mostly to 5MPH over the posted limit, I manage to keep the performance awards to a minimum. The last one was going through a VASCAR zone so the RD would not of helped anyhow. It has gotten so I don't bother even setting up the RD in the SUV since the DPS seems to have the upper hand. Better to trust the cruise control.


LEO's in general are out to prove something to the world, that is why they chose the vocation they did in the first place. They don't have the patience to keep their instant-on radar guns silent when they can easily make a 'bust' as the nearest unattentive speedster zips by.
"Leos in general are out to prove something to the world."??? Did you learn that in your little book? What's funny is you accuse the Dr guy of being close to retiring because you think his ideas are outdated, yet you're going to take a book written by a retired guy from New York, of all places, as its gospel?

Yet another tool with nothing but ignorant bullshit opinions rears his ugly head here on the Forum.


LEO's in general are out to prove something to the world, that is why they chose the vocation they did in the first place. They don't have the patience to keep their instant-on radar guns silent when they can easily make a 'bust' as the nearest unattentive speedster zips by.
"Leos in general are out to prove something to the world."??? Did you learn that in your little book? What's funny is you accuse the Dr guy of being close to retiring because you think his ideas are outdated, yet you're going to take a book written by a retired guy from New York, of all places, as its gospel?

Yet another tool with nothing but ignorant bullshit opinions rears his ugly head here on the Forum.
+1 well said Zilla.


LEO's in general are out to prove something to the world, that is why they chose the vocation they did in the first place. They don't have the patience to keep their instant-on radar guns silent when they can easily make a 'bust' as the nearest unattentive speedster zips by.
"Leos in general are out to prove something to the world."??? Did you learn that in your little book? What's funny is you accuse the Dr guy of being close to retiring because you think his ideas are outdated, yet you're going to take a book written by a retired guy from New York, of all places, as its gospel?

Yet another tool with nothing but ignorant bullshit opinions rears his ugly head here on the Forum.
Don't feel special there HotRod, people say the same thing about our military. Thanks for wearing the uniform!
